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Everything posted by eugeneloza

  1. Dear 0 A.D. development team! At this moment I'm planning to make voice acting for Wyrmsun game by Andrettin, and the author suggested that I contact you also. You may check the details here: http://forum.freegamedev.net/viewtopic.php?f=6&t=6395 At this moment planned voice acting includes the following phrases (a few variants for each): * Unit selected * Unit confirms order * Unit ready * Construction completed * Annoyed by excessive clicking With the rest (the mood and the specific script) left for me to decide. There will be around 4 distinctive characters in English and a few in Ukrainian&Russian, and maybe one or two German characters. If you need some additional/special phrases, specific mood for units, script voice-overs, etc. please, feel free to contact me. It's free under CC-BY or GPL licenses (other variants also possible). The amount of voice acting is not limited (however, it extends the time for recording&processing a little), and, of course, this should be something interesting like mission briefing, unit sounds, etc, not just reading 100 pages of in-game encyclopedia. The examples of my work you may find here: http://opengameart.org/content/voice-acting-sketch-open-dungeons Looking forward to hearing from you. Sincerely yours, Eugene Loza.
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