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Posts posted by chichigrande

  1. The stupidest thing I have ever done would be as follows:

    One day at school my teacher was running way late or class. Che showed up about 10 minutes after calss was supposd to start. So one of teh assistant principles comes in and opens the door so we could get into the classroom at least. When she finally entered the room, not thinking, I yelled out "that's going to cost you 3 detentions" (on account that wasn't her first time being late). She didn't take to nicely and for the rest of the week and to sit in the vice pricipals office all period long.

  2. Here's what I have to say on the subject:

    1) Get to know him/her. Know what he/she likes and what he/she doesn't like, so you'll always know what he/she wants.

    2) Befriend him/her.

    3) Don't expect the the other person to do everything. Make the first move.

    4) Cleansliness is always #1. Always be clean and on time.

    5) Be courtious and respectful.

    6) Dress apropiately (sp?)

    7) Sometimes do what your date wants to do or go where they want to go. Remember it's not always about.

    And this concludes this session of Matt's dating tips.

    Until nextime. :ph34r:

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