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About Hyborian

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    Austin Tejas

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  1. I just about craped my shortes when i saw that most of the votes where Celt. I wonder why they are so overly represented ?? LOL!! good one TheCobra1
  2. Some of my personal favorite artists and tutorials. http://www.onlineartdemos.co.uk/ http://www.itchstudios.com/psg/index.htm http://www.justinsweet.com/index.html http://www.goodbrush.com/mainpage/index2.htm http://www.artbyfeng.com http://www.conceptart.org/forums http://www.die-einherjar.de/ http://www.characterdesigns.com/ http://www.simonbisleyonline.com/ Hope these help.
  3. I just wanted too upload the original image. Hope you like
  4. Okedoke its ready.... Roman War Desktop
  5. Thise will probably get a BIG laugh... How about something set during the Neolythic age? I'm a little afraid though that people might start getting an image of the Flintstones turned into a game. Its an important time period however since it was just before the Copper and Bronze ages. We had just began building villages,domesticating animals, producing art, and Agriculture. These where the first (real) civilizations, warfare would be fairly brutal but probably not anywhere near the scale of the Greeks and Romans later on. But still, Alot of important things where going on and all of it leading up to where we are today. Im still not very sure if it would make for an interesting game, or end up being kind of Lame. Just some thoughts.
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