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Posts posted by Apolo.rva

  1. 18 hours ago, Lopess said:

    Inicialmente serán para terra magna y delenda est, pero ciertamente se adaptarán con actualizaciones para mod precolonial. Mejor que imágenes puedes descargar terra magna en github y probarlo, eso sería genial ya que estamos creando tecnologías que están en línea con los zapotecs, así como el nombre de "héroes" de la época.

    Eso intento justo ahora, solo que me sale este error cuando intento activarlo "hay dependencias sin resolver: thracians" 

    • Like 1
  2. On 23/03/2021 at 11:25 AM, Lopess said:

    Still in development, the biggest difficulties are good textures for the "dance" and the difference in proportions between the real and the model for the 0ad (the real structure is much bigger)

    Captura de tela de 2021-03-23 14-23-42.png

    Sigo siendo partidario de añadir el estuco rojo a las construcciones, se que es por los colores del jugador pero eso mata demasiado la imagen real de la cultura, yo he estado jugando con el mod de los mayas preclasicos(que tiene las estructuras fieles y con el estuco rojo) y es perfectamente jugable y se ve increíble, los tonos verdes de la mayoría de los mapas con su complementario rojo se ven marivillosos, incluso podrían agregar un edificio de mercenarios marítimos de Tulum(el edificio era azul brillante) (adjunto imágenes de monte Albán, he visto que las cornisas de las estructuras están un poco inclinadas y con muchos niveles al estilo maya, las zapotecas son más planas)






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  3. On 21/03/2021 at 4:53 AM, Lopess said:

    Updates: Helmet of heroic units inspired by the murals of Monte Alban, they are 11 rain, 13 night and 5 Jaguar. Beside allied units / mercenaries Mixteca and Otomi.


    Captura de tela de 2021-03-21 08-17-27.png

    Mercenaries units.



    Esto está buenisiiiiiiimooooooo, los detalles en el atavio y los sombreros geometrizados del arte zapoteca, es increible. Podrías postear más fotos del estado actual de las unidades y las estructuras??? Oh y otra pregunta, esto es para el "precolonial mod" o para "delenda east" ?

    • Like 1
  4. On 14/03/2021 at 4:13 PM, wowgetoffyourcellphone said:


    version 0.1


    Based heavily upon the great work being done by the Terra Magna mod team




    The Zapotec lived in the Valley of Oaxaca, the largest expanse of relatively flat land in southern Mexico. Around 500 B.C.E. they built
    Monte Albán on the flattened top of a mountain in the center of the valley, the first urban center in Mesoamerica. Monte Albán covered
    an area of 2.5 square miles  and its population grew from 5,000 to 25,000. It boasted the first centralized political system and
    population divided into social classes. Lasting for about a 1,000 years it became the dominant power in southern Mexico, ruled by
    nobles and strong military. Lacking in a strong agricultural base, their economy was based on the collection of tribute from
    surrounding groups. By the 7th century C.E. its power began to wane through competition and unsustainable population growth.

    Other characteristic features of Zapotec civilization can be found in the periods following Monte Albán's founding, including a
    characteristic two-chambered temple architecture, a market system, a rubber-ball game, and the human-like funerary vessels called
    Zapotec urns.

    Between 200 - 900 C.E. Monte Albán acquired a Classic style representative of Mesoamerican groups, most likely through conquest.
    Population growth, writing, architecture and art flourished, centering around the noble class and the hierarchy of Zapotec gods.



    Civic Center

    Zapotec Citizen


    • Male and Female variations. Some textures and meshes by @Lopess

    Jaguar King (Hero)


    • Nearby Soldiers are stronger and move faster.
    • Nearby Citizens and Slaves gather much faster. 

    Battle Priest (Hero)


    • Reduces the effectiveness of nearby enemy units, due to his terrifying visage (Battle Priests wear the skin of their enemies)
    • Has a healing aura for nearby Zapotec units as well as a strong self-healing ability. 



    Zapotec Runner


    • Lightly armed Scout unit
    • Can Hunt
    • Can build Outposts

    Zapotec Spearman



    Macuahuitl Infantry



    Archery Range

    Zapotec Slinger


    Zapotec Skirmisher


    Zapotec Archer


    • Archery Tradition tech gives them greater accuracy and -50% xp required for promotion



    Zapotec Noble Warrior


    Champion Macuahuitl Warrior




    Mixtec Jaguar Warrior


    • Mercenary Champion Spearman
      • Very much like the Gaesetae Naked Fanatic for the Gauls

    Otomi Maceman


    • Mercenary Maceman
      • A small Crush attack

    Teotihuacan Warrior


    • Mercenary Multi-purpose Warrior
      • An extra fast ranged unit, similar to a Cavalry Archer or Cavalry Skirmisher in ability
      • Can swap between atlatl-thrown javelins and a (melee) heavy spear 



    War Captive


    • Slave class unit, trained from Storehouses and Farmsteads

    Zapotec Priest


    Battering Ram


    War Canoe


    • Fires arrows and can fish for food.

    Trade Canoe



    Zapotec Structures


    Zapotecs have average-strength structures with an average number of structure technologies and upgrades. They have no access to cavalry, so do not have a Cavalry Stable. Their "Cult Statue" glory trickle building is the Ball Court. Only 1 is buildable, but it gives a trickle of glory 4x greater than a regular Cult Statue from a different civ. The Wonder gives a trickle of glory as well and can be praised by units for more glory. They have a greater reliance on stone for technologies, and a less reliance on metal compared to other civs. Lastly, they start each skirmish match with a free extra stone mine nearby.


    Atlatl can be a special technology. Adds range and accuracy for Javelin infantry. Eventual the Maya will get this special tech too.


    More References

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    Hola, soy nuevo en los foros, me gustaría ayudar a que el concepto artístico de la facción este más pulido y más acercado a la realidad, encuentro en el mod unas unidades y unas mecánicas muy divertidas de jugar pero estéticamente, al menos las estructuras no son para nada zapotecas, si acaso algo que mel Gibson hubiese hecho para una película estado unidense de una cultura mesoamericana. Y es decir el mod es genial!! Pero francamente se ve igual de mal que las facciones azteca y maya de age of empires. Me gustaría ayudar con lo poco que se, gracias por leerme! 

  5. On 14/03/2021 at 3:25 PM, Lopess said:


    On 14/03/2021 at 3:21 PM, Lopess said:



    Está imagen esta erronea, los Teotihuacános no usaban cresteria en sus techos ni tampoco eran acampanados, si no más mas bien planos y adornados con almenas igual que los mexicas.

    Soy nuevo aquí, enserio que este mod me emociona más de lo que puedo expresar, no soy programador ni un empresario rico pero quiero ayudar a que esto vea la luz, no se si ustedes son los mismo que hicieron el mod de los mayas pre clasicos de aph24 pero ese mod es increíble y veo lo mismo para este.












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