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  1. feneur's post in how can i destroy (not steal) buldings and rams? was marked as the answer   
    To attack rather than capture, press the ctrl button while right-clicking.
  2. feneur's post in Problem Posting Pictures was marked as the answer   
    Either you can upload the picture to a site that offers image hosting and then get the URL from that, or you can click on "More Reply Option" and browse for the image and attach it to your post.
  3. feneur's post in I can copy, but I cannot paste in atlas was marked as the answer   
    Just tested and it works fine as far as I can tell. Ctrl+C and Ctrl+V or using the Edit menu. You do get the objects "floating" though, i.e. you need to click to place them, so perhaps your cursor is just outside of the map area when you try to paste?
  4. feneur's post in Perk ? was marked as the answer   
    They have not been sent out as there are still a few administrative things left to be done (basically investigate and decide on a shipment provider, order addresses in groups, and order things -- and since it's taken such a long time since the survey we should also ask people to send us an email if they have changed addresses since the survey), which I will try to get done soon. The trouble is that since it has to be done in my free time it has to compete with other more fun things, and since it's boring I'm sad to say it has often lost out to other things. Now after halloween and Christmas etc are over I think I should be able to put in the time required time.
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