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  1. difficult, Im not a evelopper. But I assume such: I download a 0AD-Testing app. appimage or other. If you wish to use id more often may an updatable tool should be used. If you run the app a Dialog open try to find an installed 0AD may ask for the path. Check if the test-macro is up-to-date may Update the test-macro update tools required for that e.g. hw-probe Check if the 0AD meet the Requirements Run the Makro Run the Macro Do a hw-probe and save either the data or the Link. Do checks acording the needs e.g. described in: https://wildfiregames.com/forum/topic/107313-alpha-27-pre-releaserelease-candidate-build-testing/?do=findComment&comment=551150
  2. Is there some kind of testing macro? It would be nice If I could ship e.g. an AppImage together with a Macro onto different PC and other devices and could run a test case for you. May together with hw-probe (Linux devices) you may could get a lot of unified tests and may be able to detect more interesting details. I'm not so into testing manually.
  3. I would Like it to have an Openstreetmap integration in 0AD. It would be nice If could use on OSM mapped castles and ruins they would be available as starting point in 0AD. In such a Map an Import of rivers, forests and hills would be enough.
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