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  1. @Lion.Kanzen The pictures that you posted of those ruins and the coloseum are from now, 0ad takes place when they were not so much damaged and maybe just a few years destroyed. So a relatively 'new' ruin wouldnt be that strange.
  2. @fatherbushido i think what he means is like a toggle option in the settings menu so that you can set it to whatever you prefer. At least i think that is a good idea not sure if it is a hard thing to implement.
  3. @niektb I tried to make it by hand but i horribly failed, then i remembered the heightmap function and made a heightmap in 5 minutes which made it a lot better.
  4. @AtlasMapper: Thank you that was the word i was looking for i couldn't rememer it. It wasn't my goal to make a realistic map i wanted to make a very balanced map with no advantages for anyone. I saw those random maps made by Kali those maps are awesome but i didnt see a close combat map anywhere in the forum. I could that map myself but i dont think i would do a good job on it. And maybe someone who is good at mapmaking likes my idea and makes it, who knows.
  5. @AtlasMapper: Thank you i edited my post. The heightmap is indeed a cross-shaped landscape i used a heightmap so the map would be the same for all the players. I didnt mean to order you to make this i just wanted to share this idea you can do whatever you want with it. Although i would love to see something similar to this map in multiplayer.
  6. I was thinking about something like this for multiplayer. It is really close to your enemy which makes it hard to gather materials. I did some work to make this map unfortunately did my atlas crash right after i made a screenshot so i lost everything exept the heightmap i used which i attached to this file. It was more of a sketch anyway. I would love to see you make this map a lot better than i could have done.
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