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WFG Retired
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Posts posted by Wijitmaker

  1. The goal is to have the ability for all text (excluding text that is in an image) be modifiable. All we need is someone who is capable of translating, do the work of translating all the text (which would probably be a large job).

    Short answer is that we will provide the public the capability of making a translation, but we will probably lean on the community to do the dirty work of translating for us once the english version is released.

  2. this project is 6 years old

    Here are some better dates:

    Winter of 2001/2002 - the idea of 0ad as a game was born (previously a mod for Age of Kings).

    Summer of 2003 - actual game development started, up to that point is was mostly design on paper, prototypes, and proof of concept work.

    I know we aren't as fast as a game studio that has an army of professionals pouring 40+ hours a week into their games. This might also help put some perspective on things if making comparisons:


  3. Will the sub-cultures have diferent regular units(sowrdsman,archer,spearman),I mean,will the diference between sub-cultures be only the UUs?

    Yes, both visually and (at higher rankings) statistically between the common shared units.

  4. No reason to run away B) We always need a little spur to our sides, it is plays one small part in what keeps us going.

    A few of the team members have been toying with some alternate distribution and developmental plans that might get an earlier form of the game into the hands of the players faster. We'll see how things look in the spring, but I was just playing the game last night and I am quite proud about how much like a 'game' it really feels like now vs. something that just makes pretty screenshots or shows off some programming tricks. Things are coming together :shrug:, with the help of the community (based on one of the proposed new plans), it might come together faster.

  5. For the past few months the 0 A.D. community has taken part in a community activity. The goal was to complete the civilization emotion icon set for our six featured factions. The competition was over last week, but the judging was finished today. Here are the results!



    by FirePowa8



    by FirePowa8



    by omicron1



    by Undo

    Your work will forever be immortalized on our forums. Thank you all for your participation!

  6. Did you send it to all of us? I know it may sound very strange, but I still haven't received anything from you. Is is possible your email is being caught by a spam filter? If you could perhaps share an instant messenger account with us via a forum private message or some other means - we could perhaps troubleshoot this disconnect. I'm really sorry for all the trouble you are going through to get a simple application pushed through :shrug:

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