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Posts posted by Nebula

  1. Hi

    I hope you can help me?

    Am using (External Style Sheets) css code to html/dhtml page and;

    .header { display: table; height:200%; opacity: 0.85; background-image: url('stars.jpg'); background-color: #191919; background-repeat: repeat; position: absolute; top:100px; left:400px; filter:alpha(opacity=85); -moz-opacity:.85; opacity:.85; text-align: right; font-style:normal; font-variant:normal; font-weight:normal; font-size:14px; font-family:georgia, garamond, serif, comic sans ms }

    What ever I do it will not work. ?????????? :P

    And if I moving other class to it then it work fine, but if I move the code to the class - header it will not work eny more :P;)

    Any idea ?????

    EDIT: sry guys I found the errors, I used <!-- <text> --!> instead for /* <text> */ this.

  2. Hi

    Here I have some other problem.

    This code I like to set over to image grid map.

    This code is only an example how I wanted, but with out all the text of course.

    out side the image there is a number from 0-9 even x 0-9 plumb.

    <title>Universe Grid Map</title>
    <style type="text/css">
    body {background: white; color: black;}
    form {margin: 0;}
    h1 {font-family: Arial, sans-serif; line-height: 0.85em; border-bottom: 2px solid;
    margin-bottom: 0.33em; padding-bottom: 0;}

    #main {border-bottom: 1px solid; padding-bottom: 0.5em;}

    #uicell {width: 25em;}
    #uicell th {width: 6em; text-align: right; padding-right: 0.5em;
    border: 1px solid black; border-width: 0 1px 1px 0;}
    #uicell td {padding: 0 0 0 0.5em;}
    #uicell td.pal {padding: 0 3em;}
    #uicell #gobuttons td {height: 1.5em;}

    input, #input a {font: 0.85em "Andale Mono", Courier, monospace;}
    #input, #output {margin: 0 0 1em;}

    #input td {white-space: nowrap;}
    #input a {border: 2px outset silver; background: silver; padding: 1px 0.25em; cursor: pointer;}
    #input .coltype {background: #EEE; border-style: inset;}

    #output input {border: 2px solid white; border-width: 0 2px;}
    #output td.text {border-bottom: 1px dotted silver;}

    #watercell {width: 75px; background: silver; padding: 0;}
    #grid {background: black; border: 1px solid black; border-width: 0 1px 1px 0; margin: 5px 4px;}
    #grid td {height: 11px; width: 11px; padding: 0; line-height: 11px;}
    #grid td a {display: block; height: 10px; width: 10px; line-height: 10px;
    border: 1px solid black; border-width: 1px 0 0 1px;}

    #textcell p {margin: 0; padding: 0 1em 1em 1.5em;}

    #footer {color: #999; font: italic 75% sans-serif;}
    #footer p {margin: 0 0 1em 0;}
    #footer img {float: right; margin: 0 0 0.5em 2em;}
    <script type="text/javascript">
    // Thanks to Steve Champeon (hesketh.com) for explaining the math in such a way that I could
    // understand it and create this tool
    // Thanks to Roberto Diez for the idea to create the "waterfall" display
    // Thanks to the Rhino book, I was able to (clumsily) set up the Color object

    var cursor = 0;
    var colType = 'hex';
    var base = 16;
    var ends = new Array(new Color,new Color);
    var step = new Array(3);
    var palette = new Array(new Color,new Color,new Color,new Color,new Color,new Color,new Color,new Color,new Color,new Color,new Color,new Color);

    function GetElementsWithClassName(elementName,className) {
    var allElements = document.getElementsByTagName(elementName);
    var elemColl = new Array();
    for (i = 0; i< allElements.length; i++) {
    if (allElements[i].className == className) {
    elemColl[elemColl.length] = allElements[i];
    return elemColl;

    function Color(r,g,b) {
    this.r = r;
    this.g = g;
    this.b = b;
    this.coll = new Array(r,g,b);
    this.valid = cVerify(this.coll);
    this.text = cText(this.coll);
    this.bg = cText(this.coll);

    function cVerify(c) {
    var valid = 'n';
    if ((!isNaN(c[0])) && (!isNaN(c[1])) && (!isNaN(c[2]))) {valid = 'y'}
    return valid;

