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  1. Hello there. First of all, congratz this game is, amasing!! Now my question, there is any idea, to turn this game like he is into mobile version? I'm one of many for sure that would love to have a RTS game in my phone. Like this one in the same way he is. Building, gatjering resources, quick games. So far only found fan made games. But I would love to have this one in my list. :)
  2. Hello there, First of all, I'm thankful to you, this game is awesome ... I would like to help you with some of my history knowledge. Eg. Is about iberians, They got a Guerrilla war mode ... is completely different frome roman empire, and for years they got the romans, fear them ... they also are the kings and queens of ambush Techniques, you shoud have this option at the game, if possible :). The citty center, should be called the "Castos" the wall citty's ... well, I need you to send me all the information about this civilization. Other thing is the Chinese, and winkas they have part of ancient story too ... why not include in the game? Big hug for all of you.
  3. Hello, My name is Helder lopes, and I'm here to say as a historical lover, I want to congratulate you, for this wonderful game, for a open source I cand say that its prefect, I hope, that you continue.. This game will surpass, all RTS that I play... and Im not just talking for Historical but the graphics an ambient... you are in this in congratulations... Ok, now, the critics... In my opinion, you and all RTS games, that make game about ancient ages, for get is the Oriental Empires, as China, Mongol, huns and India... I think your game will be more right if you dont for get this empires... China and Mongols have a important place in history... the same for Egypt, babylon and other's... but the important ones, are china, Mongols, huns and Indian and last Egypt... If you can put this ones on the game and the game will be complete... The game is awesome.. I really like it... good job...
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