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Posts posted by farima4

  1. 12 hours ago, sternstaub said:

    Were you before able to play without encountering the issue?

    Sorry for not responding immediately, i reached the daily post limit. 

    As soon as I downloaded the game I put the graphics down because I knew it would lag a lot (very old pc). So no. I immediately encountered the issue. But as I said I re-installed the game and reset graphics to default and that also didn't fix it.

  2. Using windows 7 (downloaded the vs2015 redist).

    The game runs perfectly fine except for the fact that even when you build an outpost or make a unit go in to the unexplored areas they don't lighten up so it is impossible to see anything. 

    It could be because I lowered the graphics, though I reinstalled the game and reset the settings and encountered the same issue again.

    Does anyone know how to fix this? Thanks in advance!

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