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Everything posted by Ceniros

  1. How do I prevent that from happening. im using 2.81 which is the current version of blender.
  2. As for the bones themselves, can they sort of be separated but still connected like a black line connecting the two bones.
  3. I successfully manage to create an animation that bends the mesh!
  4. Im on my phone im gonna use the model from yesterday by adding to bones. I'll probably gonna send that one instead
  5. I copied that word from the basic tutorial. I think you guys either have to update the tutorial to fix the typo or I screwed up badly
  6. So it was a typo this whole time. Why is everything that is hard is always fixed with something with a simple fix
  7. There needs to be a new tool for creating animations for models cause im having a hard time getting to make my custom model working with animations by following this tutorial https://trac.wildfiregames.com/wiki/BasicAnimationImplementation
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