    function cText(c) {
    var result = '';
    var d = 1;
    if (colType == 'rgbp') {d = 2.55}
    for (k = 0; k < 3; k++) {
    val = Math.round(c[k]/d);
    piece = val.toString(base);
    if (colType == 'hex' && piece.length < 2) {piece = '0' + piece;}
    if (colType == 'rgbp') {piece = piece + '%'};
    if (colType != 'hex' && k < 2) {piece = piece + ',';}
    result = result + piece;
    if (colType == 'hex') {result = '#' + result.toUpperCase();}
    else {result = 'rgb(' + result + ')';}
    return result;

    function colorParse(c,t) {
    var m = 1;
    c = c.toUpperCase();
    col = c.replace(/[\#rgb\(]*/,'');
    if (t == 'hex') {
    if (col.length == 3) {
    a = col.substr(0,1);
    b = col.substr(1,1);
    c = col.substr(2,1);
    col = a + a + b + b + c + c;
    var num = new Array(col.substr(0,2),col.substr(2,2),col.substr(4,2));
    var base = 16;
    } else {
    var num = col.split(',');
    var base = 10;
    if (t == 'rgbp') {m = 2.55}
    var ret = new Array(parseInt(num[0],base)*m,parseInt(num[1],base)*m,parseInt(num[2],base)*m);

    function colorPour(pt,n) {
    var textObj = document.getElementById(pt + n.toString());
    var colObj = document.getElementById(pt.substring(0,1) + n.toString());
    if (pt == 'col') {temp = ends[n]} else {temp = palette[n]}
    if (temp.valid == 'y') {
    textObj.value = temp.text;
    colObj.style.backgroundColor = temp.bg;

    function colorStore(n) {
    var inVal = 'col'+n.toString();
    var inCol = document.getElementById(inVal).value;
    var c = colorParse(inCol,colType);
    ends[n] = new Color(c[0],c[1],c[2]);
    if (ends[n].valid == 'y') {colorPour('col',n)}

    function stepCalc() {
    var steps = parseInt(document.getElementById('steps').value) + 1;
    step[0] = (ends[1].r - ends[0].r) / steps;
    step[1] = (ends[1].g - ends[0].g) / steps;
    step[2] = (ends[1].b - ends[0].b) / steps;

    function mixPalette() {
    var steps = parseInt(document.getElementById('steps').value);
    var count = steps + 1;
    palette[0] = new Color(ends[0].r,ends[0].g,ends[0].b);
    palette[count] = new Color(ends[1].r,ends[1].g,ends[1].b);
    for (i = 1; i < count; i++) {
    var r = (ends[0].r + (step[0] * i));
    var g = (ends[0].g + (step[1] * i));
    var b = (ends[0].b + (step[2] * i));
    palette[i] = new Color(r,g,b);
    for (j = count + 1; j < 12; j++) {
    palette[j].text = '';
    palette[j].bg = 'white';

    function drawPalette() {
    for (i = 0; i < 12; i++) {

    function setCursor(n) {
    cursor = n;
    var obj1 = document.getElementById('col0');
    var obj2 = document.getElementById('col1');
    obj1.style.backgroundColor = '';
    obj2.style.backgroundColor = '';
    if (cursor >= 0 && cursor <= 1) {
    document.getElementById('col'+cursor).style.backgroundColor = '#FF9';

    function colorIns(c) {
    var obj = document.getElementById('col'+cursor);
    var result = colorParse(c,'hex');
    ends[cursor] = new Color(result[0],result[1],result[2]);
    obj.value = ends[cursor].text;
    if (ends[cursor].valid == 'y') {colorPour('col',cursor)}

    function setType(inp) {
    colType = inp;
    if (inp == 'hex') {base = 16;} else {base = 10;}
    for (i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
    var obj = document.getElementById('col' + i);
    if (ends[i].valid == 'y') {
    ends[i] = new Color(ends[i].r,ends[i].g,ends[i].b);
    obj.value = ends[i].text;
    document.getElementById('hex').className = '';
    document.getElementById('rgbd').className = '';
    document.getElementById('rgbp').className = '';
    document.getElementById(inp).className = 'coltype';

    function init(inp) {
    if (!inp) {
    obj = GetElementsWithClassName('a','coltype');
    inp = obj[0].id;
    document.getElementById(inp).className = 'coltype';
    for (i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
    ends[i] = new Color;
    document.getElementById('col'+i).value = '';
    document.getElementById('c'+i).style.background = 'white';
    for (j = 0; j < 12; j++) {
    palette[j] = new Color;
    document.getElementById('pal'+j).value = '';
    document.getElementById('p'+j).style.background = 'white';
    document.getElementById('steps').value = '0';
    <body onLoad="init('hex');">

