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Everything posted by jurgenjuggernaut

  1. Is there a plan to include them in the game? has someone started a topic already?
  2. Played in multiplayer will try to screenshot in normal game, also the problem with the interface was fixed with glsc activation, though happens but just gets black the menus still can see the resources and descriptions
  3. Thanks good to know, why iberian tower is 300 stone? and slingers cost 50 food 50 stone have the same range that skirsmishers, iberian civ in my opinion need a elite mele caballery, when i said the fortress attack thing i was think like age of empires 2 castles that u really need siege weapons or tons of units that would propably die. Dont take me bad im new and i really like this game, if can help to create something better
  4. In my opinion skirsmishers, archers, ranged units in general are overpowered, some players are using them as "raiders", poking early thanks to their movily and their power, if u are roman or spartan or some civ that Its main base is infrantry or even caballery u are in disadvantaje, recently played macedon against sparta, he was getting basic units skirmishers and hoplites peroikos when i was getting slingers some skirmishers and elite peltast. That wasnt rentable and I ended up losing, they didnt even get near the skirmisher, they died in the way. Also I suggest that fortress towers and city centres to have more attack both when are empty and when garrisoned, and to have some kind of early defensive tower like a woden tower, not a watch tower, that can also be upgraded to stone tower maybe.
  5. Also would like to ask why iberian towers cost is 300 stone when others is 100 stone 100 wood are they better?, also had problems with walls "pasive".Would suggest better to have an improvement on harvesting stone or more initial stone dont know, also towers city centre and fortress arent as powerfull as i think they should be, they should be a liltle more deadly. In my opinion like age of empires castle that killed units with one ore two rows of arrows, then u really need siege weapons, also the city centre is very vulnerable this one and the fortres just got tons of life. http://www.wildfiregames.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=19526 link to the topic off wall problem I speak off An early defensive tower that u maybe can upgrade into stone tower, more resistance to infantry specially elite infantry, maybe more armor against ranged damege dont know. The mele caballery to have more health and damage in compensation for the price, I mean a skirmisher caballery cost is 100 food 40 wood against a Hetaroi or sacred band of asterte, when they are killed by horse skirmishers or skirmishers. The slingers price 50 food 50 stone, in my opinion too much stone and should have more range than skirmishers, would be nice to have more elite mounted units for iberians (mele)
  6. Have played in other maps with them I dont know if it random generated or what but I had the walls already closed with gates and everything, is better this way I think, in other map got just the tower of the walls and had the same problem couldnt close, had to delete and rebuild
  7. Backing to Rome thing I would suggest to have a tecnology like selucids, to chose between Rome Populares and Rome Optimates then if u go for Optimates u ll gain control of the current elite units and heroes of that party, if u chose Rome Populares u get the Mario reforms and heroes like Ceasar the new legions sistem, etc Id like to ask if just planing to stick to 3 heroes per civ, cause Rome and many other civs got many other prominent heroes. Also wonder if Rome Empire as a faction or maybe as an upgrade of Rome republic maybe better. Id suggest Cayo Mario, Julius Ceasar, Mark Antony for heroes there are many others
  8. Totally agree with Thorfinn, also balista should be more acuarated or have damage, rams are more effecitve at the moment both atacking buildings and units, ram vs caballery or almost any unit ram wins, also skirmishers and archers are to way to powerfull, u just mass them and win against any caballery or infantry unit, as thorfin said they were more suportive than main army thing
  9. Hi everyone i would suggest a cost decrease on sacred band units or making them stronger, also why merchant caravans cost metal? Id suggest food cost maybe wood donno
  10. Thanks good to know, think got excite u are right no prof of camel thing in carthage nor charriots in Ptolomy´s Egypt. Then wonder If ur gona add Egypt as faction?. Also I would suggest that the sacred band of bal to be cheaper or stronger
  11. I would suggest archer unit for all the civs, also for cartigian civ, numidian mercenaries and tuareg camel (caballery), more heroes for rome, like Pompey, Mark Antony, Ceasar, Octavius, a system of mercenaries for rome, romanized (Auxiliares). Charriots for Egypt (ptolomies)
  12. Got 2 "bug" one in the Lorraine plane map playing with iberian civ, cant complete the wall. I mean i cant close the prebuild circle wall, the second if i click in a corner or some place far from face with camera far from ground the interface gone mising. Also a question how do the animal % discount work for iberian and cartigian civ?
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