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Everything posted by wackyserious

  1. I modified the Ptolemaic quilted cloth helmet mesh for it and used its uv and texture file as a basis.
  2. Been seeing a lot of artistic depiction of topless Scythian infantry with a lower abdomen armor that somehow looks like a belt of some sort.
  3. Should we create a standalone mod for the Scythians over at Github/0admods?
  4. @wowgetoffyourcellphone First one on the left is the most recent update for Ateas' texture, I added metal studs on his leather shoulder padding
  5. I think those props could align a bit lower on the upper arm area, or do want to simply it into the texture file just like this one?
  6. What should we try to add, the chest piece and belt details?
  7. Ohh, the red part on the sleeves are cloth folds, I could reduce its visibility I'll add some shadow on the torso area later
  8. So a quilted cloth coat would be fine for basic rank units?
  9. @Stan` added spec map, planning to add this as a variant and not a replacer
  10. Tried reworking the lorica segmentata, no spec maps yet.
  11. @wowgetoffyourcellphone @Genava55 would they have used quilted cloth, just like in the concept above?
  12. @wowgetoffyourcellphone wackyserious/0adtextures (github.com)
  13. Artistic interpretations, might borrow some useful elements from their concept with accuracy in mind
  14. Here's a wip @wowgetoffyourcellphone for the headgear, the I think the Persian crown prop can be modified, then add some Italian feather crest props on top of it?
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