    <form onSubmit="return false;">
    <h1>Color Blender</h1>

    <table id="main">
    <tr valign="top">
    <td id="uicell">

    <table id="input">
    <td colspan="2">
    <a onClick="setType('hex');" id="hex">Hex</a>
    <a onClick="setType('rgbd');" id="rgbd">RGB</a>
    <a onClick="setType('rgbp');" id="rgbp">RGB%</a>

    <th id="l1">Color 1</th>
    <td class="col"><input type="text" id="col0" size="19" onBlur="colorStore('0');" onFocus="setCursor(0);" /></td>
    <td class="pal" id="c0"> </td>
    <th id="l2">Color 2</th>
    <td class="col"><input type="text" id="col1" size="19" onBlur="colorStore('1');" onFocus="setCursor(1);" /></td>
    <td class="pal" id="c1"> </td>
    <select id="steps">

    <option value="1">1</option>
    <option value="2">2</option>
    <option value="3">3</option>
    <option value="4">4</option>
    <option value="5">5</option>
    <option value="6">6</option>
    <option value="7">7</option>
    <option value="8">8</option>
    <option value="9">9</option>

    <option value="10">10</option>
    <tr id="gobuttons">
    <a onClick="drawPalette();">blend</a></td>
    <td><a onClick="init();">clear</a></td>

    <table id="output">

    <td class="text"><input type="text" id="pal0" size="19" /></td>
    <td class="pal" id="p0"> </td>
    <td class="text"><input type="text" id="pal1" size="19" /></td>
    <td class="pal" id="p1"> </td>
    <td class="text"><input type="text" id="pal2" size="19" /></td>
    <td class="pal" id="p2"> </td>

    <td class="text"><input type="text" id="pal3" size="19" /></td>
    <td class="pal" id="p3"> </td>
    <td class="text"><input type="text" id="pal4" size="19" /></td>
    <td class="pal" id="p4"> </td>
    <td class="text"><input type="text" id="pal5" size="19" /></td>
    <td class="pal" id="p5"> </td>
    <td class="text"><input type="text" id="pal6" size="19" /></td>
    <td class="pal" id="p6"> </td>

    <td class="text"><input type="text" id="pal7" size="19" /></td>
    <td class="pal" id="p7"> </td>
    <td class="text"><input type="text" id="pal8" size="19" /></td>
    <td class="pal" id="p8"> </td>
    <td class="text"><input type="text" id="pal9" size="19" /></td>
    <td class="pal" id="p9"> </td>

    <td class="text"><input type="text" id="pal10" size="19" /></td>
    <td class="pal" id="p10"> </td>
    <td class="text"><input type="text" id="pal11" size="19" /></td>
    <td class="pal" id="p11"> </td>

    <td id="watercell">

    <script type="text/javascript">
    var colors = new Array('00','33','66','99','CC','FF');
    document.write('<table cellspacing="0" id="grid">');
    for (i = 5; i >= 0; i--) {
    for (j = 5; j >= 0; j--) {
    for (k= 5; k >= 0; k--) {
    var col = colors[i]+colors[j]+colors[k];
    document.write('<td style="background: #'+col+';"><a href="javascript:colorIns(\'#'+col+'\');"><\/a><\/td>');

    <td id="textcell">

    Pick a color value format, input two <strong>valid</strong> CSS color values in the format you chose, and pick the number of midpoints you'd like to see. The palette will show the colors you input as well as the requested number of midpoint colors, and the values of those colors.</li>
    <li>All numbers are rounded to the nearest integer.</li>
    <li>Clicking on a square in the "waterfall" display will fill in the appropriate value for whichever input is highlighted.</li>
    <li>Switching between value formats will translate whatever values are in place.</li>
    <li>"Clear" removes all values and colors, but does not change the current value format.</li>

    <li>If you'd like to have the Color Blender for offline use, just view source and save to your hard drive.</li>



    <div id="footer">
    <img alt="Creative Commons License" border="0" src="http://creativecommons.org/images/public/somerights.gif">

    This is the image am using: Beta-00R.jpgBeta-00.jpg

    The image with grid is the first one and other follow.

    I tryed to do it my self but I losted the overview and failed.

    So I hope some one can help me out with this small problem, if you can help me.

    If you can, let me thank you beforehand for all the help you have done, thanks.

  3. Hi

    I got a problem here.

