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Everything posted by DanW58

  1. Managed to fix the problem with reflections. There was a tweak factor there of 0.75 alpha-blending that seemed to be necessary with the approximation, but seemed to break things with true Fresnel. No; it doesn't work yet...
  2. I was playing around with the high water shader. I wanted to try two things: Using LOD bias in reading the bottom texture in proportion to the depth, to increase blurring. This is NOT because water blurs light passing through it; it is a surface effect, namely that waves are fractals, even at small and smaller range there's waviness, and this produces angular scatter, which then becomes a larger and larger absolute area scatter the longer it travels down from the surface. In the shader, if I'm understanding the code, there's blurring of the bottom done manually by doing a bunch of reads with displacements, and averaging the values. I wasn't going to mess with that, but was simply going to add a computed LOD bias, so that each of the reads would itself already have some blurring. I found, to my surprise, that our terrain textures don't seem to have LOD's. This is strange, because a texture with LOD's typically scales more smoothly as you zoom out than one without, which is quite desirable even if you are not manually trying to use bias. So that effort failed. The other thing I wanted to try was using a real Fresnel formula for specularity. As soon as I did, sky reflections nearly disappeared, and the waves became hardly noticeable; so I boosted the brightness of the sky-box, and multiplied the xy of the water normals by 5. This is real Fresnel ... almost; the algorithm is called Schlick's Approximation, but it is an approximation used in science; far more accurate than typical graphics approximations. The reason waves became more subtle is because the waviness was, in fact, rather subtle, as the Fresnel approximation that was used dramatically increased their visibility. It looks different, and I like it, and I'm going to keep my high water shader mod for my own playing; but it may not be for everyone. The waves look more realistic in my eyes, but also a little rougher. This, again, tells me this shader could use a uniform to control wave strenght for island hopping in rainy, stormy days. There may also be a need for the map to control wave strength. The strength I got I think is pretty good for seas, but lakes could use far less strength. Notice how distorted the reflections are in the second shot below. Some lakes could use an almost complete absence of waves. (Then again, rivers could use increased murkiness.) EDIT: Never mind; there ARE uniforms for waviness and murkiness. ((Actually, I may have stepped into some trap in the code... something affecting how reflections alpha-blend. The reflections of the dock got too faint I think.)) Here's a comparison screenshot: The original waves first: The modified shader second: There's a ... #define USE_FRESNEL_APPROXIMATION 1 ... that I threw in there, that causes the original code to compile. Commenting it out causes my mod to compile. Cheers! water_high.fs
  3. Ahhh, that's OpenGL version! I wondered why it was in # instead of //. I must have seemed pessimistic about delivery. Thanks. Stan, by the way, do we use LOD textures at all? I was trying to improve the blurriness of water by progressingly adding LOD bias to texture reads of the bottom terrain as depth increases, but found that the bias has no effect.
  4. This is the shader so far: #version 777 #include "common/fog.h" #include "common/los_fragment.h" #include "common/shadows_fragment.h" #if USE_OBJECTCOLOR uniform vec3 objectColor; #else #if USE_PLAYERCOLOR uniform vec3 playerColor; #endif #endif // Textures: uniform sampler2D TS_albedo; uniform sampler2D TS_optics; varying vec2 UV_material; // First UV set. //~~~~~~~~~~~ uniform sampler2D TS_forms; uniform sampler2D TS_light; uniform sampler2D TS_zones; uniform sampler2D TS_detail; varying vec2 UV_object; // Second UV set. //~~~~~~~~~~~ uniform samplerCube skyCube; // Vectors: uniform vec3 v3_sunDir; varying vec4 v4_normal; varying vec3 v3_eyeVec; varying vec3 v3_half; varying vec4 v4_tangent; varying vec3 v3_bitangent; varying vec4 v4_lighting; // Colors: uniform vec3 sunColor; uniform vec3 gndColor; // SUBROUTINES: vec3 renormalize( vec3 input ) // For small errors only, faster than normalize(). { return input * vec3( 1.5 - (0.5 * dot(input, input)) ); } float LOD_bias_from_spec_power( float spec_power ) { return clamp( 8.0 - ( 0.5 * log2(spec_power) ), 0.0, 7.78 ); } float LOD_bias_from_AO( float AO ) { return clamp( 8.0 + (0.4373 * log2(AO)), 0.0, 7.78 ); } void separate_albedo( vec3 albedo, float mspec, out vec3 diffuse, out vec3 specular ) { float mdiff = 1.0 - mspec; vec3 diff = albedo * albedo; // Boost saturation. vec3 spec = sqrt( albedo ); // Wash saturation. diff = ( (mdiff * diff) + (mspec * albedo) ) * mdiff; spec = ( (mspec * spec) + (mdiff * albedo) ) * mspec; vec3 temp3 = albedo / (diff + spec); // Renormalize results. diffuse = diff * temp3; specular = spec * temp3; // Done! } vec3 get_bent_normal__away_from_gnd_and_towards_camera( vec3 normal, vec3 eyevec, float ao ) { vec3 temp3 = normal. temp3.y = max( normal.y, sqrt(1.0 - (1.0-ao)(1.0-ao)) ); temp3 = normalize( temp3 ); float factor = clamp( ao/(1.0-max( 0.0, dot(-eyevec, temp3) )), 0.0, 1.0 ); return = normalize( mix( -eye_vec, temp3, factor ) ); } float vector_hits_the_ground( vec3 vector, float cos_spot_radius ) { return smoothstep( -cos_spot_radius, +cos_spot_radius, -vector.y ); } float reflection_unobstructed( vec3 viewvec, vec3 normvec, float AO, float cos_spot_radius ) { float cos_halfangle = 1.0 - AO; float cos_view = max( 0.0, dot(viewvec, normvec) ); return smoothstep(cos_halfangle-cos_spot_radius, cos_halfangle+cos_spot_radius, cos_view ); } vec3 SchlickApproximateReflectionCoefficient( float rayDotNormal, float From_IOR, float To_IOR ) { float R0 = (To_IOR - From_IOR) / (From_IOR + To_IOR); float angle_part = pow( 0.9*(1.0-rayDotNormal), 5.0 ); R0 = R0 * R0; float RC = R0 + (1.0 - R0) * angle_part; return vec3(RC, RC, RC); // Returns Fresnel refl coeff as gray-scale color. } vec3 incident_specular_light ( vec3 normal, vec3 groundColor, vec3 diffuse_col, vec3 ao, vec3 ambient, float matspecpwr, float unblocked_specular, float refl_ground ) { vec3 eyevec = normalize(v_eyeVec); vec3 refl_view = -reflect( eyevec, normal ); vec3 hafvec = normalize(v_half); float spec_pwr = max(1.0, matspecpwr); float point_is_in_shadow = 1.0-getShadow(); float refl_view_dot_sun = dot(refl_view, sunDir); float blocker_in_sun = 0.5 + (refl_view_dot_sun * 0.5); // Just a likelihood... blocker_in_sun = blocker_in_sun * (1.0-pow( max(0.0,refl_view_dot_sun),spec_pwr)); // We are shadowing blocker! float Phong_coefficient = pow( max(0.0, dot(normal, hafvec)), spec_pwr ); float brightness_adj = 0.5 / ( 1.0 - pow(0.5, (1.0/spec_pwr)) ); // Sharper reflections do look brighter. vec3 light_on_blocker = mix( ambient*ao*ao, sunColor, blocker_in_sun*blocker_in_sun ); vec3 spec_blocker_color = diffuse_col * light_on_blocker; // Assuming blocker's same material as this. vec3 spec_from_sun = mix( sunColor * brightness_adj, spec_blocker_color, 0.0*point_is_in_shadow ); vec3 spec_from_env = mix( spec_blocker_color, ambient, unblocked_specular ); spec_from_env = mix( spec_from_env, ambient * groundColor, refl_ground ); return mix( spec_from_env, spec_from_sun, Phong_coefficient); } vec3 specularly_reflected_light( vec3 mspeccol, vec3 fresnelcolor, float is_metal, vec3 incident_light ) { vec3 final_specular_color = mix(fresnelcolor, mspeccol, is_metal); return final_specular_color * incident_light; } vec3 incident_diffuse_light ( vec3 groundColor, vec3 fresnelcolor, vec3 ao, vec3 ambientfetch, float bent_normal_dot_normal, float normal_hits_ground, float ray_dot_normal ) { vec3 FresnelRefractFactor = vec3(1.0) - fresnelcolor; FresnelRefractFactor = FresnelRefractFactor*FresnelRefractFactor; // In and out. vec3 incident_ambient = ao * bent_normal_dot_normal * mix( ambientfetch, groundColor, normal_hits_ground ); vec3 incident_direct = vec3(ray_dot_normal*getShadow()) * sunColor * FresnelRefractFactor; return incident_ambient + incident_direct; } vec3 diffusely_reflected_light( vec3 diffuse, vec3 incident_diff_light ) { return diffuse * incident_diff_light; } void main() { vec4 temp4; vec3 temp3; vec2 temp2; float temp; // MATERIAL TEXTURES: // Load albedo.dds data: temp4 = texture2D( TS_albedo, UV_material ); vec3 Mat_RGB_albedo = temp4.rgb; // To be split into diffuse and specular... float Mat_alpha = temp4.a; // Load optics.dds data: temp4 = texture2D( TS_optics, UV_material ); float Mat_MSpec = temp4.r; // Metallic specularity % (vs diffuse). float Mat_Purity = temp4.g; float Mat_Gloss = temp4.b; float Mat_SpecularPower = 1.0 / min( 1.0 - temp4.a, 1.0/256.0 ); Mat_SpecularPower = SpecularPower * SpecularPower; // Smoothness. Mat_cos_spot_radius = pow( 0.5, 1.0/Mat_SpecularPower ); // OBJECT TEXTURES: // Load forms.png data: temp4 = texture2D( TS_forms, UV_object ); vec3 Obj_NM_normal = normalize( vec3(2.0, 2.0, 1.0) * ( temp4.rgb - vec3(0.5, 0.5, 0.0) ) ); float Obj_ParallaxHeight = temp4.a; // Any scaling needed? // Load light.dds data: temp4 = texture2D( TS_light, UV_object ); vec3 Obj_RGB_emmit = temp4.rgb; // Emissive + self-lighting. float Obj_AO = temp4.a; // Occlusion. vec3 Obj_RGB_ao = vec3( temp4.a ); // AO as color, for convenience. // Load zones.dds data: temp4 = texture2D( TS_zones, UV_object ); float Obj_is_Faction = temp4.r; // Where to put faction color. float Obj_Microns = 10.0 * temp4.g; // Thickness of oxide film. float Obj_AO_detailMod = 1.0 - min( temp4.b * 2.0, 1.0 ); float Obj_SP_detailMod = max( 0.0, temp4.b * 2.0 - 1.0 ); float Obj_Alpha = temp4.a; // Load detail.dds data, and apply it: temp3 = texture2D( TS_detail, UV_object * vec2(11.090169945) ); temp = dot( temp3, vec3(1.0) ); Obj_RGB_ao = Obj_RGB_ao + vec3(0.0625 * Obj_AO_detailMod) * (temp3 - vec3(0.5)); Mat_SpecularPower = Mat_SpecularPower * ( 1.0 + ( 0.0625 * Obj_SP_detailMod * (temp-0.5) ) ); // VECTORS AND STUFF: // Sanitize and normalize: // v3_sunDir should not need renormalization vec3 v3_raw_normal = renormalize( vec3( v4_normal ) ); vec3 v3_eye_vector = renormalize( v3_eyeVec ); vec3 v3_half_vec = renormalize( v3_half ); // Tangent stuff ... I know nothing about it. // Normal-map-modulated normal: vec3 v3_mod_normal = renormalize( v3_raw_normal * Obj_NM_normal ); vec3 v3_refl_view = -reflect( v3_half_vec, v3_mod_normal ); // These numbers are precomputed, as they will be needed more than once: float upwardsness = v3_raw_normal.y; float rayDotNormal = max( 0.0, dot( -v3_sunDir, v3_mod_normal ) ); float eyeDotNormal = max( 0.0, dot( v3_eye_vector, v3_mod_normal ) ); vec3 fresnel_refl_color = SchlickApproximateReflectionCoefficient( eyeDotNormal, 1.0, Mat_IOR ); // Compute a bent normal for ambient light // STUFF I KNOW NOTHING ABOUT: #if (USE_INSTANCING || USE_GPU_SKINNING) && (USE_PARALLAX || USE_NORMAL_MAP) vec3 bitangent = vec3(v4_normal.w, v4_tangent.w, v4_lighting.w); mat3 tbn = mat3(v4_tangent.xyz, bitangent, v4_normal.xyz); #endif #if (USE_INSTANCING || USE_GPU_SKINNING) && USE_PARALLAX { float h = Obj_ParallaxHeight; vec2 coord = UV_object; vec3 eyeDir = normalize(v_eyeVec * tbn); float dist = length(v_eyeVec); vec2 move; float height = 1.0; float scale = effectSettings.z; int iter = int(min(20.0, 25.0 - dist/10.0)); if (iter > 0) { float s = 1.0/float(iter); float t = s; move = vec2(-eyeDir.x, eyeDir.y) * scale / (eyeDir.z * float(iter)); vec2 nil = vec2(0.0); for (int i = 0; i < iter; ++i) { height -= t; t = (h < height) ? s : 0.0; temp2 = (h < height) ? move : nil; coord += temp2; h = texture2D(TS_forms, coord).a; } // Move back to where we collided with the surface. // This assumes the surface is linear between the sample point before we // intersect the surface and after we intersect the surface. float hp = texture2D(TS_forms, coord - move).a; coord -= move * ((h - height) / (s + h - hp)); } } // ALBEDO AND THINGS: vec3 Mat_RGB_diff, Mat_RGB_spec; separate_albedo( Mat_RGB_albedo, Mat_MSpec, Mat_RGB_diff, Mat_RGB_spec ); Mat_RGB_diff = mix( Mat_RGB_diff, playerColor, Obj_is_Faction ); // CUBE MAP FETCHINGS: vec3 RGBlight_reflSky = vec3( textureCube(skyCube, v3_reflView, LODbias_from_spec_power( Mat_specular_power ) ) ); vec3 v3_bent_normal = get_bent_normal__away_from_gnd_and_towards_camera( v3_raw_normal, v3_eye_vector, Obj_AO ) float bent_normal_dot_normal = dot(v3_bent_normal, v3_raw_normal); vec3 RGBlight_normSky = vec3( textureCube(skyCube, v3_bent_normal, LODbias_from_AO( Obj_AO ) ) ); // THE SWITCHYARD // external input variables: uniform float age; // 0.0~1.0 mapping as from newborn to ancient // external output variables: float Mat_IOR; // temporary variables and computations (in nameless namespace) { float age_power = exp( 3.0*(age-0.5) ); float pixel_age = pow( Ageing, age_power ); vec3 matte_aged_RGB = vec3(0.25); matte_aged_RGB.r = 0.83 * Mat_Aged_Color; //to reach 0.5 at 0.6 matte_aged_RGB.g = 1.11 * Mat_Aged_Color * Mat_Aged_Color; //to reach 0.4 at 0.6 matte_aged_RGB.b = 0.0; matte_aged_RGB = mix( matte_aged_RGB, vec3(0.25), step( 0.8, Mat_Aged_Color ) ); temp = 5.0*(Mat_Aged_Color-0.8)+0.5; float is_ageless_nonruster = clamp( 1.0 - temp*temp, 0.0, 1.0 ); float is_colored_ruster = clamp( 3.5*(0.8-Mat_Aged_Color)+0.5, 0.0, 1.0 ); float is_passivated_ruster = clamp( 1.0 - is_colored_ruster - is_ageless_nonruster, 0.0, 1.0 ); float is_metal = clamp( 3.3*(Mat_MSpec-0.5)+0.5, 0.0, 1.0 ); float is_not_ageing_yet = clamp( 9.9*(Mat_Aged_Color-0.15)+0.5, 0.0, 1.0 ); float applied_Gloss = mix( nominal_Gloss, 0.0, is_metal * is_a_passivated_ruster * is_not_ageing_yet ); // A Dark Forest of Magic Numbers: float spec_age_factor = mix( 1.0, mix( mix( 1.0, 0.0, is_colored_ruster ), 1.0, is_ageless_nonruster ), pixel_age ); float smooth_age_factor = mix( 1.0, mix( mix( 0.4, 0.1, is_colored_ruster ), 0.6, is_ageless_nonruster ), pixel_age ); Obj_Microns = Obj_Microns * spec_age_factor; Mat_MSpec = Mat_MSpec * spec_age_factor; Mat_Gloss = Mat_Gloss * spec_age_factor; Mat_Purity = Mat_Purity * spec_age_factor; Mat_SpecularPower = Mat_SpecularPower * smooth_age_factor; float Mat_IOR = ( temp4.b * 4.0 ) + 1.0; // Gloss to IOR. Decided against subroutinizing the switchyard... Too many paramenters.
  5. One tricky thing that's just come up again, is in the application of ambient light by fetching it from the skybox. In some earlier post I said that, basically, incident_ambient = ao * textureCube(skyCube, v3_raw_normal, LODbias_from_AO( Obj_AO ) ) ); There's an issue with that: Suppose the ao is almost black for that point. This indicates a great deal of occlusion; narrow solid angle; but in which direction? The traditional answer would be "who knows? Just assume it's the normal!". But we DO know something very important! However narrow the solid angle of visibility may be, it MUST include the camera, the eye-vector, that is, OUR direction, because if it didn't we wouldn't be seeing the very point; we wouldn't be processing it. So, it would be more correct to fetch the portion of sky that the "bent normal" (bent towards the camera) sees, rather than the raw normal. Now, you might say "bah, it's probably the same color anyways! A cloud is a cloud!". Well, not so fast: the sky box MAY include distant mountains and whatnot. But there's another issue: ambient light usually does not need to compute dot(ray,normal) because it is omnidirectional, but in the case of a narrow solid angle occlusion and a bent normal, perhaps we should. And the issue doesn't even end with view vector concerns: Suppose we've calculated our bent normal. Now, if the cone of visibility includes the ground, it probably should be bent up a little, as the ambient occlusion (if properly baked, with a ground occluder) should not be adding light rays coming from below the ground. So the view direction ought to be from slightly more upwards than the normal. Correcting these subtle issues will not only improve the quality of ambient lighting; it will also improve the quality of our specular occlusion hack, which is far more noticeable. So, how do we bend the normals to include the eye vector and exclude ground? We have a formula for angular radius from AO, namely, ao = 1 - cos(radius) and the reciprocal cos(radius) = 1 - ao No need to solve for radius, since we'll be comparing cosines, rather than angles. So, if the angle between the normal and the eye vector is greater than the visibility radius, we want to bend the normal. And cosines go opposite way as absolute angle, so the logic reverses: if( dot(eyevec,normal) < 1-ao ) { bend_normal(); } Now, GPU's don't like conditional execution; nor do I, frankly; so we need to find a continuous function that bends the normal as needed, or more than needed sometimes, to ensure that a narrow vis cone includes the eye, but a wide cone is not disturbed. vec3 bent_normal = normalize( mix( -eye_vec, normal, some_factor ) ); Now we just need to compute "some_factor". A value of 0 will bend the normal completely towards us. A value of 1 not at all. The only situation we would need a value of 0.0 is when the ao is 0.0. So, ao will probably be a multiplicative factor in some_factor. More generally, if the radius from the ao is MUCH smaller than arccos(dot(-eye,normal)), in other words, if aoradius/eyenormangle is a small number we need a small factor. Cosines reverse the logic, so, if cos(eyenormangle)/cos(aoradius) is a small number we need a small factor. This would translate to, some_factor = f{ dot(-eyevec, normal)/(1-ao) } //some relinearizing function of Now we need to find what kind of linearity we are getting. No, no need to test that; I know it won't work. For small angles, cosines are always close to 1; they won't give me substantial factors. I will try sines, as a last resort; but first I want to try 1-cos terms. The logic will reverse again, so... some_factor = f?{ ao/(1.0-max(0.0, dot(-eyevec, normal))) } Alright, let's try a few values, see what happens. First the extremes, such ao = 1, ao = 0, dot = 1, dot = 0... At dot = 1 we get infinity; not a good sign... With ao = 0 we get 0, which is good. With ao = 1, if dot is 0, we get 1 which is good! ... ao = 1 means 90 deg vis; no need to correct even at 90 degree viewing. With ao = 1, if dot is 0.5, we get a factor 2.0, which is weird; means not only we don't bend the normal, but bend it away from us?!?!?! Could be corrected by clamping the result to 1.0, perhaps; let's continue: With ao = 0.5 (which is 60 degree angle), if dot is 0.5 (60 degree angle also), we get no bending, which is okay, edge case. Okay, ao = 1-cos(r), so 1-cos(dot) will ensure all our edge cases yield 1.0 --no correction. We are making progress! So what about when the edge case is exceeded?, such as ao=0.5 but dot=0.6 ? That yields .5/.4 = 1.25. This is sort-of correct, in the sense that acos(0.6) is 53 degrees, which is smaller than 60 degrees. All we need is a clamp now: some_factor = clamp( ao/(1.0-max( 0.0, dot(-eyevec, normal) )), 0.0, 1.0 ); Now, if ao = 0.5 and dot = 0.4, factor = 5/6 = 0.8333. Is this good? Let's see: arccos(0.4) = 66.42 degrees. If the ao radius is 60 degrees, it does not include the camera, but must move towards us by 6.42 degrees, which is almost 10% change in angle. However, the scaling is linear in vector space; not in angle, and the tangent of 66.42 degrees is 2.3, so we are talking about a 23% move to give a 10% angular move. Anyways, it looks pretty right to me; not perfect, but pretty darn close! I think this is a GO! Now we need to repel the ground, somehow. Won't happen too much, as the camera is above the ground, and already bent the normal towards itself, in many cases; but in case of ao = 1 and a normal not pointing up, we have a problem. Fortunately, I think we only need to look at the horizontal component of the normal and compare it to 1-ao. So, here again we have a mix of normal and now an up vector, bent_normal = mix( up_vector, normal, some_factor ); Except, "some_factor" now has to repel ground, rather than pull towards the eye vector. How do we do this? Note that when the normal's angle to the ground is less than the ao radius, that's when bending up is needed. In cosine terms, the logic reverses: When cos(ao radius) < cos(normal to ground), bend up. In 1-cos terms again, the logic reverses yet again: when 1-cos(norm-to-gnd) < 1-cos(aoradius), bend up. But we know that 1-cos(aoradius) = ao, so, when (1-cos(norm-to-gnd)) < ao, bend up. And we know that cos(norm-to-gnd) is nothing but sqrt(norm.x*norm.x + norm.z*norm.z), so when (1.0-sqrt(norm.x*norm.x + norm.z*norm.z)) < ao, bend up. Or ... when sqrt(norm.x*norm.x + norm.z*norm.z) > 1.0 - ao, bend up Now, to "bend up" we need a factor less than 1, so, factor = clamp( (1.0 - ao) / sqrt(norm.x*norm.x + norm.z*norm.z), 0.0, 1.0 ); Let's see how this works: Edge cases first: ao = 0 yields factor = 1 or no-correction. This is incorrect; it is not considering downward-facing normal cases. Back to the drawing board... Wait! All we need to do is make sure that sin(normal-to-ground) is no less than sin(aoradius)!!! bent_normal = normal. bent_normal.y = max( normal.y, sqrt(1.0 - (1.0-ao)(1.0-ao)) ); bent_normal = normalize( bent_normal ); What's wrong with that? So now we put the two bends together. Away from ground first: vec3 bent_normal = normal. bent_normal.y = max( normal.y, sqrt(1.0 - (1.0-ao)(1.0-ao)) ); bent_normal = normalize( bent_normal ); float factor = clamp( ao/(1.0-max( 0.0, dot(-eyevec, bent_normal) )), 0.0, 1.0 ); bent_normal = normalize( mix( -eye_vec, bent_normal, factor ) ); DONE!
