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Everything posted by Graham1
Thanks for the suggestion but as 0.A.D. runs full screen, I was unable to do this. However, by extracting the file and placing the folder (capture) in /home/<username>/snap/0ad/current/.local/share/0ad/mods/capture, this seems to have done the trick.
Thanks for the link inc. download. How would I apply this? I'm running 0.A.D. on Ubuntu 24.04 which is installed within /home/<username>/snap/0ad.
Is it possible to change the default behaviour of capturing a building rather than attacking?
I like to play a lot of 8 players games (everbody against each other) with the option of making allies. I can tell who I've made an ally with but is it possible to see who my ally has made an ally with?
Happy New Year to all at Wildfire Games and Community.
Not really. I prefer DEB over snap simply because DEBS tend to load faster (especially when first run) and everything just works. I don't use headphones with 0.A.D. I can play around with the snap permissions but given that 0.A.D. loads fine on the second run, it seems more of a timing issue possibly. I'll have a play around and report back.
I'm having the same issue here (Warning: No audio device was found). Running Ubuntu 24.04.1 with 0.A.D. snap. Shame there is no DEB installation for this game (at the moment). At least closing 0.A.D. and then re-opening again is a workaround until the Python issue is resolved.
Thanks for the suggestion seeh. I did try the windowed mode which helped. It seems that this time it was user error as I had set to "true" rather than "false". Now working as expected.
Having re-installed Fedora 38 and applied the "borderless.fullscreen" option, the cursor is still slightly off. The top off the screen is showing a black bar. Any ideas how to correct this?
This option is under user.cfg (see screenshot below). This is on Fedora 38 using the flatpak version of 0 A.D. Other distros/OS's may use a different path. Edit: The RPM version may be found under "Home/.config/0ad/config"
Thanks vladislavbelov. That has resolved the issue. Should mention that this issue occurred in both the rpm and flatpak builds.
This ticket is similar to my original issue when using wayland with Fedora 37. The issue in Fedora 38 is slightly different in that I can move the cursor within the whole (physical) screen. When set to full screen, the whole screen is not being used (only 3/4)
Since changing to "OpenGL ARB" the screen is now more full screen minus the top bar and the cursor still slightly off. Also, in windowed mode, unable to scroll up the map.
Hi All Have just upgraded to Fedora 38 which was released today and found the 0 A.D is not using the full screen under xorg (wayland still has the same issue). The screen seems to be full screen mode but only displaying within 3/4 of the screen. The cursor can travel outside this area (unlike wayland) but does not match with the area highlighted. For the time being, have set to windowed mode. Any suggestions? Edit: Btw, I'm not using any nvidia drivers, just the default.
That could work. Regarding converting units (enemy), a priest would need to be inside to be able to do this (convert button becomes visible). Once a priest is inside, the shrine would change in colour to that particular player and return neutral again once the priest has exited.
Maybe have more damage applied to the enemy in front of you (using javs and pikemen) but have slingers or archers apply less damage but with a further reach. I guess the main reason I garrison my units in this part of the wall is due to an invading army and not having enough towers to garrison in. Better in the wall than on it.
Not the stone and wooden towers but I suppose you could call them turrets as chrstgtr suggested. When creating a wall, this is the first part and then appears when expanded.
What about the units within the sections of the walls, like either side of a gate? Units can garrison inside of those.
Do units fire arrows when garrisoned inside a wall? If so, is the attack strengthened by the number of units? If not, are units healed quicker?
Thank you for creating the best RTS. Merry Christmas to all at Wildfire Games and forum members. Wishing you all the best for 2023.
Tbh, I've never played with more than one priest during a game and when in trouble, usually convert a temple (with champions) when needing to restore. I wouldn't say it was an exploit but the population limit could be a problem and I'm not sure how this would work with AI.
Say I was attacking the enemy (far from my base) and some of my units were very low on health, rather than let them get slaughtered, there is a chance I could drop them into a temple and regain some health. With all the action going on, it is likely that this could be done without the other person knowing as they (and yourself) would be concentrating on the action in a certain area. If you were to convert them, they would have the same health (not fully healed). The conversion could be over time (say 30 secs) rather than instant.
You don't need to, it's just a game . If you want to be historically correct, I've no idea what went on during those times. It was just a gameplay suggestion.