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Everything posted by Jeru

  1. I envy you, Pedro, I've been wanting to learn the guitar for so many years.
  2. Thanks, Amish. If you like, next time you can post the answer here and then I can post it up as the official 0 A.D. account.
  3. Facebook fans are asking for polycounts and whether the ships are animated.
  4. Any thread is the right thread for kind words like these. Thanks so much, Julius. How did you find out about 0 A.D.?
  5. Thanks, I asked the team to fix a few things before I distribute a screenshot.
  6. Can anyone grab a higher-res shot of this? I want to put it up for the fans. Thanks.
  7. If we need to recruit someone to do this, I can help spread the word. Just let me know.
  8. This German musician makes remakes of parts of the AoE and AoK soundtracks that are nothing less than magnificent.
  9. As the article Pureon linked to says: You can probably run 0 A.D. on a used desktop machine from a few years ago that should not be expensive at all.
  10. Is this of any use? http://translatewiki.net/wiki/Main_Page
  11. We get a lot of people asking if there is any way for them to contribute to 0 A.D. without having existing background in C++ programming, 3D modeling, web design etc. So here's your shot: We are looking for a new team member who will be in charge of overseeing the credits screen and compiling the list that will show up on it. This is an important role because as 0 A.D. is a non-profit initiative, the people who have contribute to it receive literally no compensation other than recognition of their works. We want to give each contributor proper recognition, with as few false positives (freeloaders) and false negatives (unsung heroes) as possible. This role is for hardworking people who are undaunted by the prospect of going back to records from 2003 or even 2001 and compiling lists of names and nicks of people they have probably never met online, but may have been pivotal to 0 A.D.'s development. The person who gets this volunteer position will have to work with existing partial lists, ask old-timers to bring up memories, mine SVN logs, run forum searches, etc. Interested parties are invited to apply as detailed in the application form. Thanks in advance!
  12. Thanks, Almin. It's not a big deal even if this user is human.
  13. Welcome, mirza! I think I speak for all of us by saying you are very much invited to stay and hang out with us.
  14. Welcome, Jason. So great to have new members of the 0 A.D. community like you.
  15. I motion for a ModDB upload of one or more of these recent screenies.
  16. Web 2.0 and cloud computing and all that stuff would have never been possible without free and open technologies and standards: HTTP, Linux, Apache, MySQL, PHP, (X)HTML/CSS, JavaScript, RSS/Atom, open browsers, ... Perhaps 0 A.D., and particularly the 0 A.D. game engine, can bring forth a similar movement among computer games.
  17. Welcome back, HistoryGuy. I remember your contributions. You are always welcome back.
  18. You're welcome. For a contemporary observer, it's really quite striking how developed the project was in many respects as early as 2003. It's quite evident from the level of discussions, the documentation, the social interactions and decision-making processes, etc. Consider that this is back when other collaborative projects like Wikipedia were in their infancy. That is one of the secrets of 0 A.D.'s success, probably.
  19. There was a huge argument/fight over it in 2003-2004. I just looked it up. Lua was considered alongside Ferite, which was the state-of-the-art language then but was not yet mature. I'll copy-paste some posts from a thread where some programmers first wrote they liked JS: I found another thread from '05 on the topic with posts by Philip (Ykkrosh). He is still on the team so you can pick his brain on this topic. From the frontend functionality requirements thread:
  20. Yeah I like Gorgon or Genius too.
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