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Everything posted by fasl

  1. Ahh that must be it That must be it... yes I did save and reload! Yes
  2. Seems replays not working on my system. Not sure why but my team does nothing in the replay at all and is eventually defeated, even though I won in reality. This is from single player mode. Has anyone else seen this issue?
  3. crashlog.txt interestinglog.html was empty. The crashes happen while in gameplay but no problems playing without the mod.
  4. Unsure why but I get crashes straight to the desktop, playing vanilla A25b with this version of boongui. Difficult to troubleshoot when no error message.
  5. Thank you Langbart for the fix and Justus for the tip! I have cloned the github repo and look forward to the fix - guessing not done yet as still have the same error but will try a "github pull" tomorrow. Once A24 version is released on modio should I stick with this if wishing to remain on stable release of 0AD? I'm guessing at some point the DE repo will diverge and lose compatibility with A24 in favour of A25 SVN... but wondering if you intend to continue to develop on A24 as a branch. Or should I have both 0AD versions of 0AD in parallel to keep up with the latest Delenda Est while still being able to compete online with A24? Again thanks for taking the time to answer my questions - really appreciate that you volunteer a lot of time to contribute to 0AD and I must sound like a complete noob.
  6. This was the latest github version downloaded yesterday... Really unsure what I did wrong. I installed in the my documents/my games/0ad/mods and enabled in mod manager. Thanks for your help with this
  7. Just checking whether anything has changed in the code to stop Delenda working on A24. I get following errors on trying to get to lobby for a new singleplayer or multiplayer match.
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