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Everything posted by DanHart

  1. I tried that. When I run 0 A.D. it takes me straight to the mod screen. Then I have to enable empires ascendant to run the game and take me to the main menu. When I click the scenario editor it runs pyrogenesis in the background, but does not bring up Atlas UI. After unzipping the public.zip file withing the public folder, and then deleting public.zip the game does not run. It takes me to the mod screen, but the mod is not there.
  2. So I should import the newHead, then import the helmer (after it is finished) and then scale it to fit the head, then export it. Got it. Thank you! Just out of curiosity though... If I left the helmet tiny and used it. Would the character have tiny helmet in pyrogenesis? Also, theoretically, how small can the scale of objects go in pyrogenesis? I would assume that scale is relative to all the objects in the game, and if things were too small the player could obviously not see them. However, If I scaled down a couple of characters would that make the game map seem larger? I read an article about the size of game maps being limited up to a point before you lose game performance, but I have been interested in seeing just how large a map could get, as to have multiple cities for each player. In addition, I know that lots of players like the smaller maps because they get to the action quicker, but I am a big map guy, and I am curious about the scale of landmass that could be created.
  3. Here is the file path to the XML file: Here is the XML template: Here is the path to the PNG: Here is the path to the mesh: You might notice that instead of the file path being mods>pubic... etc the file path is mods>mod... The reason for this is when I start the game with the "unzipped public files" in the PUBLIC folder the game goes straight to the Mod selection screen. When I enable the empires ascendant mod it and start it, I get to the main menu. then I try to open Atlas. The Atlas UI does not pop up, but pyrogenesis.exe runs in the background until I open the Task Manager in windows and end the process. So I when I moved the "unzipped public files" into the MOD folder and started the game, it goes straight to the main game menu (with the greek background picture). Then i go into Atlas from there and the UI pops up and works fine. Intuitively it seems as if things are reversed. My computer setup: MacBook Air --> running Windows 7 Bootcamp. I use Blender, Gimp, and they work on the Windows side and they work fine. 0 A.D. has worked fine on my computer so far, and I might add that if I needed a full gaming PC I might not have spent as much time with 0 A.D. if my MacBook could not run the game. I plan to get a gaming PC in the future because I am starting to really get interested in this stuff, but for now I got my Macbook (I have a mouse for it too). So to the Producer --> Thank you for casting a wide net!
  4. Scale Question: I am working on a helmet model. I imported a helmet into Blender from the github files. This is an old helmet to use as a reference so that I would be sure to get the appropriate scale correct. In addition, I imported a new character model that Enrique put together to see the scale relative to each object in blender. However... I got this. If you look closely, there is a crest, the new helmet I am working on (overlayed on the original old helmet for reference), and the new mesh head, and new mesh body. I am assuming that I should scale the helmet to the size of the new mesh head, but I am not exactly sure what I should do?
  5. New Questions: I was going through the modelling import guide --> http://trac.wildfiregames.com/wiki/Basic3DImplementation I got the mesh to show up purple in actor view. However, the texture does not show up, and I get the following error: I double checked the templates and followed the tutorial exactly! No luck though. Anybody have suggestions?
  6. Here is the zipped files. The Aristiea mod looks cool. I got it into the mod selection window, but I couldn't run it. I think it was an error with version compatibility with 0 A.D. (most likely I just don't know what I am doing though) As far as the mod I don't mind helping. I'm not just sure how useful I will be. I have only been doing this stuff for three weeks. Also, I have other obligations so I can't commit to meeting deadlines, but I plan to churn out some more Assyrian characters. I want to work on an auxiliary infantry unit next, when I get this current model squared away. The Model: He is an infantrymen. His weapon would be a spear, but historically he could have two functions with a spear and sword. He is from the Neo-Assyrian Empire (early iron age). In 0 A.D. terms he wold be a professional soldier, heavy infantry, trained at a fortress or special building. AssyrianWarrior.zip
  7. Never mind on the files, It won't let me upload them. I have them if anyone wants them.
  8. I tried making a unit model. It took forever! and I am not sure if I did it right. I used the existing meshes from the github files and then slightly made changes. Helmet - used celt helmet mesh and made adjustments. Texture - made new texture and grabbed random metal from google images. Head - used beard mesh and made adjustments to add the mullet. Texture - used Xerxes texture (the head and arm skin does not match. Body - used long tunic mesh and made adjustments for the striped tassels. Texture - used existing 0 A.D. texture and edited it in gimp. At first I tried making one from scratch (that was a bad idea). Shield - Used existing shield. Texture - used existing textures from files and edited them with gimp - lots of cut and paste. Q1: If the meshes are already existing do I need to re-rig and animate? I made small changes to the meshes. Q2: I scaled up the body and other objects to be able to work on them. How do I know what scale to get them back to for the game? (for the photo I just imported the objects and eyeballed them) Q3: I did not do a normal map/occ/spec. Can the model still be loaded? Does it matter (I know it won't look the best) or do I have to make all the physical armor in blender to get the normal map? (I saw the tutorial with the egyptian texture) Does this have to be done for each model? Q4: For UV layouts how do I get them all nicely arranged like below if I want to make custom mesh? or do I have to manually arrange them with each model? Q5: will the UV overlap in the second image cause problems? Q6: If I want on my next model to use 512 x 512 for the body and 256 x 256 for the helmet can It work with the 0 A.D. engine. Is there a limit? (I am aware if there are a lot of high poly/high resolution images I will have to have few units to avoid it crashing) Q7: I tried to delete all my 0 A.D. files for the game to re-download the game. (i screwed up atlas when I was messing with mod files or something) However, when I try to delete all the files the computer says "they are being uses" even when I don't have the game running. Not sure what to do? This was a mess. This was better laid out, but primarily taken from the existing UV layouts for the models. The files for the models/textures are attached if someone wants to use them. Right now I am having problems with 0 A.D. on my computer. So I can't do much from here. Criticism on my model is welcomed and appreciated. Thanks!
