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last samurai

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Posts posted by last samurai

  1. another comparison that comes to mind is the treaty with carthage and ours with japan after WWII. Rome said that they would provide all of Carthages defense and that they could not make any weapons. After WWII the political science department at michigan state(?) made japans constitution, it states similiar things. Japan can only dedicate a small amount of its national funds to defense, and if need be we will provide all defense for japan.

    i liked your P.O.V. klass and i agree with you that the U.S. has been imperialistic for quite some time now, but i think it is becoming even more so. i am not a bush hater, i think hes done an ok job, i am looking at the move for war as a decision of the entire government. however that may be the wrong idea.

  2. Is the United States becoming an imperialistic country? The current state of the country reminds me of rome around the years of the second and third macedonian wars, when Rome first started to change from a republic to an empire. Rome had a policy called fetial law it states that Rome will only enter a war in defense of itself and its allies. Rome did not follow this when entering the wars, they entered because they saw Philip and his son Perseus as a threat, but they never attacked Rome or its allies. I think this is similiar to the war in Iraq, the U.S. was not provoked into attacking, they simply saw Saddam as a threat. Im not saying i dont support the war, because it had a good outcome, but it is just interesting. well tell me what you think. :P

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