  6. Deleted, as the website software won't let me edit it anymore. Copied to the next post.
  7. Finalizing the switchyard, just for now... // THE SWITCHYARD // external input variables: uniform float age; // 0.0~1.0 mapping as from newborn to ancient // external output variables: float Mat_IOR; // temporary variables and computations (in nameless namespace) { float age_power = exp( 3.0*(age-0.5) ); float pixel_age = pow( Ageing, age_power ); vec3 matte_aged_RGB = vec3(0.25); matte_aged_RGB.r = 0.83 * Mat_Aged_Color; //to reach 0.5 at 0.6 matte_aged_RGB.g = 1.11 * Mat_Aged_Color * Mat_Aged_Color; //to reach 0.4 at 0.6 matte_aged_RGB.b = 0.0; matte_aged_RGB = mix( matte_aged_RGB, vec3(0.25), step( 0.8, Mat_Aged_Color ) ); temp = 5.0*(Mat_Aged_Color-0.8)+0.5; float is_ageless_nonruster = clamp( 1.0 - temp*temp, 0.0, 1.0 ); float is_colored_ruster = clamp( 3.5*(0.8-Mat_Aged_Color)+0.5, 0.0, 1.0 ); float is_passivated_ruster = clamp( 1.0 - is_colored_ruster - is_ageless_nonruster, 0.0, 1.0 ); float is_metal = clamp( 3.3*(Mat_MSpec-0.5)+0.5, 0.0, 1.0 ); float is_not_ageing_yet = clamp( 9.9*(Mat_Aged_Color-0.15)+0.5, 0.0, 1.0 ); float applied_Gloss = mix( nominal_Gloss, 0.0, is_metal * is_a_passivated_ruster * is_not_ageing_yet ); // A Dark Forest of Magic Numbers: float spec_age_factor = mix( 1.0, mix( mix( 1.0, 0.0, is_colored_ruster ), 1.0, is_ageless_nonruster ), pixel_age ); float smooth_age_factor = mix( 1.0, mix( mix( 0.4, 0.1, is_colored_ruster ), 0.6, is_ageless_nonruster ), pixel_age ); Obj_Microns = Obj_Microns * spec_age_factor; Mat_MSpec = Mat_MSpec * spec_age_factor; Mat_Gloss = Mat_Gloss * spec_age_factor; Mat_Purity = Mat_Purity * spec_age_factor; Mat_SpecularPower = Mat_SpecularPower * smooth_age_factor; float Mat_IOR = ( temp4.b * 4.0 ) + 1.0; // Gloss to IOR. I say "just for now" because I think the switchyard will grow. I think whenever I need some new kind of fuzzy boolean I'm just going to throw the code into the switchyard. I once read an article in a software magazine, can't remember which, about the problem with "boilerplate code". The author was saying that basically every application has to deal with ugly, convoluted situations. He advocated trying to put all the ugly code into a single file, if possible. So, in the same spirit, the switchyard here will collect most ugly things, and allow the other parts of the pipeline look clean and elegant. Dam! I had COMPLETELY forgotten that functions could write to parameters by qualifying them as "out" or "inout". So, I can make a routine of this, as well as of the texture loading operations. I'm going to rewrite a lot of stuff and post an update of the whole shader so far in the next post.
  8. Having a texture set, or before having one, you mean? I can't imagine it will be problematic at all to have five texture input nodes, split their channels, and do the exact same math the shader does, using math nodes. I don't understand; adding albums and shaders is like adding apples and bananas. I don't know how 0ad organizes its textures and materials presently; it may be that the second UV is being used ONLY for ambient occlusion, and that every model creates its own materials from scratch. It's inefficient, but if people want to continue to do so, this shader will support their modus operandi; it will not prevent it. I wouldn't mind having a discussion on textures and materials organization. And there are no hard and fast rules; each game has its own predicaments to deal with. Ultimately, you are after two things: Minimizing texturing work-load, and minimizing video-memory use. And there are secondary goals, such as minimizing texture units, minimizing context switches, minimizing texture loads and unloads ... How to best serve these goals is a question with a million answers. I suppose one solution I would look into is a per-faction materials library-texture. This would be a Material Textures set (albedo.dds and optics.dds), say 4096 x 4096 divided into typically 8 x 8 = 64 regions, that about one quarter of it is pure materials, another quarter is factional doodads like standards, flags, paintings or hieroglyphs, another quarter is actual faction-specific art such as buildings and ships, and the last quarter is room for future additions. This would take up a bit of room in the videocard, but has the advantage of avoiding loading and unloading many textures. Eventually it would grow quite efficient due to reuse of parts of the texture. In fact, pure materials, such as metals, don't need anywhere near 512x512 space; being featurless, pure materials have no pixelation concerns, so if you have an item that is made of pure metal you can minimize its UV island into a tiny metal square. Same goes for any pure material. How an artist would work with this is, suppose you are about to begin work on a new, flying medical building for the Nephiim; so you get a copy of the big Nephilim album texture, together with a slot for your custom things, say the upper right corner. You can unwrap your model any way you want, but you can only add or modify textures in your assigned 512 x 512 lot. So you see what's already in the album that parts of your medical center can use, and unwrap islands to those locations, and for things you need custom texturing you put them in your private lot. Of course, you are working at the artist level texture set, probably at 2048, but each time you modify and want to test, you run a little app that takes your textures and packs them into your slot of the album. However, your copy of the album is for testing purposes only; the master texture is kept safe in the art repository. Once you are done, you submit your model and the artist texture set at 2048, (as well as the second UV textures having the AO, emit and normalmap bakes, and zones), and the maintainer uses a similar little app to convert your textures and add them to the high quality master album, and produces a new scaled and compressed nephilim_albedo.dds and nephilim_optics.dds for the game repo. This would be my solution; but like I said, the shader won't insist that it be done this way. EDIT: Quite importantly, there needs to be a standard set for an exact scaling, i.e., for how many texels per yard are there in the final compressed texture. Well not exact exact, as a surface can be spherical and refuse to flatten out nicely; but none of that scale-by-eye should be permitted, as changes in the texture scaling across units is quite noticeable and quite odd-looking (except for items made of a pure material). So, if it is a texel per inch or 50 texels per yard, but the number has to be agreed and adhered to across all assets, including terrains. The second UV set, for the bakings, can have a considerably smaller pitch, say 20 texels per yard, but it should also be standardized. (Sky boxes all have to be 1024, as I discovered about 10 posts ago in this thread.)
  9. Heck, NO! What am I talking about? The problem is actually MUCH smaller than what I just described. You can have varnish over shiny metal all you want, as long as it is not a self-passivating ruster like aluminum or chromium. You can varnish steel, you can varnish iron, or gold, without any hacks or tricks. It is only in the case that you take a self-passivating, clear rust metal like chromium or aluminium, that, if you want to cover them in anodize or varnish, or in their own oxide, you can only do it by whitening (maxing out) the Ageing channel. And you won't be able to specify a different Gloss (refractive index) from what their oxide is specified to be. That's the only "problem". EDIT: Well, there are other subtle consequences. When you are using the Ageing channel with a passivated clear ruster your Ageing value controls thickness, in a 0~10 micron range, which will give you iridescent effects when looking at a light reflection on the metal. Regular "varnish" is treated as having zero thickness, therefore producing no chromatic effects. This means that when you use the Ageing channel trick to represent anodized aluminium, you won't be able to NOT specify iridescent effects. On the other hand, you will still be able to supress them by lowering the smoothness. Low smoothness kills iridescence dead.
  10. Okay, getting my wits back together, slowly ... Gyn seems to help, ironically. The problem with the plain text conditional is that it is wordy, redundant; it needs to be cleaned up // Deny Gloss if it's metal and is not ageing in a passivated dielectric way... // In other words, if it's a metal but its Aged_color == 1.0 and it IS ageing, then let there be Gloss on it // or if it is a metal but it is a colored ruster, let there be Gloss on it, if so indicated, // or if it is a non-metal then by all means allow a Gloss on it, // but otherwise kill the gloss can be simplified to ... // If it is a metal // { // Deny Gloss; //tentatively ... but ... // if( (aged_color == 1 && Ageing != 0) || aged_color != 1 ) // { // UN-deny Gloss; // } // } Yes? // If it is a metal // { // Deny Gloss; //tentatively ... but ... // if( aged_color != 1 || Ageing != 0 ) // { // UN-deny Gloss; // } // } Yes? // If it is a metal // { // if( !( aged_color != 1 || Ageing != 0 ) ) // { // Deny Gloss; // } // } Yes? // if( is_metal ) // { // if( aged_color == 1 && Ageing == 0 ) // { // Deny Gloss; // } // } Yes? if( is_metal && aged_color == 1 && Ageing == 0 ) Gloss = 0; Yes? float applied_Gloss = mix( nominal_Gloss, 0.0, is_metal * is_a_passivated_ruster * is_not_ageing_yet ); Yes? So we can substitute that ... // init defaults: vec3 matte_rust_color = black; float ageing_throttle = 1.0; float ageing_effect_on_thick = 0.0; float ageing_effect_on_mspec = 0.0; float ageing_effect_on_gloss = 0.0; float ageing_effect_on_purity = 0.0; float ageing_effect_on_smooth = 0.0; //if( is_metal && aged_color == 1 && Ageing == 0 ) DenyGloss()! float is_metal = clamp( 3.3*(Mat_MSpec-0.5)+0.5, 0.0, 1.0 ); float is_a_passivated_ruster = clamp( 7.7*(Mat_Aged_Color-0.85)+0.5, 0.0, 1.0 ); float is_not_ageing_yet = clamp( 9.9*(Mat_Aged_Color-0.15)+0.5, 0.0, 1.0 ); float applied_Gloss = mix( nominal_Gloss, 0.0, is_metal * is_a_passivated_ruster * is_not_ageing_yet ); // Yes? if( Age_Color == 0.8 ) //NO color { ageing_throttle = 0; //NO ageing } else_if( Age_Color < 0.7 ) // A real rust color: { MatteRustColor = get_RGB_from_Age_Color( Age_Color ); ageing_effect_on_mspec = -0.9; // Switch from specular to diffuse. ageing_effect_on_gloss = -3.7; // Peel off varnish first, if any. ageing_effect_on_purity = -0.4; // Varnish made impure, whatever's left of it. ageing_effect_on_smooth = 0.0; // Roughness of remaining specularity unaffected. } else // Clear passivated dielectric rust: { ageing_effect_on_thick = 10.0; // Film thickness becomes 10 microns times Ageing. ageing_effect_on_mspec = 0.2; // Boosts specular to facilitate iridescence. ageing_effect_on_gloss = 0.0; // Refractive index is independent of thickness. ageing_effect_on_purity = 0.0; // There should be no impurities. ageing_effect_on_smooth = -0.1; // Smoothness affected in aluminium, but not chromium... } So, the final consequence of our convoluted fuzzy logic is that IF you want to represent varnished metal, or anodized aluminium, you will have to max-out ageing for the entire thing, which means you won't be able to age them, which should be fine because varnished metal and anodized aluminium can both last centuries. But at least there IS a way to represent them. In my old texture packing, 20 years ago, I was unable to represent varnished metals or anodized aluminum; I was limited to either varnished diffuse materials (paints) or shiny bare metals. So, at least here we have a way to represent these oddballs (a dielectric layer on top of a metallic specular surface), if in a bit of a roundabout way ...