  9. Part I: Okay I got this far... (I decided to do a different model that would be simpler) I tried to load into atlas, but my model is not showing. not sure what I am doing wrong. Part II: downloaded Aristeia mod, but I can't get it to load either.
  10. Thanks for the replies! I downloaded the github files and used a character mesh for reference to the scale of the building. I guess what I was trying to ask if the game would not recognize the model because its base is roughly a large rectangle, where the town center is a square. When I model buildings do I have to use exact base parameters to build the structure from or is that just the standard the developers want for the game? I don't plan to give the building any functionality outside of a wonder type building. I just wanted to make a simple building. This came to mind from a picture I found on the internet. Thanks for pointing out the normals - I had no clue super amateur here. Q3: The Minoan buildings look cool. I downloaded the Aristeia mod files from github. I noticed that textures for all the buildings in a civilization are on the same png and that each building pulls textures from this single png. For my minoan building do I need to use the texture map from the Aristeia mod? or can I create my own texture png map and then put that in the files to render the object in Atlas? Since this is a learning project for me, I prefer to make my own map to get the experience. Q4: Level of Detail If I wanted to experiment, could I make two other low poly versions of my building and implement LOD in the game with just my one building (I wouldn't do it with all buildings, that is to much modeling)? I don't know much about programming, but could a noob tackle this experiment? or is this advanced game programming stuff? Not a big deal to me, but I think it would be an interesting experiment for me to try if it is reasonable. Q5: Any other tips for getting my building into Atlas, so I don't make noob mistakes?
  11. It seems like a lot of suggestions are centered around the stats of units. It seems redundant to continually adjust them based on everyone's input. It might make sense (if possible) to build a stat modification interface. It would be similar to the scenario editor, but with the ability for people to quickly and easily adjust unit stats.
  12. Q # 1 Started work on building to learn about modeling and texturing. I want to load it into the game when its finished. However, the poly's are low but the scale is larger than the town center building in the game. Will this mess up the configurations? will i be able to load it into the scenario editor? Q# 2 General game dev question In Grand Ages Rome, how did they make the camera be able to zoom out so far without the game crashing? How is 0 A.D. different?
  13. Here are my ideas: 0 A.D. 19 ... Semita - Latin for "path" because of the new pathfinder Ignis Semita - "fire path" Ignis Tempus - "time of fire" Ferro Igne - "iron and fire" Trahentium - "trail" Sanguinem Semita - "blood path" Polypodis - "octopus"
  14. I didn't make this model. I just imported it from the github files. I am just starting 3d modeling and so I was wondering how to get the models into to blender for reference. The photo is just me importing the model. Since we are on the topic though... what is the limit for the height of a building or what is the cutoff point before the program says that "you cannot build this building here"?
  15. I did it!!! Okay, I'm Back!! I am taking a financial modeling course through the university and I had an exam so I was caught up with that. Thanks for the Video!
  16. Hi everyone, I am excited to be a part of this project, and play this interesting game. Brings back memories from the AOE days. I am trying to teach myself game development, but I am an absolute amateur when it comes to the development tools (not games). 1. Development: Is there anyway some more experienced developers could do some "amateur, getting started" youtube videos. The videos I came across, although interesting, were not very helpful. They just need to walk through the basic stuff, like loading a mesh into blender. I have been trying, and I keep running into problems. This way we can get an education pipeline going, helping feed more people into the system, so as they gain experience they can increase their contributions. 2. Game Play: The Romans and other civilization's units are to strong when... (City Phase ---> Fortress ---> Higher Pay (increased attack by 25%)). It's to much. I was playing against the Romans one time and they AI got this upgrade. My Civ didn't have it I think. I had a better economy and more units, but they kept getting annihilated. Then as many archers and built lots of fortresses, but it didn't do anything. I was literally powerless as a player. It didn't matter what strategy I used, or how many units i outnumbered them with, or how many units I kept feeding into the battle with multiple barracks buildings, they just kept getting smoked. 3. My first contribution (WIP) ---> "Between the Dunes" I am working on this map. I noticed that we need an 8 player map, so I started designing one. I hope you like it and I glad to be apart of the community!!!
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