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  1. Ok thanks - encouraged by your kind help with this. Will keep all things you have indicated in mind for future builds. Hope you have a great Easter break (if you get one) and stay safe with the current pandemic out there.
  2. Thank you so much - will check this out and maybe keep going with this one and the other one I originally poster here - did you do anything to the one I uploaded being Remote Beginnings? .... as I have another map doing the same thing.
  3. Thank you for this - I can access it with my Linux version, but still crashes with Windows. I am not familiar enough with everything 'yet' to don't know how to migrate all the errors out so I might, as a learning enforcement, make scenarios from scratch anyway. I would prefer to use my Windows 7 (yes I am that old) box which is my Age of ... and Battlefield 1942 gaming box, to run 0ad - with scenarios creation, will they run cross-platform ok? Sorry for the noob question but just want to make sure I follow the 0ad preferred path.
  4. Thanks for this - I am thinking of stop pining over stuff that doesn't work and start again - at least now I have a heads up to keep an eye out for future changes.
  5. ./a18_to_a19.py Imperial_Conflicts__Remote_Beginnings.pmp Processing Imperial_Conflicts__Remote_Beginnings.pmp ... Warning: File Imperial_Conflicts__Remote_Beginnings.pmp was not at version 5, while a version bump was requested. ABORTING ... I was getting codec based stuff but this one is all I get now.
  6. Thanks Stan` and Angen - I have tried using the a18_to_a19.py but now get errors so I may just abandon these two and start working with new ones on the current setup.
  7. Hi All, my first post so please bear with me. In 2017 I jumped onto the version of 0ad at the time and designed 2 scenarios which helped me get a handle on design and had created scenarios that I played a few times that worked perfectly. Some months later the version of 0ad updated so I update it (I am a Linux user) and it started to give me errors (java error I believe) so I just left it all and continued to play the supplied scenarios with the game. I have since tried both on my Linux install and Windows 7 install to load the two scenarios, both to play or edit, and the logs are showing: ERROR: Failed to load map maps/scenarios/Imperial_Conflicts__Remote_Beginnings.pmp: File_InvalidVersion Given the age of the scenarios, is there a convert or update I need? I have taken a while to get back to map design and am an old AOE/AOK scenario fan contributing maps under the dmc1961 id with my map 'series' being "Imperial Conflicts" with heavengames.... since the 90s. I did spend a long time on these two scenarios so would love to get them going - also, as I am a noob here, where is the best place to share scenarios I create once I sort them and given my primary gaming box is Windows 7 as this is where all my old man games live, is there issue with producing scenarios across platform? Imperial_Conflicts__Remote_Beginnings.pmp Imperial_Conflicts__Remote_Beginnings.xml
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