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  1. they just need more damage, with the velocity they come from they should do almost 3 times or more pierce then a spear
  2. true ^^but infantry is first cava balacning is after spear cav are weak sword cav are too strong vs building but for spear cav i beleive they should keep the current rates but do more damage
  3. it was a 3 v 4 and in pizza that is a big difference^^
  4. europ universalis 4 is way too gd to be true ^^^^
  5. ur just still angry how me mario and molusco murdered you that pizza game
  6. yeees skirms have small shields small percentage other units such as spears have bigger
  7. no just when they are not fighting they have a shield which blocks a percentage of the shots from the front only which will make it easier to approach ranged without receiving damage and if archers want to make true damage they need to outflank KEY WORD, only frontal attacks
  8. but its not an actual shield this is why through history archers were not great vs melee because melee had shields so little of their shots actually hit its not about armor armor does not provide cover a shield does make sense now?
  9. meh hard counters are stupid, because by putting hard counters you are saying that this unit will kill this other unit in every single occasion, let's say that that it is archer vs spear cav if archer can see the cav coming then the archer will kill the cav in almost every situation and if the archer doesnt see it coming from further away then the cav would win every single time so by putting a hard counter your saying that the spear cav wins every time which is not true in wins depending on which situation it is in and this is what i like about no hard counter were it actually come down to the situation and so on which makes it 100 times more interesting but i do think a bit of balancing to the armor of different units would be useful and shields SHIELDS would completely solve the ranged vs melee and archers vs skirms problems if archers flank they win if no flank then the spears can get close and what i mean by shields is that if the unit that carries the shield get attack from the front which is were the shield is when it is not in combat, then if it has a big shield lets say there is a 70 % chance that is does not take any damage and for example skirms they have small shields so maybe a 30% chance they dont take damage from the front archers = no shields but longer range as scythe has done in the balance branch in my eyes this solves most balancing issues
  10. Guys i have a BO for mauryans that i wanted to share, its really agressive and allows you to be ready for almost any rush and be able to rush yourself from 4 minutes and onwards. So first u send your 4 men with the elephant to a forest then u build 4 archers with a waypoint to that forest then u take 3 women and send them to berries send your cav to collect the chicken once he is finished find him some animals to hunt and take 1 women to build a house build 5 spears 1 by 1 and then 1 archer onto the wood then train 5 women to berries / remember when you finish make them work on a farm build another house with that one female train 5 archers build another house train another 5 archers or spears depending on how your economy is doing around min 4 atm then you train females and put on farms (from now on you continuously train women for farms from cc) and keep building houses maybe add a few females at the same time you build a barrack (300 wood) make sure you build it near your forest so that the elephant can hurry up the build while acting like a storehouse and from that barracks keep training onto wood then build more barracks 4 is a gd number of barracks to have If you are interested to know more about it tell me, but this is just a sort of rough template if any wants to learn how to do it / or improve it, how i do it usually depends on the other player and the map NOTE: at the moment once i finish training those two batches of archers i usually send them to harrass my enemy in that case i build on more batch of spears onto wood and then i continue in the same way, While harassing remember to attack females when they are alone, never engage a army of soldiers that u dont outnumber by alot if so leave they will go back to harvesting wood come back a few seconds later and snipe a few of them when they react leave again and come back a few seconds later repeat if you have done it correctly, you either have done exact amount of damage to enemy as you have done to yourself even better scenario you have done more damage to him then to yourself and if you people really want it i might make a video for you guys i am a big fan of very low feminisation and building infantry straight away Like alekusu said its very important to have a mix between archers and melee but for early harassment please use only archers spears are slow and will die whilst archers are quick and can flee from battle early But remember this BO is not easy since your conc needs to be full on two diff parts of the map and not forget the other while doing one of them
  11. I like Mauryans, since the worker elephant in the begging really changes your game style in the begging and makes early rushed easier
  12. the reason why archers are powerful at the moment is because melee units don't have shields, skirms as well should have small shields, just the implementation of shield would make units more balanced
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