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Everything posted by farima4

  1. Yep. I just checked. The gpu is intel hd graphics family and it is not supported by vulkan.
  2. Here userreport_hwdetect.txt mainlog.html interestinglog.html
  3. Where can I find the download for it? I only see alpha 26 on the download page. Also thanks for sticking with me through this
  4. Same issue for both yes. Also adding those lines to the user.cfg didn't work.
  5. Sorry for not responding immediately, i reached the daily post limit. As soon as I downloaded the game I put the graphics down because I knew it would lag a lot (very old pc). So no. I immediately encountered the issue. But as I said I re-installed the game and reset graphics to default and that also didn't fix it.
  6. Here. Took it with my phone so the quality aint great but you can see it.
  7. Just as @sternstaub said even units don't light it up. I have the game on my laptop (running linux) so I know how it should function.
  8. Yes. Units don't light it up either. Probably some visual bug.
  9. Using windows 7 (downloaded the vs2015 redist). The game runs perfectly fine except for the fact that even when you build an outpost or make a unit go in to the unexplored areas they don't lighten up so it is impossible to see anything. It could be because I lowered the graphics, though I reinstalled the game and reset the settings and encountered the same issue again. Does anyone know how to fix this? Thanks in advance!
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