  11. I consider myself lucky that I ran into this conflicting definition of how or when Gloss is applied. I think that the solution I arrived to a couple of posts ago is pretty much the only solution, however convoluted the logic may seem. I consider this lucky because it has just given me a clear direction to proceed forward. Just as one of the first things you need to get operational when building a giga-factory is the switch-yard, here we need to put all this complex logic in one place, and make sure it reads like poetry. Let me first write down pseudocode of this whole mess; just remember the conditions will be fuzzy booleans, and-ing is done by multiplication, and all code will execute: but results will be conditionally attenuated. A sort of "analog switchyard", full of giant rheostats. You don't have much support for code jumps in glsl. // init defaults: vec3 matte_rust_color = black; float ageing_throttle = 1.0; float ageing_effect_on_thick = 0.0; float ageing_effect_on_mspec = 0.0; float ageing_effect_on_gloss = 0.0; float ageing_effect_on_purity = 0.0; float ageing_effect_on_smooth = 0.0; float applied_Gloss = nominal_Gloss; // Deny Gloss if it's metal and is not ageing in a passivated dielectric way... // In other words, if it's a metal but its Aged_color == 1.0 and it IS ageing, then let there be Gloss on it // or if it is a metal but it is a colored ruster, let there be Gloss on it, if so indicated, // or if it is a non-metal then by all means allow a Gloss on it, // but otherwise kill the gloss if( mspec > 0.5 && Ageing != 0.0 && AgedColor != 1.0 && .......... { applied_Gloss = 0.0; } if( Age_Color == 0.8 ) //NO color { ageing_throttle = 0; //NO ageing } else_if( Age_Color < 0.7 ) // A real rust color: { MatteRustColor = get_RGB_from_Age_Color( Age_Color ); ageing_effect_on_mspec = -0.9; // Switch from specular to diffuse. ageing_effect_on_gloss = -3.7; // Peel off varnish first, if any. ageing_effect_on_purity = -0.4; // Varnish made impure, whatever's left of it. ageing_effect_on_smooth = 0.0; // Roughness of remaining specularity unaffected. } else // Clear passivated dielectric rust: { ageing_effect_on_thick = 10.0; // Film thickness becomes 10 microns times Ageing. ageing_effect_on_mspec = 0.2; // Boosts specular to facilitate iridescence. ageing_effect_on_gloss = 0.0; // Refractive index is independent of thickness. ageing_effect_on_purity = 0.0; // There should be no impurities. ageing_effect_on_smooth = -0.1; // Smoothness affected in aluminium, but not chromium... } My head hurts. That first conditional, // Deny Gloss if it's metal and is not ageing in a passivated dielectric way... // In other words, if it's a metal but its Aged_color == 1.0 and it IS ageing, then let there be Gloss on it // or if it is a metal but it is a colored ruster, let there be Gloss on it, if so indicated, // or if it is a non-metal then by all means allow a Gloss on it, // but otherwise kill the gloss I can't translate the comments into pseudocode yet, not to speak of fuzzy float boolean ops ... OUCH!
  12. @hyperion No, Ageing is far more useful than that. I was editing and re-editing my second-last post, and maybe you missed the last paragraph. Quoting myself, And as I've said elsewhere, ageing could be used for other things, e.g. modulated via a uniform, to control blood stains for units fighting as their health decreases. Of course you wouldn't want to dynamically adjust rust, but you could make sure units using rust don't use blood, and viceversa. This could have a lot more uses than just rust. That's why I gave it the name Ageing. It could also be called Dynamic, but be static by default. Lots of possibilities... EDIT: Also, don't forget, this mechanism doesn't prevent you from making your own rust using the normal texture channels; it merely gives you a shortcut way to do it, that is easy to modify, and lessens the amount of work in creating custom materials with delineated rust zones that may not be useful to other objects. EDIT2: Yet another advantage is that once the metal textures are created, each with its own Aged_Color, a misled or subversive artist cannot easily call for blue rust on iron, or red rust on gold. Assuming your material textures are organized into larger "album" textures, I imagine there is some protocol to follow before someone can add a new member to the album, right? EDIT3: In fact, @hyperion , and I'm sorry I have this habit of editing my posts for hours... I'm thinking of further uses of CPU control via a uniform. This is not only good for effects that change over time; it could be also an instance differentiator. Just like when you train cavalry, and the horses are of different colors, instancing buildings and other assets perhaps could benefit of individualization via texturing effects. Another possibility is for a uniform to bring in an exponent, between zero and infinity, to raise Ageing to. Ageing has a range 0~1, and any values in between can be pushed down by raising to a power greater than 1, or pulled up by raising to a power less than 1, thus increasing or decreasing the "gamma" of Ageing; so the CPU could control ageing this way. The artist would sprinkle and blur the Ageing channel to get a "middle age" look, and the CPU could dynamically increase or decrease the age. If we generalize this mechanism to actually represent chronological age, or weathering, building decay could be portrayed using it. EDIT4: Last but not least, if I were to NOT implement this Ageing feature, I'd have two vacant texture channels: one in the materials; one in the object. EDIT5: In fact, my worry is not that artists will find this redundant and not use it; my worry is that it may be liked too much, and abused; and/or more features like it be requested daily.
  13. Hmmm.... I've got myself into a conflict. Gloss (refractive index) has two meanings now. My original intent was for gloss to stay at zero for metals. Zero gloss maps to 1.0, which is the refractive index of vacuum by definition, and of air, by luck. So Fresnel specularity is computed for metals, but produces no effect. But now, for metals like chromium, where a self-passivating oxide can happen by rusting, and needs a refractive index, if I use the Gloss channel to specify it, the whole thing will have a film of it, not just the rusted parts. Unless I use MSpec to deny Gloss unless Ageing is non-zero. This is doable, but would deny us the freedom to have anodized aluminum, or varnished metal; this may not be an issue for 0ad but might be an issue for my Masters of Orion remake mod. On the other hand, the latter problem could be solved by making the Ageing channel all white and forego ageing effects. Think, think, think ... EDIT: I actually like the last solution; the problem is that it makes the shader a bit more complex to understand. Artists will have to have a good grasp of the shader pipeline, but having Gloss denied by metallicity unless pushed by Ageing is a bit of a gordian knot. Furthermore, there's no reason to deny Gloss by metallicity if the rust type indicated by Aged_Color is not 1.0 (transparent). In other words, Iron rusts red, so Gloss would be at zero. If Gloss is not zero, it could not possibly be for rusting, so it means we are varnished head to toe. More complexity... On the other hand, how often will this situation arise? Need coffee ... EDIT2: With the last solution, the ONLY two situations that will be odd are a varnished chromium sword, and a heatsink of anodized aluminium. In order for these to be covered in varnish or rust, respectively, they have to have their Aged channel whitened. The problem with that is that they won't be able to rust; but then again, neither WOULD rust, anyways!
  14. Okay, so here's the whole texture pack, again, with the latest changes. And I'm going to throw in some examples of what it can do for materials and objects. First the Material Textures set: Red_channel 5 bits "albedo.dds" (DXT5) Green_channel 6 bits " Blue_channel 5 bits " Aged_Color 8 bits " MSpecularity 5 bits "optics.dds" (DXT5) SurfacePurity 6 bits " FresnelGloss 5 bits " Smoothness 8 bits " Aged_Color is for rust color, typically; 0.0 = black, 0.2 = burgundy, 0.4 = red, 0.6 = orange, 0.8 is no effect, and 1.0 is transparent rust. This channel does not tell you where the rust is to be located in a material; only what it WOULD look like if called for. What calls for rust to manifest is the Ageing channel in the Zones texture; see below. The Object Textures set: Normal_U 8 bits "Forms.png" (PNG sRGBA; no mipmaps) Normal_V 8 bits " Normal_W 8 bits " Height 8 bits " Emit_red 5 bits "Light.dds" (DXT5) Emit_grn 6 bits " Emit_blu 5 bits " AO_bake 8 bits " Faction 5 bits "Zones.dds" (DXT3) Ageing 6 bits " DetailMod 5 bits " Alpha 4 bits " The Ageing channel ushers-in rust --for metals ... NOTE: What Ageing and Aged_Color would or could do for non-metals is not clear to me. I'd hate to waste an opportunity for yet another fancy feature; but the problem is that we know many metals rust, and we know the color the rust will be in advance. If we tried to use these two channels to usher some effect on non-metals, the question is what do we know in advance about those materials. We could use this to progressively fade in blood stains on warriors as their health goes down, for example. If anyone has any ideas, by all means, speak up. The rules, as I'm thinking them so far, are: Where Ageing is 0.0 (black), nothing is modified. Where Ageing is 1.0 (white), modifications are maximal, as follows: If Aged_Color is below 0.8 (light gray or darker) the corresponding color will be shown, matte, on top of the metal surface (overwriting albedo color, zeroing specularity, and zeroing Purity for good measure). And if Ageing is, say, 0.5 (50% gray), the matte color will be alpha-blended at 50% on the metal. If Aged_Color is 1.0 (white) and Ageing is any non-zero value, a dielectric, transparent film on top of the metal will be simulated, of a thickness of up to 10 microns, modulated by Ageing's value. Thus, white in ageing produces the thickest dielectric film. The dielectric constant of the film is whatever the Gloss channel specifies. And rather than decrease specularity and purity, Ageing with Aged_Color at white will actually boost specularity and purity. This clear rust film will be almost invisible; hard to notice, unless you see something bright reflecting off the object, in which case you'll see moving bands of rainbow-tinted color, kind of iridescent. What this whole thing allows is to encode an alternative look for each material via the material textures, and to then interpolate between the two apparences via a color channel in the object textures domain. Let's create a few metals, just for fun: ALBEDO.DDS: SILVER IRON STEEL CHROME ALUMINIUM GOLD Red_channel 0.8 0.4 0.6 0.70 0.93 0.9 Green_channel 0.8 0.4 0.6 0.70 0.93 0.8 Blue_channel 0.8 0.4 0.6 0.70 0.93 0.5 Aged_Color 0.0 0.2 0.6 1.0 1.00 0.8 OPTICS.DDS: MSpecularity 0.8 0.6 0.7 1.0 0.9 0.9 SurfacePurity 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 FresnelGloss 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.55 0.19 0.0 Smoothness 0.7 0.4 0.6 0.9 0.7 0.9 NOTES: Chromium's 70% reflectivity is by reference. Its oxides' refractive indices are hard to find, but I found a refernce to chromium thin films having RI of 3.2. To encode 3.2, subtract 1 and divide by 4, ergo Gloss = 0.55 Aluminium's 93% reflectivity is by reference. Alumina's refractive index is 1.77. Gloss =1.77-1... 0.77/4 = 0.19 For other metals, the figures are fudged; pulled out of nowhere. Smoothness is not a material attribute, traditionally speaking, but here it is; thus polished silver and rough silver would be different materials. The materials here are assumed polished, but the smoothness varies by the polish-ability of the material (equalized efforts; not results XD), and also by what we want the passivated rust finish to look like. Compromise... The same can be said of MSpec where 0.9 means that 10% of the light reflects diffusely, 90% specularly. Is that the case? Well, If I look at aluminium foil I think far less than 10% of it reflects diffusely, but then I look at my aluminium pot and cry. Aged_Color is dialing in black for silver, dark red for iron, orange-red for steel, and clear film of passivated rust for both chromium and aluminium. For gold, at 0.8, it dials in no change at all. Gloss is not applicable to non-self-passivating oxide metals (unless you varnish them... or anodize aluminium). Purity refers to absence of diffuse particles on a dielectric surface; default is 1; less than 1.0 values are used to describe plastics or biological materials. Nothing prevents you from creating a custom, multi-material material, and use it for a single object; therefore if you need a copper sarcophagus with green rust, you can create that in this system. The Ageing mechanism is a trick to get a lot of art done for less effort, but it is not the only way to get rust. But like I said, those rusts are dormant until you put some light into the Ageing channel in the Zones texture; then rust comes alive. This will save a lot of work. Think about it. Without this feature, to put one dot of rust on a metal surface you'd have to, a) put the dot of red on the gray of iron, and b) put the same dot but in black in the specular channel. That's simple, okay; but what about then a sprinkling zones of rust kind of alpha-blending on the metal? Then you have to start creating masks and using them for specular and diffuse. But then what about a film of refractive self-passivating oxide of varying thickness? Now you have several channels to modify using masks. Here you just air-brush the Ageing channel, and all the layer work is taken care of. Furthermore, it has the benefit of keeping the definition of rust together with the metal, but the control of it with the objects' textures. So, if you change your mind and switch a sword from steel to chrome, or vice-versa, you just change the material it calls for; the rust will be in the same places, just look different. Conversely, if you find your sword has too much or two little rust, you don't have to change the material, affecting possibly dozens of other objects that use it; you just dial down the Ageing channel of your sword's Zones texture.
