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Posts posted by prithabi

  1. (Forgotten my password, took a while to retrieve it. Hence the delayed response, though I'd read your response long back.)

    Stan, thank you. Your answer is very clear.

    If and when I finish my game, I will share it with WildFireGames (and others whose assets or code I've used) so that it can be audited to ensure that I've not inadvertently used assets or code or other material inappropriately.

  2. I have an educational game idea in mind.

    I plan to make it closed source for now, till I achieve some level of financial sustainability.

    I'm looking at the possibility of using the assets of 0 A.D as part of that game.

    As I understand, there are 3 take-away points from this thread.

    If there's any inaccuracy in my understanding, I'd like somebody to point them out.

    I searched a lot regarding my doubts: these forums here, Wikipedia, and the CC website. However, I could not get the answer to my exact question.


    My understanding:

    #1. Based on the reply above by Ykkrosh, I sense that I can use the assets of 0 A.D. as part of my closed-source game, as long as I provide attribution at relevant and visible places.

    #2. If I want to keep my game closed source, then I cannot use the underlying code of 0 A.D. (even if I provide attribution).

    #3. If I want to keep my game closed source, then I have to use another engine, and not the one that 0 A.D. is developed with. If I do use the engine behind 0 A.D., then my game will be counted as a mod and then I have to make my entire game available as open source.

    #4. Now, I'm aware that trying to make a closed-source game by using assets available in an open-source game is frowned upon.


    Some help is appreciated. I don't want to tread on something that I love and appreciate - namely, FOSS.

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