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Everything posted by GoHsty

  1. Dachte mir schon, dass es nicht sein kann, dass ich hier der einzige Deutsche bin Schön, noch einen echten Germanen hier zu sehen
  2. Hey, thanks! Are you actually learning German in Argentinia?
  3. But if you dont remove the automatic kiting, the changes to lower the attack damage in melee fights wouldnt make sense, because the kav would never get into those fights.. EDIT: I'm also not just talking about the early skirmish kav rush, I'm talking about the unit in general
  4. Uhm, even if this might be off-topic and sound a bit rude, but why are you not helping to develop the "real" game instead of doing some mods, when the game still is in alpha phase?
  5. Like mentioned in the post before, I'd remove the "automatic kiting" of the ranged units. Another thing I'd like to have implemented is that ranged units have much lower attack damage if they are fighting units within the melee range. These changes would make the Skirmish Kav very unefficient if they are catched by melee units when the player didnt pay attention. Another issue I noticed: For example the athenian spearmen (or however they are called ) have like 115 HP at rank 3, whereas the Skirmish Kav has like 150 HP I think. This is pretty unbalanced in my opinion, because the spearman has much heavier armor + a big shield, whereas the skirmish kav just has a light armor. Also the spearman is melee, thereby should have better defensive stats. TL;DR: Remove automatic kitingRanged units should have lower attack damage fighting in melee rangeLower the HP of the Skirmish Kav
  6. Hey, I don't really know, where my nickname comes from, I just wanted to have a "cool" name back then (that's also the reason why it has a capital H in it ) I'm from Germany (GMT+1)
  7. In the description of women workers it says, that women are basically inspiring near by males to work harder. So, my question is: 1. Is that "inspiring effect" a huge bonus or how much of a bonus does it bring? 2. How big is the range of that "aura"? Do they have to gather on the same mine/tree?
  8. What exactly is a CoM project?
  9. I think one of the most important things that have to be changed is the path detection of units, especially if you want to move a larger group of units and they have to pass some obstacles (e.g stones)
  10. Hey guys, What do you think about doing something like a first alpha tournament? Probably we could find someone who does some commentarys to it and uploads them on youtube and stuff? Someone's interested?
  11. Are you planning to implement the Teutons as an own Civ? I'd really like to see them in the finished game as they were also historically "connected" to the Romans or to the Gauls.
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