    Am not that good in html so I hope you are guys.

    My page is in: /holder/server/eng/css/image/style.css

    and the file is: style.css

    here is my html code to link the page.

    <link rel='stylesheet' type='text/css' href='pathstyle.css' />

    so what path must I have so my link will work ??

    if you are asking what version am using of html that I don't no.

    the page am using where my link code is in: /holder/server/eng/css/image/gui/page.html

    P.S. I try all and not working, why, I don't no.

  4. Hi

    Am not sure this is the right forum for this, its not forum problems bur a gaming web site.

    And my problem is that I can't get my register to work at all.

    I used HTML code to make a register.

    What do I use here ??

    <form name="cyber_imperia_register" action="http://cyberimperia.webs.com/register.html" method="POST">

    Is this a code ??

    <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">

    Is this code the same ??

    <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">


    How can I do better ??

    <input type="text" size="50" TABINDEX=1 value="Enter your Citizen Name here!">
    <input type="hidden" citizename="Language" value="English">

    I can do this till its no more code, but I guess you get my point ??

    And here is my full code for register page. I have a register in its own page, so you got it all for that page.

    <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.1//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml11/DTD/xhtml11.dtd">

    <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">


    <STYLE TYPE="text/css">

    <form name="cyber_imperia_register" action="http://cyberimperia.webs.com/register.html" method="POST">

    <div align="center">
    <input type="text" size="50" TABINDEX=1 value="Enter your Citizen Name here!">

    <input type="hidden" citizename="Language" value="English">

    <input type="text" size="50" TABINDEX=2 value="ReEnter your Citizen Name here!">

    <input type="hidden" citizename1="Language" value="English">

    <input type="text" size="50" TABINDEX=3 value="Enter your email here!">

    <input type="hidden" email="Language" value="English">

    <input type="text" size="50" TABINDEX=4 value="ReEnter your email here!">

    <input type="hidden" email1="Language" value="English">

    <br>                                                                                  Email must be valid for registration, so do not cheat

    <input type="text" size="50" TABINDEX=5 value="Enter your Password here!">

    <input type="hidden" citizen_imperia_pw="Language" value="English">

    <input type="text" size="50" TABINDEX=6 value="ReEnter your Password here!">

    <input type="hidden" citizen_imperia_pw1="Language" value="English">

    <!-- Gender frame --!>

    <!-- <image>man</image> --!>
    <input type="radio" name="group1" TABINDEX=9 value="Man">Man

    <!-- <image>woman</image> --!>
    <input type="radio" name="group1" TABINDEX=10 value="Woman">Woman



    <!-- I agree frame --!>
    <input type="checkbox" class="check" TABINDEX=11 value="1">I agree with the terms

    <!-- 2nd part - Not on the top - Middle of the page --!>

    <text><big>Day                  Month                     Year</big></text>

    <option>select an options</option>
    <option>select an options</option>
    <option>select an options</option>


    <!-- 4th part- footnote only --!>
    <div align="center">
    <a rel="nofollow" href="contact" TABINDEX=12>Contact</a> |
    <a rel="nofollow" href="terms of service" TABINDEX=13>Terms of Service</a> |
    <a rel="nofollow" href="privacy" TABINDEX=14>Privacy</a>

    <p>Copyright © 2009 Cyber Imperia</p>

    If you know where I else can ask for help with this problem, let me know.

    Am using HTML as a basic coding with XHTML with CSS and JavaScript, to get better style.

    As for PHP am yet to get that working.

    Am using free webs for this browse game.

    Any way here is my site if you need it.


    If any one can make me a good but simple register "code" for my users to my site, am grateful for all the help I can get.

  5. Hi

    I got this code:

    This code is on an html page:

    <script src='datetime.js' type='text/javascript'>


    <script language=javascript>q=6;t();


    And with help of that code I can have date and time on everyone pages.

    file: DateTime.js

    This is a date and time code am using:


    <script type="text/javascript">


    function padzero(n) { return n < 10 ? '0'+n : n }

    var now = new Date();

    document.write((now.getMonth()+1)+'/'+now.getDate()+'/'+now.getFullYear()+' '+now.getHours()+':'+padzero(now.getMinutes())+':'+padzero(now.getSeconds()));




    But some how it will not show up on the screen.

    I hope someone can help me out this time too.

  6. I tank you all but how can i use php in my computer ??

    What program can I use to use php ?? MySQL ??

    All must be in open source.

