Hi all.
After seeking for a solution and many try, I'm asking for your help now.
I'm experiencing trouble changing the 0ad hotkeys. Even if I follow the procedure mentionned in the header of the default.cfg file, i can't re-asign hotkey. Changes does not affect the game.
What i did :
I created the following local.cfg file in the same folder that de default.cfg file, that is to say in "C:\Users\Odin\AppData\Local\0 A.D. alpha\binaries\data\config"
In this file, I wrote for exemple :
self = "0 0 255" ; Color of your units when diplomacy colors are enabled
ally = "0 255 0" ; Color of allies when diplomacy colors are enabled
neutral = "126 126 126" ; Color of neutral players when diplomacy colors are enabled
enemy = "255 0 0" ; Color of enemies when diplomacy colors are enabled </h1>
This modification works fine and is taken into acount in 0ad,
However, when I write this :
hotkey.session.queueunit.1 = "A" ; add first unit type to queue
hotkey.session.queueunit.2 = "Z" ; add second unit type to queue
hotkey.session.queueunit.3 = "E" ; add third unit type to queue
hotkey.session.queueunit.4 = "R" ; add fourth unit type to queue
hotkey.session.queueunit.5 = "T" ; add fivth unit type to queue
hotkey.session.queueunit.6 = "Y" ; add sixth unit type to queue
hotkey.session.queueunit.7 = "U" ; add seventh unit type to queue
hotkey.session.queueunit.8 = "I" ; add eighth unit type to queue
nothing is changing. What do I miss ? I really need to reasign hot key default ones make me crasy IG.
more over if i change directly default.cfg file, nothing about hotkeys changes are taken into account.
I tryed civMOD too but it add to much unusefull shorkcut according to me, or maybe you can convince me to install it back.