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  1. I discovered this mod a few days ago I have to say I am so hyped! The work you guys did with the Zapotecs is amazing and I can't wait to see the Kushites! Just a minor nitpick, the Zapotec buildings look very bland. Any chance of giving the Zapotec buildings some color? I've seen some depictions where they're painted. I've tried my hand at giving some buildings a red hue to show what I mean. Is it historical or anachronistic for the Zapotecs?
  2. I'm just unnerved with how quickly pikes can rotate a 20 ft stick, horizontally, a full 180 degrees, in milliseconds, especially through other units. Is there anyway to force pike units to bring their pike up, rotate, then lower it back to attack another unit if it is at too great an angle to spin to horizontally? Pike formations or just a group of pikes would have no weakness if they could just swing pikes through other members of their formation quickly, making flanking no longer effective as units that approach from behind would just be attacked as easily as units from the front. Cavalry also accelerate extremely quickly to their max speed; is there any way to have it ramp up more gradually?
  3. I've noticed that units seem to be able to turn instantly, which looks very strange for cavalry and makes pikes ridiculously manoeuverable. Is there anyway to implement turn speeds?
  4. Huh. I've just tested it again and its seems to be working; its never done that before. It looks great when enemy units suddenly slow down when reaching the pikes, resulting in bunching up of enemy units trying to make it through the pikes. However, since the aura seems to be circular, enemy units slow down even when running around pikemen; its there a way to make auras directional? Thanks for the helpful comments! @niektb: I was worried about the auras applying outside of formation, but a unit spacing of 0.3 never seems to happen outside of testudo formation out of all the tests I've tried with my brother, so it seems alright.
  5. Thanks for replying! I chose to use a unit aura as a work around because I don't know how to have formation auras only apply to certain formations. Formation auras seem to apply whenever units are in formation, which would mean that swordsmen would be immune to pierce damage when they are standing in any sort of rectangle and only when they are moving. By having unit auras, swordsman only become immune to pierce damage when very close together, which would only happen when they are in testudo formation. This would work whether the units are moving or standing their ground and only when in testudo formation; its been working great for me and I'm happy with the results. However, if there's a way to have formation auras only apply for certain formations, I would gladly use it. The range mismatch is new information to me. However, what I was trying to do was to slow down enemy movement when they are attacked by pikes. If they are within 8 m, an enemy swordsman would have to travel 6 m to get in attacking range. When I made the pike aura, it was with the assumption that the auras would stack, so I used a multiplier of 0.9. If they do stack, then if there are about 15 pikeman within attack range of a swordsman, its movement would be reduced to 0.9^15, which would be about 0.2, or 20% of its base speed. I felt that this would be a good way to simulate the effects of engaging a large number of pikes, which should be very effective in holding up melee infantry. If, they don't stack, I just might change 0.9 to 0.2.However, I couldn't get this movement rate decrease to work; an error message just appears in console when pike units are created. Would you know why? Thanks.
  6. I've been trying to implement auras to supplement formations, for personal use. Since this feature hasn't made it into the main game yet, I've tried making a quick fix. I've made satisfactory changes with testudo and phalanx formations, but haven't managed to get syntagma changes working. Posted below are the relevant changes I've made; does anyone know why it isn't working or how I could fix it? Testudo and Syntagma changes are posted below: I've changed formation spacing and the auras of individual units. Testudo: I changed the unit width multiplier to 0.3, meaning the units would be 0.9m apart. This was done so that visually all the shields were overlapping and to facilitate adding an aura. I then gave swordsman units an aura that would increase the pierce armor of swordsmen if they were within 1 m meter apart, giving them a bonus against projectiles while in testudo. Something similar was done for the phalanx formation. This application was successful. testudo.xml <UnitSeparationWidthMultiplier>0.30</UnitSeparationWidthMultiplier> <UnitSeparationDepthMultiplier>0.50</UnitSeparationDepthMultiplier> <WidthDepthRatio>1.5</WidthDepthRatio> template_unit_infantry_melee_swordsman.xml <Auras> <testudo> <Type>range</Type> <Radius>1</Radius> <Affects>Unit</Affects> <Modifications> <Armour.Pierce> <Add>16</Add> </Armour.Pierce> <Armour.Hack> <Add>0</Add> </Armour.Hack> <Armour.Crush> <Add>0</Add> </Armour.Crush> <UnitMotion.WalkSpeed> <Multiply>0.7</Multiply> </UnitMotion.WalkSpeed> </Modifications> <AuraName>Testudo</AuraName> <AuraDescription>Overlapping shields negate projectiles</AuraDescription> </testudo> </Auras>Syntagma: I gave pikeman units an aura that was intended to reduce the speed of enemy units if they were within pike range, 8 m meters away. This did not work. template_unit_infantry_melee_pikeman.xml <Auras> <pikes> <Type>range</Type> <Radius>8</Radius> <Affects>Unit</Affects> <AffectedPlayers>Enemy</AffectedPlayers> <Modifications> <UnitMotion.WalkSpeed> <Multiply>0.9</Multiply> </UnitMotion.WalkSpeed> </Modifications> <AuraName>Pike Density</AuraName> <AuraDescription>High density pikes obstruct enemy movement</AuraDescription> </pikes> </Auras>Please help!
  7. Wow, thanks for the quick replies. Its working now but it wasn't by enabling GLSL, which didn't seem to affect the issue. The laptop I use had an integrated Intel GPU and a dedicated AMD one, so I opened up their settings and set everything on max which stopped the static and flashing triangles. Could it be the multiple GPUs that caused the problem?
  8. Hi, I've been playing this game for a couple of months just fine on my desktop. Recently, I've tried playing it on a new laptop but whenever I start a new match, triangular shapes of static start flashing and some icons and text flicker. I get this error message every time this happens: Much to our regret we must report the program has encountered an error. Please let us know at http://trac.wildfiregames.com/ and attach the crashlog.txt and crashlog.dmp files. Details: unhandled exception (Access violation reading 0x00000004) Location: unknown:0 (?) Call stack: (error while dumping stack: No stack frames found) errno = 42 (?) OS error = 0 (no error code was set) I've tried searching through the forums without luck and I hope someone could tell me what might be going on. Crash logs are attached here: crashlog.dmp crashlog.txt
  9. I don't know if its been discussed before, but why does 0 AD use a multiplication based damage system and not an addition one? It doesn't seem to make sense if something that would normally go through armor still do damage. It would be like if your umbrella has a 25 armor (93%) and lets 7% of every rain drop to go through.
  10. I think the difficulty of building walls through a forest before deforestation to be both realistic and historically accurate though. Couldn't it be considered a gameplay feature, another situation that affects strategy?
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