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Everything posted by Timnaka

  1. I see. I'll fix that for all the other units too then.
  2. It works! Thank you. Do I need to add that to every military unit? Because I played around a bit further and the issue only seems to happen if the entity is parented to "template_unit_infantry"
  3. Here it is emp_soldier_crossbow.xml
  4. I've essentially just changed the names of the regular templates so I can modify those without changing the regular 0ad units (also I increased the speed at which corpses sink into the ground because my units lack death animations). Then I set the modified templates as the parents for my units. template_dh_unit.xml template_dh_unit_infantry.xml template_dh_unit_infantry_melee.xml template_dh_unit_infantry_melee_spearman.xml emp_soldier_spear.xml I'll have to look into that then.
  5. I tried creating my own templates but I keep getting this error. They are in the right folder so I don't understand why the game can't find them.
  6. Huh, I must have missed that. Thank you very much. I'm honestly a bit overwhelmed with all the parameters in the templates.
  7. Are you sure? I tried looking through the templates of ranged units but i didn't find anything defining the projectile.
  8. A question on projectiles: is there a way to make them visible without having to add my own animations?
  9. Free Empire unit roster: - Peasant (worker) - Peasant Militia (spearman) - Peasant Archer (archer) - Halfling (scout) - Sword Soldier (swordsman) - Spear Soldier (spearman) - Mace Soldier (maceman) - Crossbowman (archer) - Marksman (rifleman) - Imperial General (hero) - Foot Knight (swordsman) - Imperial Guard (spearman) - Huntsman (archer) - War Hound (creature) - Imperial Cavalry (sword cavalry) - Imperial Knight (spear cavalry) - Gatling Gun (artillery) - Imperial Cannon (artillery) - Steam Tank (artillery) - War Wagon (chariot) - TODDY!!! (special character) With the move to custom skeletons the units won't have animations for a while. I'm also still using the vanilla models for horses, dogs and other animals because I haven't made my own ones yet.
  10. thanks now i can finally give equipment to the units that don't have regular human proportions
  11. One more thing though. How do I create attachpoints for props?
  12. It works! Thank you very much
  13. Here it is emp_worker1.dae
  14. I made it by hand based on the existing skeleton files. is that why it doesn't work?
  15. So I tried to start making my own skeletons and animations, just as a test to see if I can do it. I put a custom skeleton on my base human model and made a *.xml file for said skeleton but the game isn't recognizing it. Can anyone tell me what I'm doing wrong? dh_biped.xml
  16. Right, I do remember Neph mentioning that.
  17. That would be great if it's possible. Although I will have to look into custom animations eventually, since the vanilla animations won't cover every unit I want to include.
  18. I saw that when it was first posted I think. Shame it never went anywhere.
  19. Thanks for the quick reply. I was afraid that would be the case. As said, I have basically no experience with 3D modelling (as in I only downloaded Blender last week), so making custom animations sounds like a daunting task, but I guess I'll have to try eventually.
  20. Hello. So I've been aware of 0 A.D. for a few years thanks to the Hyrule Conquest mod and I recently decided to try creating my own fantasy based mod. Since I have basically no experience with 3D modelling, my units rather simplistic looking and so i decided to call this project DerpHammer, in nod to Warhammer Fantasy as that will be a major inspiration for the various factions. I was able to put my regular human units onto the regular 0 A.D. skeletons, but I'm having trouble doing the same with units that are smaller or taller then a human. I also don't really understand how attachpoints work and was hoping to get some advice on that too. Here's a collection of units I modelled so far to give you an idea of the artstyle and size differences: As you can see, the humans have weapons and poses but everything else is still static.
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