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Posts posted by J1N6666

  1. Hello, I'm a new player to 0 ad so I have a few questions for the glorious citizens of Bal'Haman. (Carthage)

    What's the difference between each of the merc trees? It seems all 3 of the embassies both have a melee unit and a calv unit.

    Is there special perks between gaullic / celts / romans or is this area still WIP?

    What do you guys do or go with? Do you build 1 or all 3?

    Personally, I feel mercs are just a sink for metal at the time and are pretty worthless. The citizenry seems to be a much better force in all aspects.

  2. Thanks for the report! We need some more info.

    How big is the difference, a few pixels or more? I have seen a cursor offset bug on OS X, but not yet on Windows.

    Do you start the game in fullscreen mode? Is the cursor offset from the start of the game? What happens if you switch to windowed mode (Alt+Enter)?

    Also, please attach the system_info.txt log from the game's log folder.

    How big is the difference?

    The mouse in game cursor points to the upper left with an arrow. but what it is actually pointing to is on the bottom left. Basically, it's pointing to the upper left corner but it's actually on the bottom left.

    Do you start the game in fullscreen mode?

    Yes I start the game in full screen mode.

    Is the cursor offset from the start of the game?

    Yes, it starts off misaligned.

    What happens if you switch to windowed mode (Alt+Enter)?

    OH WOW! Switching into windowed mode actually fixes the mouse cursor misalignment.

    However, I dislike playing in windowed mode due to accidentally clicking on things outside of the game.

  3. Oh, my bad.

    Lined up, as in the graphic?

    Or lined up as, you click on something --------------------------->Here but actually click on something ----------------------------->Here?

    This is what I meant.

    The mouse pointer is seen but when I click, it is actually vertically off for some reason.

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