  15. @wowgetoffyourcellphone Thanks. For me it might as well be something between a sprint and a marathon, because I did it before. Not as well organized as it is getting now; it was a huge mess back then; but many of these ideas I tried them before. I have to say though, this is looking infinitely better. I'm in love with the texture groupings and channel packings. I never imagined something so good. My old experiments needed about 10 textures. Here we have 5. (I'm talking run-time textures, as opposed to art-level textures). The one-texel textures, that's not my idea; we had a whole bunch of them in Vegastrike; very useful. Obviously what lead to there being so many compiler switches in the shaders is a misunderstanding or bad assumptions about what increases or decreases GPU performance. Someone thought that stripping down a shader to the bare minimum code needed for each object was a good idea. That's the opposite of the truth; that implies that the same shader source file generates a different shader for every object, and you end up with hundreds of shader swithches. Each shader switch has an equivalent cost of rendering about ten thousand polygons. What you want to do is have as few shaders as possible, with NO compiler switches, and even then sort your draw calls so that all the calls that call each shader are together, so that for N shaders you only have N-1 switches. The only compilation conditionals justifiable are those related to user settings, which don't change frame to frame; but game assets should NOT have a way to tailor ther shaders. Pick one by name maybe; but not tailor them. Please don't be shy to ask questions. I try to be clear rather than mystical, but I'm probably taking for granted a few concepts. I know when I was getting started with shaders one of my biggest disbelief items was about all of that code happening for every pixel on the screen. Took a while for my brain to accept that. Back in the days of Doom, the holly grail for game graphics was to get the rasterizer to work while executing less than 6 assembler instructions per pixel... I had a book that chronicled someone's jurney of code optimization, and how he got to 8 instructions per pixel and could not optimize anymore... Until someone whispered another trick in his ear at a convention, and then he got to six instructions. Here we are computing logs, powers, trigonometry, matrix and vector math, pages of it ... per pixel. Per fragment, rather. @asterix Many thanks; I'll check that out. EDIT: I just listened to the first video; it's refreshing to hear Vladislav Belov speaking; he knows his stuff. One thing he might consider in terms of sorting is using something like bubble-sort with some tweaks. It is traditional to use bubble-sort as a perfect example of un-optimized algorithm, but few people realize that bubble-sort is the fastest sorting algorithm for a presorted set, and that in fact quicksort is the slowest. In the case of sorting objects by Z depth, from one frame to the next the sorting doesn't typically change much (unless the camera moves fast), so the set is usually pretty close to a pre-sorted set; much cheaper to re-sort with bubble sort than quicksort. And in fact, the engine knows when the camera moves and by how much, so it can set a movement trigger for a qsort call.
  16. Major channel rearrangement: Red_channel 5 bits "albedo.dds" (DXT5) Green_channel 6 bits " Blue_channel 5 bits " Aged_Color 8 bits " <<<<<<<<<<<----------***** new ****** MSpecularity 5 bits "optics.dds" (DXT5) SurfacePurity 6 bits " FresnelGloss 5 bits " Smoothness 8 bits " <<<<<<<<<<<----------***** moved ****** "Aged_Color" added; Thickness (of dielectric rust layer) moved to the Object Texture set, Zones texture, second channel, and changed name to "Ageing". The reasons for these changes are as follows: Zones of rusting are actually "Zones" in object space; NOT parts of a (shared) material. The "Ageing" channel, in object UV space, will allow demarcation of zones where rusting or staining occurs for an object. Passivated dielectric oxides that glow with iridescence are just one type of oxide; there are matte red, black and orange oxides. So it is clearly adventageous to expand the usefulness of this zoning to include any type of rust or weathering we may want to show; not just iridescence. The AgedColor channel in the albedo texture now encodes a color for "rust", from black (0.0), to red (0.25), to orange (0.5), and then clear (1.0). The 0.75 range is not to be used. When rust is colored (0.0~0.5), the Ageing channel value alpha-blends this color. When it is clear (1.0), the value in the Ageing channel encodes thickness of transparent layer. The alpha-blending of color also reduces MSpec and Purity. When AgedColor is clear (1.0), Ageing's value increases MSpec and Purity. This arrangement improves clarity even further: Now the albedo.dds texture has an rgb albedo, plus it encodes an optional "aged" albedo in alpha. Smoothness, which was rightfully a part of optics, is now in optics.dds. And Thickness, which was a means of zoning rust effects, is now in Zones.dds. Zones texture rearranged: Faction 5 bits "Zones.dds" (DXT3) Ageing 6 bits " <<<<<<<<<<<----------****** new ****** DetailMod 5 bits " <<<<<<<<<<<----------***** moved ****** Alpha 4 bits " The reason for this change is that Microns, (oxide layer thickness for iridescent reflections), is actually a "zone" on an "object", rather than a material characteristic. On the other hand, it is but one type of rust metal can exhibit. Rusts can be black, red, orange, greenish for copper, or clear. If we use the albedo alpha channel to encode for a rust color, then this "Ageing" rust mask channel can tell where to apply it and how thick. For colored rusts, Ageing acts like an alpha-blend. For clear rust, it acts as thickness of dielectric film. Perhaps it could be used to also add staining to non-metals. The idea is that if Ageing is fully on (1.0), if AgedColor is a color (below 0.75), it will overwrite albedo and set MSpec and Purity to zero. But if AgedColor is clear (1.0), MSpec and Purity will be maxed out. How this would look on non-metals I don't know and at least for now I don't care.
  17. #version 777 #include "common/fog.h" #include "common/los_fragment.h" #include "common/shadows_fragment.h" #if USE_OBJECTCOLOR uniform vec3 objectColor; #else #if USE_PLAYERCOLOR uniform vec3 playerColor; #endif #endif // Textures: uniform sampler2D TS_albedo; uniform sampler2D TS_optics; varying vec2 UV_material; // First UV set. //~~~~~~~~~~~ uniform sampler2D TS_forms; uniform sampler2D TS_light; uniform sampler2D TS_zones; uniform sampler2D TS_detail; varying vec2 UV_object; // Second UV set. //~~~~~~~~~~~ uniform samplerCube skyCube; // Vectors: uniform vec3 v3_sunDir; varying vec4 v4_normal; varying vec3 v3_eyeVec; varying vec3 v3_half; varying vec4 v4_tangent; varying vec3 v3_bitangent; varying vec4 v4_lighting; // Colors: uniform vec3 sunColor; uniform vec3 gndColor; // SUBROUTINES: vec3 renormalize( vec3 input ) // For small errors only, faster than normalize(). { return input * vec3( 1.5 - (0.5 * dot(input, input)) ); } float LOD_bias_from_spec_power( float spec_power ) { return clamp( 8.0 - ( 0.5 * log2(spec_power) ), 0.0, 7.78 ); } float LOD_bias_from_AO( float AO ) { return clamp( 8.0 + (0.4373 * log2(AO)), 0.0, 7.78 ); } vec3 SchlickApproximateReflectionCoefficient( float rayDotNormal, float From_IOR, float To_IOR ) { float R0 = (To_IOR - From_IOR) / (From_IOR + To_IOR); float angle_part = pow( 0.9*(1.0-rayDotNormal), 5.0 ); R0 = R0 * R0; float RC = R0 + (1.0 - R0) * angle_part; return vec3(RC, RC, RC); // Returns Fresnel refl coeff as gray-scale color. } void main() { vec4 temp4; vec3 temp3; vec2 temp2; float temp; // MATERIAL TEXTURES: // Load albedo.dds data: temp4 = texture2D( TS_albedo, UV_material ); vec3 Mat_RGB_albedo = temp4.rgb; // To be split into diffuse and specular... float Mat_alpha = temp4.a; // Load optics.dds data: temp4 = texture2D( TS_optics, UV_material ); float Mat_MSpec = temp4.r; // Metallic specularity % (vs diffuse). float Mat_Purity = temp4.g; float Mat_IOR = ( temp4.b * 4.0 ) + 1.0; // Gloss to IOR. float Mat_SpecularPower = 1.0 / min( 1.0 - temp4.a, 1.0/256.0 ); Mat_SpecularPower = SpecularPower * SpecularPower; // Smoothness. // OBJECT TEXTURES: // Load forms.png data: temp4 = texture2D( TS_forms, UV_object ); vec3 Obj_NM_normal = normalize( vec3(2.0, 2.0, 1.0) * ( temp4.rgb - vec3(0.5, 0.5, 0.0) ) ); float Obj_ParallaxHeight = temp4.a; // Any scaling needed? // Load light.dds data: temp4 = texture2D( TS_light, UV_object ); vec3 Obj_RGB_emmit = temp4.rgb; // Emissive + self-lighting. float Obj_AO = temp4.a; // Occlusion. vec3 Obj_RGB_ao = vec3( temp4.a ); // AO as color, for convenience. // Load zones.dds data: temp4 = texture2D( TS_zones, UV_object ); float Obj_is_Faction = temp4.r; // Where to put faction color. float Obj_Microns = 10.0 * temp4.g; // Thickness of oxide film. float Obj_AO_detailMod = 1.0 - min( temp4.b * 2.0, 1.0 ); float Obj_SP_detailMod = max( 0.0, temp4.b * 2.0 - 1.0 ); float Obj_Alpha = temp4.a; // Load detail.dds data, and apply it: temp3 = texture2D( TS_detail, UV_object * vec2(11.090169945) ); temp = dot( temp3, vec3(1.0) ); Obj_RGB_ao = Obj_RGB_ao + vec3(0.0625 * Obj_AO_detailMod) * (temp3 - vec3(0.5)); Mat_SpecularPower = Mat_SpecularPower * ( 1.0 + ( 0.0625 * Obj_SP_detailMod * (temp-0.5) ) ); // VECTORS AND STUFF: // Sanitize and normalize: // v3_sunDir should not need renormalization vec3 v3_raw_normal = renormalize( vec3( v4_normal ) ); vec3 v3_eye_vector = renormalize( v3_eyeVec ); vec3 v3_half_vec = renormalize( v3_half ); // Tangent stuff ... I know nothing about it. // Normal-map-modulated normal: vec3 v3_mod_normal = renormalize( v3_raw_normal * Obj_NM_normal ); vec3 v3_refl_view = -reflect( v3_half_vec, v3_mod_normal ); // These numbers are precomputed, as they will be needed more than once: float upwardsness = v3_raw_normal.y; float rayDotNormal = max( 0.0, dot( -v3_sunDir, v3_mod_normal ) ); float eyeDotNormal = max( 0.0, dot( v3_eye_vector, v3_mod_normal ) ); vec3 fresnel_refl_color = SchlickApproximateReflectionCoefficient( eyeDotNormal, 1.0, Mat_IOR ); // STUFF I KNOW NOTHING