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Tiro (1/14)



  1. I am honoured to be featured by the project leader.
  2. I have to say I agree with AceWild on this one. Perhaps towers should be nerfed ever so slightly, but people saying that they are as bad as skirm cav are exaggerating.
  3. Here is exactly what comes up in the terminal after I launch the mod. Cache: 500 (total: 7871) MiB TIMER| InitVfs: 71.9006 ms Sound: AlcInit success, using OpenAL Soft TIMER| CONFIG_Init: 7.62847 ms ATTENTION: default value of option force_s3tc_enable overridden by environment. TIMER| RunHardwareDetection: 687.666 ms TIMER| write_sys_info: 16.4392 ms TIMER| InitRenderer: 1.4129 ms TIMER| ps_console: 2.73639 ms TIMER| ps_lang_hotkeys: 759.57 us TIMER| common/modern/setup.xml: 277.145 us TIMER| common/modern/styles.xml: 205.186 us TIMER| common/modern/sprites.xml: 1.76725 ms TIMER| common/setup.xml: 567.676 us TIMER| common/sprite1.xml: 1.35508 ms TIMER| common/styles.xml: 45.501 us TIMER| common/common_sprites.xml: 1.53222 ms TIMER| common/common_styles.xml: 235.564 us TIMER| common/init.xml: 1.01286 ms TIMER| pregame/sprites.xml: 399.541 us TIMER| pregame/styles.xml: 39.09 us ERROR: File '畧⽩潣浭湯洯獵捩樮sF' does not exist ERROR: File '畧⽩潣浭湯是湵瑣潩獮束潬慢彬扯敪瑣樮sF' does not exist ERROR: File '畧⽩潣浭湯是湵瑣潩獮畟楴楬祴敟牲牯樮s8' does not exist ERROR: File '畧⽩牰来浡⽥慭湩敭畮樮s㝂' does not exist ERROR: ERROR: GUI: Unrecognized object type " ERROR: GUI: Unrecognized object type " ERROR: GUI: Unrecognized object type " ERROR: GUI: Unrecognized object type " ERROR: GUI: Unrecognized object type " ERROR: GUI: Unrecognized object type " ERROR: GUI: Unrecognized object type " ERROR: GUI: Unrecognized object type " ERROR: GUI: Unrecognized object type " ERROR: GUI: Unrecognized object type " ERROR: GUI: Unrecognized object type " ERROR: GUI: Unrecognized object type " ERROR: GUI: Unrecognized object type " TIMER| pregame/mainmenu.xml: 695.219 us TIMER| common/global.xml: 407.482 us ERROR: GUI page 'page_pregame.xml': Failed to call init() function
  4. I launched exactly how it said in the instructions. I can't copy paste the error message but it keeps saying "Failed to call init() function
  5. This mod looks really cool, but when I try to launch it, it does not work. It says that it could not find a bunch of files.
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