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Everything posted by Gheryon

  1. i dont know if someone here played imperivm I-III, but i always loved how they implemented the army in that game. basically, is a hero unit, that can be asigned x units, and you control all those units with that hero. it allow to micromanage every unit however you want, and at the same time, you have a unit like batallions from others games
  2. eso de que los ptolemaicos tengan edificios gratis es asi o es un error?
  3. but what i said doesnt need a pathfinder, its only to be used by the player not the IA, its only paint the terrain ingame instead the editor, without add any bonus, only visual
  4. but what does the pathfinder and why its so important to roads? my propose its intended only for players to use, not IA
  5. one way to implement road i think it could be treat like it was the editor. it can be a button somewhere, that it allows you to draw on the terrain like you were in the editor, it could only be a visual change on terrain. if it works, then it could be added to buldings to draw auttomatically a road to the closest buildings in a x range too.
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