ABOUT: #if (USE_INSTANCING || USE_GPU_SKINNING) && (USE_PARALLAX || USE_NORMAL_MAP) vec3 bitangent = vec3(v4_normal.w, v4_tangent.w, v4_lighting.w); mat3 tbn = mat3(v4_tangent.xyz, bitangent, v4_normal.xyz); #endif #if (USE_INSTANCING || USE_GPU_SKINNING) && USE_PARALLAX { float h = Obj_ParallaxHeight; vec2 coord = UV_object; vec3 eyeDir = normalize(v_eyeVec * tbn); float dist = length(v_eyeVec); vec2 move; float height = 1.0; float scale = effectSettings.z; int iter = int(min(20.0, 25.0 - dist/10.0)); if (iter > 0) { float s = 1.0/float(iter); float t = s; move = vec2(-eyeDir.x, eyeDir.y) * scale / (eyeDir.z * float(iter)); vec2 nil = vec2(0.0); for (int i = 0; i < iter; ++i) { height -= t; t = (h < height) ? s : 0.0; temp2 = (h < height) ? move : nil; coord += temp2; h = texture2D(TS_forms, coord).a; } // Move back to where we collided with the surface. // This assumes the surface is linear between the sample point before we // intersect the surface and after we intersect the surface. float hp = texture2D(TS_forms, coord - move).a; coord -= move * ((h - height) / (s + h - hp)); } } // ALBEDO AND THINGS: // Separate albedo into diffuse and specular components: float Mat_MDiff = 1.0 - Mat_MSpec; vec3 Mat_RGB_diff = Mat_RGB_albedo * Mat_RGB_albedo; // Boost saturation. vec3 Mat_RGB_spec = sqrt( Mat_RGB_albedo ); // Wash saturation. Mat_RGB_diff = ( (Mat_MDiff * Mat_RGB_diff) + (Mat_MSpec * Mat_RGB_albedo) ) * Mat_MDiff; Mat_RGB_spec = ( (Mat_MSpec * Mat_RGB_spec) + (Mat_MDiff * Mat_RGB_albedo) ) * Mat_MSpec; temp3 = Mat_RGB_albedo / (Mat_RGB_diff + Mat_RGB_spec); // Renormalize results. Mat_RGB_diff = Mat_RGB_diff * temp3; Mat_RGB_spec = Mat_RGB_spec * temp3; // Done! Mat_RGB_diff = mix( Mat_RGB_diff, playerColor, Obj_is_Faction ); // CUBE MAP FETCHINGS: vec3 RGBlight_reflSky = vec3( textureCube(skyCube, v3_reflView, LODbias_from_spec_power( Mat_specular_power ) ) ); vec3 RGBlight_normSky = vec3( textureCube(skyCube, v3_raw_normal, LODbias_from_AO( Obj_AO ) ) ); // THE REAL STUFF BEGINS ... I forgot the detail textures. Adding them above. I just had a change of heart about where to place the dielectric film thickness channel. I had it as part of the material textures; but there's a problem with that: It is not really a material, or is it? If you want to make some parts of a sword reflect more iridescently than others, it is not the material you are adding this feature to; it is to the sword; you are modifying the sword itself, NOT the material that it is made of, which could be shared by many other objects. You are also marking a zone, where passivated rusting occurs. It seems to belong in the Zones texture, in the Objec Textures pack. I'm still editing this post... (I'll delete this sentence when I'm done.) Stay tuned ...
  18. We're making progress!!! So, add these functions before main: float LODbias_from_spec_power( float spec_power ) { return clamp( 8.0 - ( 0.5 * log2(spec_power) ), 0.0, 7.78 ); } float LOD_bias_from_AO( float AO ) { return clamp( 8.0 + ( 0.4373 * log2(AO) ), 0.0, 7.78 ); } And now we can finish what we started. These environment map fetches have to be done as early as possible, as many things depend on them. void main() { // MATERIAL TEXTURES ................................... // OBJECT TEXTURES ................................... // VECTORS ETC. ................................... vec3 RGBlight_reflSky = vec3( textureCube(skyCube, v3_reflView, LODbias_from_spec_power( Mat_specular_power ) ) ); vec3 RGBlight_normSky = vec3( textureCube(skyCube, v3_raw_normal, LODbias_from_AO( Obj_AO ) ) ); This is FANTASTIC! We have initialized everything that needs initializing; now we are ready for the actual guts of the shader. Before I go on, however, I will put all we've done so far into a code snippet, as the next post.
  19. Another question I might get, "why not just use HDRI and forget about matching Phong to LOD bias and all that?" Good question, again. Because HDRI cube maps don't really solve any problem except laziness, and they do so at a very high price, having to have great bit depth to expres a dynamic range of light spanning millions. Besides, having the sun in the sky, or in the sky texture, is basically the same thing. If you want it in the texture, you have to put it there, though. If you want to show the same scene at different times of the day, are you going to manipulate the environment texture to move the sun? I'm not the biggest fan of OpenGL, but lights were created for a reason. Anyways, calculating LOD bias from AO: From the first post in this thread we have formulas relating AO and blur radius, namely, hemispheres = 1 - cos( radius ) radius = arccos( 1 - hemispheres ) Hemispheres IS the AO. So we can write AO = 1 - cos( radius ). In the table above I have a column for radius; maybe I can calculate AO for each radius, and add it as a new column ... SpecPWR radius (rads) /2.35 blur 2/x=rez log2(x) 10-log2x=bias AO fudged AO ========================================================================================== 65,536 0.00459924964 0.00195713 1021 ~9.99 0.0 0.00... 0.00... 4,096 0.01839651273 0.00782830 255.5 ~8.00 2.0 0.00017 0.00024 256 0.07355492296 0.03129997 63.9 6.00 4.0 0.0027 0.00390 16 0.29223187184 0.12435399 16.0 4.00 6.0 0.042 0.06250 1 1.04719755125 0.44561598 4.5 ~2.22 ~7.8 0.5 1.00000 Well, this is interesting... For values of AO greater than 0.5, the LOD bias saturates! What could this mean? Oh, I think I know what it means: The innermost LOD of a cubemap has 6 texels. Each represents a third of a hemisphere. Larger solid angles than a third of a hemisphere are not represented. So, what do we do? I'd like the bias to be continuous; not to be just limited after AO gets larger than 0.5. I'd like the bias to go to 8 when AO is 1.0. Okay, let me derive a continuous AO that biases at 8 when it is 1 and goes by the same powers as specular power, which is what it seems to do (0.042/.0027~=16; 0.0027/.00017~=16). So, let me write a first fudge like, float LOD_bias_from_AO( float AO ) { return clamp( 8.0 + (0.5 * log2(AO)), 0.0, 7.8 ); } I added the results as an extra column titled "fudged AO". I think the result is pretty good. Of course the question will come up, why am I fudging a value after ranting about fudging so much. Well, in this case I find it close enough to true value, and it is a very economical solution. To do better, I'd have to have a conditional testing for AO being greater than 0.5, and if so doing my own filtering by interpolating between the LOD bias 8 fetch and "AmbientLight", that being the cubemap's average; and that would be an incorrect calculation anyways. More correct would be to take say 7 samples in a hexagonal pattern with a center, and average them; but that's expensive. In any case, the numbers are pretty close, except for LOD 8, which is exactly what I hoped for. In this case, continuity will look better than absolute precision. Or else, one other thing I can do is scale the bias effect so that LOD6 matches the true number. To get 0.042 to give me bias of 6, or in other words, to get 2 subtracted from 8 at .042, with log2(0.042) being −4.573466862, 2/4.573466862=0.437305016, so, float LOD_bias_from_AO( float AO ) { return clamp( 8.0 + (0.4373 * log2(AO)), 0.0, 7.8 ); } Now I still get 8.0 for ao of 1.0, and for AO of 0.042 I get 6.00000845. BINGO!!!!
  20. Someone might ask, "is it necessary to derive exact formulas for things like LOD bias?" The answer is a qualified yes. What most engines that even use LOD bias do is just fudge it. Just like they fudge a rough formula for Fresnel. The problem with fudging things is that eventually you arrive at a visible inconsistency. One possible inconsistency here is between environment mapping's reaction to specular power, and sunlight's reaction to specular power. One blurs by LOD biasing the cubemap with trilinear filtering. The other one blurs by computing the Phong formula. And the two have to agree. If they don't, your visual cortex will know it, even if your prefrontal cortex denies it. The same goes for the light intensity relationship between diffuse and specular. Everybody fudges that. But the day you see a shader that doesn't fudge it, that matches them mathematically, something about it seems cinematic in quality, and you don't even know what it is. And the light intensity between diffuse and specular match perfectly when specular power is 1.0, and reflection falls by 1/2 at 60 degrees from the half angle, just like in diffuse it falls to 1/2 at 60 degrees between light and normal vectors. Yes, these things are important, both in relative and absolute terms. I know because 20 years ago I worked on all this and came up with a shader that was utterly unbelievable. I had been working on all the math on faith that it would make a difference; and in the end it far exceeded my wildest expectations. THIS IS PHYSICS-BASED RENDERING, by the way; not all those other pretentious parties out there with far more money than brains. Anyways, let us continue: How about we calculate blur radius for four other specular powers, namely 4096, 256, 16 and 1.0, and see if we see a pattern? Using the formula Radius = arccos( 0.5^(1/n) ) where n is the spec power, SpecPWR radius (rads) /2.35 blur 2/x=rez log2(x) 10-log2x=bias ================================================================ 65,536 0.00459924964 0.00195713 1021 ~9.99 0.0 4,096 0.01839651273 0.00782830 255.5 ~8.00 2.0 256 0.07355492296 0.03129997 63.9 6.00 4.0 16 0.29223187184 0.12435399 16.0 4.00 6.0 1 1.04719755125 0.44561598 4.5 ~2.22 ~7.8 These calculations were painful, but certainly not wasted. How in the world an arccos of a funny power comes so close to a much simpler formula, I don't know, but seeing is believing. Bias appears to be equal to 8 minus the log2( sqrt( spec_power ) ). But the log of a square root is 1/2 the log of the thing, so this boils down to ... float LODbias_from_spec_power( float spec_power ) { return clamp( 8.0 - ( 0.5 * log2(spec_power) ), 0.0, 7.78 ); } Now we need to get a formula from AO. Remember that the AO is basically a measure of solid angle expressed in hemispheres. White, in AO, means a full hemisphere of visibility, which happens to be 2 pi (6.28) steradians. Next post ...
