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Everything posted by Germanic_celt79

  1. This is similar to my Gaulish buildings topic, but this is more detailed. Hi, so once again I come with suggestions for the Gauls, as I still feel they are one of the less detailed civs. Units Currently, they have the cavalry skirmisher, spearman, slinger, foot skirmisher, cavalry swordsman, elite longswordsman and cavalry elite spearman. I was wondering if perhaps one more unit (although this may affect the balance negatively) could be added, swordsman (I think it was Bataroas in EB). Basically, he'd be the same as the spearman, but has a short Gallic sword (this may be unnecessary as there is already a cavalry swordsman). Another thing is for the spearman and cavalry swordsman. When leveling up, they go from clothing, colourful clothes, chainmail. The Gauls actually had a type of Linothorax and they had leather armour, which could both be used for stage 2. Gallic Linothorax. http://leuki.pagesperso-orange.fr/vaevictis.html These re-enactors use both Gallic linothorax and Leather armour. 4 types of Gallic Leather Cuirasses, this image is from the research from Total War Rome 2. Buildings In the other topic http://www.wildfiregames.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=19377 Gaulish Buildings, I already posted pictures on the types of buildings, but with less detail. Most of the following images are from animated reconstructions of the Celtic village near Bundenbach and animated reconstructions of the Hallstatt town Heuneburg. These are from more eastern Gaul, and a different era, but still Gaul nonetheless. Their buildings wouldn't become less advanced. An animated picture of Heuneburg, notice how most of the house have a similar pattern; long, single story but with a sharp, tall roof varying between wood shingles/thatch. Another animation of Heuneburg (this time a different animator) but still similar, the houses also follow that pattern I spoke about. The walls were exclusive to this area, they were made of mud bricks. So adding this type of wall wouldn't be that accurate. House and storehouse respectively in the village reconstruction near Bundenbach. Drawing of what Bibracte might've looked like. Besides that, currently the walls are fine (they look like the Kelheim type gallic wall) but it's a bit annoying that the fences on top look so crude, Celts were great carpenters and there's no reason they wouldn't be able to make a nice fence. The Civic center currently looks smaller than that of most of the other civs. The Barracks and blacksmith are fine. That's all I can think of now, I may add more.
  2. Nice, send me some pictures later on if you want to. It is strange, when people hear that the Greeks called Gauls ''barbarians'' (barbaroi I think?) they often think it means uncivilised savages when it actually means non-greek.
  3. Maybe, due to the Murus Gallicus being invulnerable to rams, it would have to cost wood and stone. As for the Belgae, that makes sense obviously as making a new faction isn't easy when you have other duties, so modders would have more ease doing it.
  4. Oh, and I found some more ''French'' Celtic oppida pictures. The second image is Vesontio, the first was apparently Corent. http://andre63.canalblog.com/archives/2011/01/11/19931686.html
  5. Aye, it is a heritage mix. I saw the Murus Gallicus in the editor and it looks good, but I think it needed improving in the sense of adding wall turrets and places for people to stand on walls. The colour also looked a bit reddish. Thanks. I don't disagree, the current models do seem historically accurate, they just look more like village buildings. The Civic Centre, as far as I know, doesn't look very accurate in terms of a city or oppidum centre (see the image I posted originally). A Belgae faction would be very cool though! Their unit names would be like a germanic and celtic mix. I agree, the heads shouldn't be there, as said before, the Gauls were people and people wouldn't be too pleased by rotting severed heads (not sure how well Cedar oil preserves them). Nice emphasis on the word civilisation, lots of people still think of them as a nomadic barbarian race. Despite archaeology disproving this.
  6. Hi, as much as I love this game, the buildings of the gauls still don't seem like the buildings you'd find in their oppida. In other words, I have images of Gaulish buildings, wall types etc. So I'll post them here, obviously I understand building changes aren't easy to do. I saw on another thread someone suggested that as you age up (village phase, town phase etc.) your houses and buildings change. If that were to happen then here are images of Gaulish city buildings. A typical Gaulish city centre at the bottom, some other buildings (e.g market) at the top. The front view of an oppidum. The Murus Gallicus wall is easily visible along with longhouse with wooden roofs. An individual Gaulish city longhouse. A farm with some houses. For the German speaking http://www.geo.de/GEO/info/newsletter/abo/die-kelten-auf-den-spuren-eines-raetselhaften-volkes-67307.html It also has some images of their buildings.
  7. I know this topic is old and I am unaware of any updates to it. However, I would just like to make a contribution by giving a link to an image of a Gallic longhouse. http://media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/originals/15/58/ad/1558ad2004fb9139bf10378b44da66d4.jpg
  8. I'm not sure if this has been suggested but can you add the Murus Gallicus style wall for the Gauls? It should be cheaper in stone and cost some wood. Also, it should have functioning turrets, as it often would have.
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