    If you know an host game hotel or what it calls - a site where I can upload my browse based game, or some part I can test it out.

    I think I must use java script for current date-time.


    I got this code but some reason I can't get it right like this: Date: 8/2/2008 - Time: 10:08:34

    But remember time must have 24hr time and not with am/pm.

    So if some one can help me with this am very grateful.


    <script type="text/javascript">


    var currentTime = new Date()

    var day = currentTime.getDate()

    var month = currentTime.getMonth() + 1

    var year = currentTime.getFullYear()

    document.write(day + "/" + month + "/" + year)

    var currentTime1 = new Date()

    var hours = currentTime1.getHours()

    var minutes = currentTime1.getMinutes()

    if (minutes < 10)

    minutes = "0" + minutes

    document.write(hours + ":" + minutes + " ")

    if(hours > 11){


    } else {






  7. Well, the easiest way is to not use MS Word at all wink.gif It only complicates stuff. A simple text editor is better. I can recommend Metapad (http://www.liquidninja.com/metapad/) which has .html as an option when you choose what file type to use when saving.

    I found this where you guided me to: Version 3.51 or Version 3.51 LE, what do I pick ??

    Hmm, I haven't used MS Word in a long while but I think there at least was an option to "Edit HTML" or "Edit Raw HTML" or something like that, don't remember where that was in the menus though. Again, the best way is to not use MS Word for html/php editing at all. wink.gif

    When I pick on a file an menu popup there I can choose edit and than a frontpage starting up. Even in frontpage in edit I can't find a edit html or edit raw html. My ms word 2002 sp3, I can't find the version number. Am using office pack - am not sure there a different.

    I suggest you use " rather than '

    Also, you write that in the filename box when saving, and choose either .html (if that's available) or All files in the filetype box.

    I don't have that option. I try " then I got error A filename cannot contain any of the following characters: \/:*?"<>|

    Can it have something that am using w2kpro ??

  8. Well, there are lots of them, don't know how much you're willing to pay etc, there might even be some free hosting that supports php. All servers I know of support html. Do you have a large website with a lot of visitors? Otherwise shared hosting is enough, and much cheaper

    I guess to start with shared hosting is okay.

    I'm not sure I understand your question, but when saving a .html file it's the same as when saving a .php file, "filename.html", so if you want to call the file index it is "index.html"

    In ms word only I can do is save as web page or web page template and few other choice. I don't have save *.html or save as *.html.

    Ok, the reason I asked was that if you open the .html file you saved in MS Word with a text editor you can see the raw html code rather than what the webpage will look like. MS Word tries to display (and also save, when you use "Save as web page") how the page will look like. That's why it's so tricky to write code with MS Word. (In other words, when you save as a web page Word will generate the code needed to display what it was showing, in this case the code.)

    I open ms word normal. Is there a way to open ms word in html Instead as text ?

    Depends on where you want to upload it, if to a server you can use an FTP client (many hosting providers are offering a file manager that you can use in your browser to upload files from your computer to the server). If you want to upload it as an attachment to a topic here (so we can take a look at it) use the IPB Image button highlighted in the image to browse for the file on your computer and add it to the post.

    I try to find out.

    It will make sure that the program doesn't add .txt or anything like that to the file name.

    Still showing as text doc.


    Okay I got some file you can look at.

    But remember if some of those file don't have any text or code, try to open as text and maybe you can see the text/code.





  9. Do you know any server that have supports php, html and have Dedicated Servers - Managed.

    two: put quotation marks before and after the name of the file, like this: "index.php" where ?? in before <html> ??

    Have you opened the .html file with a text editor? I don't think so. I just maked a new txt doc under popup menu.

    That link in your last post is a local address on your computer, so that won't work. How can I upload the file ??


    "index.php" I used 'index.php' and that I can do. But what will that do ??

  10. I also make with text editor and saved it as a file with the .html and .php extension, but it's showing the same result as you telling me if I did with ms word and I did that too. Will ms word ruin my code to my text editor too ??

    Encoding ?? Are am using ANSI ??

    How can I fix it back ??


    I think I found the problem, this: file:///I:/Infinity%20Imperia/index.php.txt

    So how can I take a way the .txt extension ??

    I tryed to fix it but no luck. Any idea ??

    New EDIT:

    I used Total Commander to fix the .txt extension so it will not be a double extension.

    But still it will not work.

    But this happen, for .html the code still showing as text not in code.

    And with .php all code not showing at all, but if I open with text editor it's still there.

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