  21. There's another math issue to resolve before proceeding to the next stuff, namely the environment cube fetches. There are two main reasons to read the env_cube: specular reflections, and ambient light. Ambient light?! Well, yes; the env_cube IS our ambient. Reflected ambient light at any point in a surface is nothing but the light it reflects diffusely from the part of the sky its normal points to, multiplied by the ao. Naturally! So the AmbientLight uniform is not needed when we have an env_cube; the slot can be used for Ground Color... ;-) So, we have two fetches: one for reflection, and one for ambient lighting. But now, obviously we don't want the color of an exact point in the sky for ambient; do we? We want a very, VERY blurred sum of a portion of sky, --up to half of it, if the ao is 1.0. But how do we read half the sky? Well, that's easy, actually. We simply read the env_cube with a lot of LOD bias. The deepest LOD represents the entire sphere of sky with 6 texels. If we don't have LOD's in the cube_maps, no problem, there are free tools that can generate them. It will only take an afternoon to add LOD's to the cube-maps. So then you read the cubemap with an LOD parameter, which is a floating point number; the fetch is tri-linearly filtered. In the case of specular reflections, we also want to calculate a bias, as such reflections are blurred by the roughness of the surface, the inverse of smoothness, of specular power. To each specular power there is a corresponding blur radius. And to each LOD in the env_cube there is a corresponding blur radius. We need to compute a bias that will match them. Now, the problem is how do we compute the bias? In the first post in this forum thread I derived a formula to relate specular power to solid angle. So, we need a formula that relates solid angle to cube-map LOD. If we were to assume no filtering, solid angle for an LOD would be texel size solid angle. However, being a cube, the solid angle for a texel in the middle of a face is larger than for a texel near a corner, which is why cube-maps MUST --ABSOLUTELY MUST-- have spherical blurring applied. And I believe the absolute minimum effective blur diameter is 2.5 texels --of the ones in the middle of a face. A radius of 1.25. So, assuming our cube-maps are 1024 x 1024 x 6 at LOD zero, the angle of 1.25 texels is what? Hmmm... It would be the arctan of 1.25/512 = 0.0024414014 radians. From the first post, my formula relating shininess to radius was n = ln( 0.5 ) / ln( cos(SpotRadius) )... cos(0.0024414014) = 0.99999701978 ln(0.99999701978) = -0.0000029802244 ln(0.5) = -0.6931471806 0.6931471806 / 0.0000029802244 = 232582.2 Yes; that's a specular power equivalent of 232,000 and change. Which is not impossible, in principle; a good mirror probably has specular power in the millions, if we were to calculate it; funny they don't use that for marketing; it's just that we cannot represent it in the game. I think I designed the Smoothness mapping to get 64k at 255 channel value, so no reflective surface in-game will come even close to the most detailed LOD (level 0). How about we go the other way? Let's find out what blur radius we need for a given spec power. Maybe we can get away with much smaller environment cubes... At spec power of 65536, SpotRadius = arccos( 0.5^(1/n) ) = arccos( 0.99998942347 ) = .00459924962 radians. tan( 0.00459924964 ) = 0.00459928207 The inverse is 217.426771381 blur radiuses per half a side, or 434.85 radiuses for full side. Okay, so we can use 1024 cube maps, just keeping the blur radius to 2.35 texels, which is good; I was worried about not being able to blur the cube-map enough to prevent DXT compression artifacts; it seems we HAVE to do a nice blur. EXCELLENT! So, I was going to say that the shader needed to be passed the cubemap size and blur radius as uniforms, but I think there is not much room to play with those parameters; I think what these calculations are saying is that cubemaps HAVE to be 1024, AND HAVE to have a blur radius of 2.35 texels, or 0.0046 radians, at LOD 0. So, let the shader assume these numbers, and I'll make sure our cube maps meet these specifications. Okay, so now we know that for a specular power of 65,536 we need an LOD bias of zero. But what is the general formula? Stay tuned.
  22. One question you might be pondering is why I haven't put the texture data loading stuff into subroutines. Good question! It would be nice to do so, but the problem is that the glsl language doesn't support pointers or references, which is okay if your subroutine only needs to return a value; but if a routine needs to modify several variables there is no way it can do so. So, subroutines in glsl are great for functions that funnel a bunch of data into a single result; not for functions that generate multiple outputs. All those texture data loads are like inverted funnels, they take data from the texture and spread it to different variables. But don't worry, we will have plenty of subroutines soon enough. Here's our incoming vector declarations: uniform vec3 v3_sunDir; varying vec4 v4_normal; varying vec3 v3_eyeVec; varying vec3 v3_half; varying vec4 v4_tangent; varying vec3 v3_bitangent; Note that some are vec4's; that's because there are additional parameters tagged onto the fourth float, which are used for some tangent space calculations in the current shader that are way beyond my head; probably parallax related. I don't want to mess with it, so I will transfer the xyz parts to vec3's in due course. So now, back in main... vec3 renormalize( vec3 input ) // For small errors only, faster than normalize(). { return input * vec3( 1.5 - (0.5 * dot(input, input)) ); } void main() { // ...TEXTURE STUFF... ......................... // VECTORS AND STUFF: // Sanitize and normalize: // v3_sunDir should not need renormalization vec3 v3_raw_normal = renormalize( vec3( v4_normal ) ); vec3 v3_eye_vector = renormalize( v3_eyeVec ); vec3 v3_half_vec = renormalize( v3_half ); // Tangent stuff ... I know nothing about it. // Normal-map-modulated normal: vec3 v3_mod_normal = renormalize( v3_raw_normal * Obj_NM_normal ); vec3 v3_refl_view = -reflect( v3_half_vec, v3_mod_normal ); // These numbers are precomputed, as they will be needed more than once: float upwardsness = v3_raw_normal.y; float rayDotNormal = max( 0.0, dot( -v3_sunDir, v3_mod_normal ) ); float eyeDotNormal = max( 0.0, dot( v3_eye_vector, v3_mod_normal ) ); vec3 fresnel_refl_color = SchlickApproximateReflectionCoefficient( eyeDotNormal, 1.0, Mat_IOR );
  23. Changing the name of color.dds to albedo.dds, because it will actually represent the sum of diffuse and specular. Here's the shader's texture input declarations: uniform sampler2D TS_albedo; uniform sampler2D TS_optics; varying vec2 UV_material; // First UV set. //~~~~~~~~~~~ uniform sampler2D TS_forms; uniform sampler2D TS_light; uniform sampler2D TS_zones; varying vec2 UV_object; // Second UV set. //~~~~~~~~~~~ uniform samplerCube skyCube; Those "varying"s are interpolated texture coordinates coming from the vertex shader. The uniform sampler2D things are texture reader units. The last uniform is a cubemap reader, for the environment; and coordinates for it don't come in a varying because they have to be calculated right here in the fragment shader. Once in main(), the first thing we want to do is read those textures, as the operations will take a few cycles and we want to minimize dependencies. The shader compiler would optimize dependencies anyways, but I like to keep my brains close to the silicon. void main() { vec4 temp4; vec3 temp3; vec2 temp2; float temp; // MATERIAL TEXTURES: // Load albedo.dds data: temp4 = texture2D( TS_albedo, UV_material ); vec3 Mat_RGB_albedo = temp4.xyz; // To be split into diffuse and specular... float Mat_SpecularPower = 1.0 / ( 1.0 - temp4.w ), 2.0; Mat_SpecularPower = SpecularPower * SpecularPower; // Smoothness. // Load optics.dds data: temp4 = texture2D( TS_optics, UV_material ); float Mat_MSpec = temp4.x; // Metallic specularity % (vs diffuse). float Mat_Purity = temp4.y; float Mat_IOR = ( temp4.z * 4.0 ) + 1.0; // Gloss to IOR. float Mat_Microns = 10.0 * temp4.w; // Thickness of oxide film. // OBJECT TEXTURES: // Load forms.png data: temp4 = texture2D( TS_forms, UV_object ); vec3 Obj_NM_normal = normalize( vec3(2.0, 2.0, 1.0) * ( temp4.xyz - vec3(0.5, 0.5, 0.0) ) ); float Obj_ParallaxHeight = temp4.w; // Any scaling needed? // Load light.dds data: temp4 = texture2D( TS_light, UV_object ); vec3 Obj_RGB_emmit = temp4.xyz; // Emissive + self-lighting. float Obj_AO = temp4.w; // Occlusion. vec3 Obj_RGB_ao = vec3( temp4.w ); // AO as color, for convenience. // Load zones.dds data: temp4 = texture2D( TS_zones, UV_object ); float Obj_is_Faction = temp.x; // Where to put faction color. float Obj_AO_detailMod = 1.0 - min( temp.x * 2.0, 1.0 ); float Obj_SP_detailMod = max( 0.0, temp.x * 2.0 - 1.0 ); //temp4.z is vacant for now. float Obj_Alpha = temp4.w; // VECTORS: ....................... // ENVIRONMENT CUBE FETCHES: ....................... Deriving diffuse and specular from albedo is not as simple as a multiplying by MSpec and its complement. In any given material, the diffuse has higher saturation than the specular color due to light making multiple bounces before reflecting back; so, technically, diffuse color is a power of specular color. So we need an algorithm that can yield this type of relationship, while keeping the sum of the two colors equal to albedo. Furthermore, if the material is 90% metallic reflectivity (by which we mean single-bounce reflectivity), we'd want the smaller diffuse component to be more saturated than the albedo, and specular be same as albedo, more or less. But if the material is 0.1 MSpec, that is, 10% single bounce, 90% multi-bounce, we'd want the now smaller specular component to have less saturation than albedo, while the diffuse component remaining about equal to albedo. How do we achieve all of this? Well, it took me a few trials and errors on paper, but finally I think I got it, --subject to debugging later, of course. // Separate albedo into diffuse and specular components: float Mat_MDiff = 1.0 - Mat_MSpec; vec3 Mat_RGB_diff = Mat_RGB_albedo * Mat_RGB_albedo; // Boost saturation. vec3 Mat_RGB_spec = sqrt( Mat_RGB_albedo ); // Wash saturation. Mat_RGB_diff = ( (Mat_MDiff * Mat_RGB_diff) + (Mat_MSpec * Mat_RGB_albedo) ) * Mat_MDiff; Mat_RGB_spec = ( (Mat_MSpec * Mat_RGB_spec) + (Mat_MDiff * Mat_RGB_albedo) ) * Mat_MSpec; temp3 = Mat_RGB_albedo / (Mat_RGB_diff + Mat_RGB_spec); // Renormalize results. Mat_RGB_diff = Mat_RGB_diff * temp3; Mat_RGB_spec = Mat_RGB_spec * temp3; // Done! In the next post, we'll process all the needed vectors; stay tuned. EDIT: Another way of looking at the glTF stuff is this: What exactly is the difference between it and the traditional way? The ONLY difference I see is the fact that they got rid of the diffuse and specular colors, replaced it by a "color", plus a boolean "metal" or "spec" parameter. This is GOOD STUFF; there's no denying that; but is it enough to call their entire system "Physics-Based"? How do hype and pretense compare to substance? I have made that change (1), PLUS: The diff and spec components are separated from albedo having a natural counter-saturation relationship, physics-based (2). The "MetallicSpecularity" that I have is a continuous parameter, CAN be filtered, interpolated, adjusted; makes sense at 0.9, physics-based (3). The naming of parameters I have is far more intuitive, with "Smoothness" for spec power, "Gloss" for index of refraction. In the shader, I modulate intensity of reflections inversely to spot size by a physics-base formula (4) --see first post. I DO have index of refraction (Gloss), which they don't, and is good for skin and a million things, not just water; all physics-based (5). I have a way to specify surface purity (from diffuse particles) to physics-based (6) distinguish paint from plastic, for example. I have a way to specify dielectric rust film thickness for physics-based chromatic reflectivity (7). I separate material from object concerns, and rightfully serve dual UV paradigms. Textures occupy about half as much space in video memory as in glTF Channels are combined into textures in ways that make sense; textures are named intuitively. Final score: 7 to 1 (vis-a-vis physics-based feature count alone). Not really the final score; there's a lot more to it ... In other words, THIS SYSTEM is Physics-Based; NOT glTF. THIS is the ONLY Physics-Based system there is, in all likelihood.
