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Everything posted by SanctfiedDevil

  1. On Dev branch, Imperial Roman's templates/structures/imp_wall_long & imp_wall_medium error out. Will need changed over to TurretHolder & TurretPoints as previously done for the other civs. ERROR: RelaxNGValidator: Validation error: structures/imp_wall_long:1: Element GarrisonHolder has extra content: VisibleGarrisonPoints ERROR: RelaxNGValidator: Validation failed for '(null)' ERROR: Failed to validate entity template 'structures/imp_wall_long'
  2. Hopefully so. I ended up editing the priest to give him build rights for the Wonder to work around it. Doesn't make much sense really, but it works for now.
  3. May already be known, but it seems as if at least a couple of Civs are unable to reach Empire level due to not being able to construct a Wonder as It doesn't show up in the build menu for citizens. My only guess is the build menu is too full.
  4. Perfect! Just been playing through a match and appears to be a unit promotion issue. ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "simulation/templates/units/brit_infantry_swordsman_e.xml" ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/brit_infantry_swordsman_e' ERROR: Error in timer on entity 4227, IID98, function TimerHandler: TypeError: template is undefined Promotion.prototype.IncreaseXp@simulation/components/Promotion.js:82:8 Attacking.prototype.HandleAttackEffects@simulation/helpers/Attacking.js:349:3 Attack.prototype.PerformAttack@simulation/components/Attack.js:559:3 UnitAI.prototype.UnitFsmSpec.INDIVIDUAL.COMBAT.ATTACKING.Timer@simulation/components/UnitAI.js:2016:7 FSM.prototype.ProcessMessage@simulation/helpers/FSM.js:265:12 UnitAI.prototype.TimerHandler@simulation/components/UnitAI.js:4115:2 Timer.prototype.OnUpdate@simulation/components/Timer.js:139:4 WIll update to the new branch and try.
  5. Getting the following error when selecting a military unit. To access the military unit's build menu, I have to first select a worker and then select the unit. Otherwise the build panel does not show. This error prompts regardless of when I select the unit. -------------------- OK. I confirmed this issue appears to be with the visible garrison settings in the simulation\templates\structures XMLS for walls and towers. I was able to remove it and set it back to Turret Points and the issue cleared up. I'm pretty new to 0 A.D. so I'm still trying to figure out what is controlling visible garrison. interestinglog.html
  6. Disregard. I resolved this by clearing out my game cache using the directory locations listed here: https://trac.wildfiregames.com/wiki/GameDataPaths
  7. Was running into some issues with the last stable alpha version and decided to check against the most recent SVN. However, it seems unable to start a game. Thoughts?
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