  24. OBJECT TEXTURES REVISITED (take 2) Object textures are what defines an object's appearance other than material, as mentioned before. Normal_U 8 bits "Forms.png" (PNG sRGBA; no mipmaps) Normal_V 8 bits " Normal_W 8 bits " Height 8 bits " Emit_red 5 bits "Light.dds" (DXT5) Emit_grn 6 bits " Emit_blu 5 bits " Occlusion 8 bits " Faction 5 bits "Zones.dds" (DXT3) DetailMod 6 bits " ???????? 5 bits " Alpha 4 bits " EUREKA! 3 Object Pack textures, with one channel to spare. What I particularly like about it is how the channels hang together: Normals and height are interrelated; they are both form modifiers. Same thing goes for Emission and Occlusion, both of which have to do with light and are "baked" in similar ways. (I don't mean that lightbulbs and torches are baked; I mean how they illuminate the object is something that can be and should be baked. And this baking can be modulated by the CPU; thus, a flame sequence for a torch can have an intensity track which in turn can be used to modulate the baked emissive. And if you worry about actual lights in the emissive texture that should not be modulated, worry not; I dealt with that problem a long time ago; found a trick to decouple light sources from baked illumination. ) Finally, the Zones texture has three zonings. Faction tells where to place faction color. DetailMod tells where and how to add detail noise (0.5 will be NO detail; 0.0 will be max smoothness detail, 1.0 will be max AO detail. For a ground or a very rough surface, AO detail can be best. For a smoother surface, smoothness detail shines). And alpha, which is also a zoning. The reason I chose DXT3 instead of DXT5 for Zones.dds is that the alpha channel does not need ANY precision, in fact, I would have been happy with a single bit alpha for alpha testing, and instead it really needs to NOT be messed up by correlation expectations of the DXT algorithm. And all the stuff that doesn't mipmap well at all, but require high precision and low artifacts, namely the normalmap and the height for parallax, those two are together uncompressed and bi-linearly filtered. I'm particularly happy about keeping the normalmap uncompressed, rather than try the roundabout way of Age of Dragons, of using DXT5 RGB for U, then alpha for V, and computing W on the fly. Like I said, I came up with that VERY idea 20 years ago, EXACTLY same idea, and implemented it, but the results were far less than satisfactory, and eventually we decided to go uncompressed and un-mip-mapped. No need to repeat that long learning experience. The way it is here, the normalmap format is entirely standard, unproblematic, and the alpha channel has the height channel, which is the way it's been done for ages by engines using parallax. Why reinvent a wheel that works well? Those two things, normalmap and height, go well together. To summarize, I have two DXT5 textures for materials, and then one uncompressed, one DXT5 and one DXT3 textures for objects 5 textures altogether, only one of them is not compressed, and the channels they pack MAKE SENSE together. Yes! Compare this with the glTF abomination, which uses 3 UNCOMPRESSED textures, plus one compressed texture that mixes (object) AO with (material) attribute channels, making it useless to any engine that has the good sense to appropriately separate the concerns of objects and materials with separate UV mappings. But so, DXT3 and DXT5 being 4:1 compressed formats, this boils down to glTF being about TWICE THE SIZE of this packing (in video memory terms), and it doesn't even have such material channels as index of refraction, surface purity or passivized layer thickness; and it doesn't have object texture channels such as height, faction, detail texture modulator or even a friggin alpha channel !!! You get not even half the goodness, but have to pay TWICE the price, in video memory consumption, with that glTF stupid garbage ... ( And it pretentiously calls itself "physics based" but doesn't even have a channel for index of refraction. What a joke! ) Here, even the names of textures, and the names of channels, make sense: albedo.dds, optics.dds, forms.png, light.dds and zones.dds. Where else in the world do you get so much clarity? "Smoothness" for specular power, "Gloss" for index of refraction, "Purity" for surface lack of diffuse impurities, "Thickness" for rust thickness ... Any system you look into, nowadays, they intentionally misname things to mystify and pretend. Nobody gives you clarity like this. NOBODY. Couple of closing notes: I worked for years with an engine that supported only 1 UV mapping, Vegastrike, and back then I thought it was good. But it didn't take me 5 minutes around here to realize what a great idea having 2 UV's is. Separating the Material and Object concerns is a Win-Win-WIN, with the added advantage that pixelation concerns are minimized when two uncorrelated mappings are blended. The ability to overlap islands in material space is invaluable, as it creates an appearance of great detail at minimal cost, and reduces artistic work enormously. Imagine if for every building that uses brick or wood you would have to re-create, or at best copy and paste, bricks, or wood. It is insane. Don't throw away the best thing your engine has to offer. Question, instead, the self-proclaimed authorities that came up with that glTF TRASH, --as it will be remembered (if at all) once all the the marketing dust settles. Note that materials don't have Emit, in this system; here temperature is an object-related thing; not a material attribute; such that a lava flow would have to be an object, and have emissive color from the object texture pack, and with (non-emissive) volcanic rock as the material. Which may simply boil down to the terrain, as an object, having an emissive burgundy color painted on the lava flow, to make it glow. Regarding translucent plant leaves, fires, plasma drives and glass, all that will be served by another shader; the "fireglass" shader, as I called it 20 years ago (yes, I coded it back then; but I don't have the files; will have to code it again). (Coming after this one ...) Comments? Opinions? ((But please, keep it to technical merits; don't start telling me I should be a sheeple and follow what "the big guys" do; I would rather kill myself.)) If nobody has anything to add, subtract or point out, I will start working on the shader tomorrow. Regarding exporting materials from Blender, I can't see what problems there'd be. Blender has Index of Refraction, specular power, etc., built in; Cycles has them too. I could come up with a set of nodes for rendering to ensure they follow the exact same math as the shader, and therefore be sure renders look exactly like what objects will look like in-game. Easier to debug in the shader first, THEN transfer to Blender, though. As for texturing in Blender, we could simplify the workflow by using color codes for materials. So you select, say, 16 materials you will need, assign them color codes, then in Blender you paint using color codes, but when you hit F-12 the colors are replaced by actual materials for rendering. Just an idea, and it would probably need a lot of manual touch-up after export due to filtering aritfacts. I'd like to write a tool (in C++) to convert png to DXT1/3/5 better than other tools out there do. I don't know that they DON't do what I would do, yet; but I'm guessing they don't. You know what dithering is? It's basically a recursive algorithm that, given a quantization limitation in a texture, and given a higher precision values texture than is representable in the lesser texture, rather than throwing away data by rounding, tries to spred the errors a little bit among neighboring pixels, so that the overall effect is more precise. Well, I think the same algorithm could be, and should be applied to a texture before DXT compression, except for the peculiar 5,6,5 bits of DXT color representation. So you dither down to where you have the three lowest bits of red an blue channels at zero, and green channel's two least significant bits as zero, while maintaining texel neighborhood color accuracy as much as possible, then DXT-compress. Furthermore, I think in some situations it may be better to NOT use nearest points in the line to pick end colors, but allow the end points to move if it helps the overall matching accuracy with two bit indexes. I'm sure NOBODY is doing these things... Furthermore, where the 16 points form a cloud that's very difficult to linearize, a good algorithm should skip the texel, continue with the others, and once the neighboring texels are worked out, perhaps choose the same line orientation as one of the neigbors, or average the orientations of the neighboring texels. EDIT (day or two later): Zones texture rearranged: Faction 5 bits "Zones.dds" (DXT3) Ageing 6 bits " DetailMod 5 bits " Alpha 4 bits " The reason for this change is that Microns, (oxide layer thickness for iridescent reflections), is actually a "zone" on an "object", rather than a material characteristic. On the other hand, it is but one type of rust metal can exhibit. Rusts can be black, red, orange, greenish for copper, or clear. If we use the albedo alpha channel to encode for a rust color, then this "Ageing" rust mask channel can tell where to apply it and how thick. For colored rusts, Ageing acts like an alpha-blend. For clear rust, it acts as thickness of dielectric film. Perhaps it could be used to also add staining to non-metals. The idea is that if Ageing is fully on (1.0), if AgedColor is a color (below 0.75), it will overwrite albedo and set MSpec and Purity to zero. But if AgedColor is clear (1.0), MSpec and Purity will be maxed out. How this would look on non-metals I don't know and at least for now I don't care.
  25. MATERIAL TEXTURES REVISITED (take 2) Red_channel 5 bits "albedo.dds" (DXT5) Green_channel 6 bits " Blue_channel 5 bits " Smoothness 8 bits " MSpecularity 5 bits "optics.dds" (DXT5) SurfacePurity 6 bits " FresnelGloss 5 bits " FilmThickness 8 bits " I was stuck at 2.5 textures for a while, finally decided to get rid of alpha, whether alpha blending or alpha testing, from the materials pack. Leave it to the object pack to do its own alpha. There's really no need to define chicken wire fence as a material, and trees can instance smaller objects representing small branches full of leaves, with object texture pack level alpha. Getting rid of alpha allowed me to use the alpha channel for Smoothness. I was also worried about film thickness precision, as pixelation artifacts in this data can be quite noticeable in the play of rainbow tint reflections; but then I found I had a second 8-bit alpha channel I could use for it. I think this packing ROCKS! (No, not for the rocks; they will get their own shader, which will also rock...) Really super-efficient and optimized. Disney and all those people haven't a clue how to even think ... Next post, this time, will really deal with our Object Textures package. EDIT (couple of days later): Major channel rearrangement: Red_channel 5 bits "albedo.dds" (DXT5) Green_channel 6 bits " Blue_channel 5 bits " AgedColor 8 bits " MSpecularity 5 bits "optics.dds" (DXT5) SurfacePurity 6 bits " FresnelGloss 5 bits " Smoothness 8 bits " "Aged_Color" added; Thickness (of dielectric rust layer) moved to the Object Texture set, Zones texture, second channel, and changed name to "Ageing". The reasons for these changes are as follows: Zones of rusting are actually "Zones" in object space; NOT part of a (shared) material. The "Ageing" channel, in object UV space, will allow demarcation of zones where rusting or staining occurs for an object. Passivated dielectric oxides that glow with iridescence are just one type of oxide; there are matte red, black and orange oxides. So it is clearly adventageous to expand the usefulness of this zoning to include any type of rust or weathering we may want to show; not just iridescence. The AgedColor channel in the albedo texture now encodes a color for "rust", from black (0.0), to red (0.25), to orange (0.5), and then clear (1.0). The 0.75 range is not to be used. When rust is colored (0.0~0.5), the Ageing channel value alpha-blends this color. When it is clear (1.0), the value in the Ageing channel encodes thickness of transparent layer. The alpha-blending of color also reduces MSpec and Purity. When AgedColor is clear (1.0), Ageing's value increases MSpec and Purity. This arrangement improves clarity even further: Now the albedo.dds texture has an rgb albedo, plus it encodes an optional "aged" albedo in alpha. Smoothness, which was rightfully a part of optics, is now in optics.dds. And Thickness, which was a means of zoning rust effects, is now in Zones.dds.
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