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Everything posted by intipablo

  1. Hello all! After a long break from 0ad, I have decided to get back into the game once more. Now, I've decided to start modding, and after reading up on it and looking through tutorials, I found that it is fairly simple. After reading through this tutorial: https://trac.wildfiregames.com/wiki/CreatingNewUnits I managed to create my first unit! Now, unfortunately. There doesn't seem to be anything on that page that tells me about the unit icons of units. So I went through all my files that I made during that tutorial, and found this line... <Icon>units/celt_champion_infantry_gaul.png</Icon> It looks simple, but I just need some clarification on this, right now I'm on my phone without access to a computer, so unfortunately I can't do any testing myself. That line of code is in this directory \binaries\data\mods\testmod\simulation\templates\units And inside the file: gaul_champion_axeman.xml Is it as simple as putting my .png icon file in the units folder? (And changing the line of code in the .xml file of course), and if so, what's the recommended or default size for a unit icon. I'm just not totally sure on this because the "celt_champion_infantry_gaul.png" is not actually in the units folder (of the public/parent mods folder thingy). Any help would be appreciated, thanks!
  2. Scythian Emblem: I realized that I had forgotten about the emblem! here it is, a famous Scythian art using gold. I think it's good to turn this into and emblem.
  3. Ateas Scythian Hero 2: Ateas (ca. 429 BC – 339 BC) was described in Greek and Roman sources as the most powerful king of Scythia. Ateas ruled over the majority of the North Pontic barbarians. Ateas conquered many lands but was eventually defeated by Philip 2 of Macedon in 339 BC, he lived for 90 years. I couldn't find any exact photo on Ateas like Idanthyrsus, but here is one from Civ 5, I'm pretty sure it's quite accurate.
  4. Yea if they're not the same civ then that's what i was thinking
  5. I think alot of Britons units are cheaper and they have a few Eco upgrades as well. But that's true.
  6. Yes but that was a while after the Civilizations were at their best. I guess that is true though, and we could make a separate faction for the Sarmatians.
  7. I'm not sure, Sarmatians and Scythians had alot of influence from each other and are almost always referred to as the same people. I'm adding Sarmatian military stuff though because they were allies for sometime and Sarmatian soldiers fought in the armies of the Scythians.
  8. Scythian Clothing/Armour: Here are some example of the types of clothes and armour the scythians wore. Here you can see the women wore very pointy hats ( but this was mostly for noble women/princesses so I don't know if it would be important for the normal women in the civ). Scythian Saddle: Sarmatian Armour:
  9. Ah yes i've never been a big fan about that, but it is true. I forgot all about it for a second there!
  10. I think everything else would be nice but if they couldn't farm in the 1st phase. Maps with no animals (rare but sometimes happens), or very strong animals (elephants, ones that attack etc.), would make the Scythians impossible to play with. I know this rarely happens but it can be annoying hunting for a whole first phase. I think maybe we could make something like a mini-farm, smaller farms that are less productive and hold less, but still provide another source of food.
  11. Don't want to flood this thread here with our little chat but what roster?
  12. On another note, I think Britons longswordsmen need to be down-graded a little. I mean come on, it's just unfair. I can think of an easy way to balance these guys. Simply lower the hero "Boudiccas" attack boost down to something like 1-2. 5 is just crazy lol. 20.4 Hack for the longswordsmen, and how fast they can be massed, these guys are just too overpowered.
  13. i've been making it as accurate as possible, everything on here i've gotten from wikipedia, Ancient-Battles, and a few other smaller websites. I'm aware that the devs might make changes and I think that's fine, i'm just building up and elaborating on a civ that I just have a passion for. I doubt I will be the one making/coding it for the game in the end.
  14. They weren't too common for the Scythians, but still used after apparently partnering with the women called "Amazons". But the Sarmatians used them alot, and it's said the women couldn't marry until they had killed men in battle.
  15. Scythian Armoured Lancer - Axe: Champion - Formed the Bulk of the Scythians Heavy Cavalry They had an axe for close combat. But their main weapon was the lancers.
  16. Are you still ok with the civ having the Sarmatian Cataphracts as a basic unit, not a champ? They can be easily differentiated that way.
  17. Scythian Hero: Idanthyrsus II I don't know if we should have this as a hero but I can't find much else. Idanthyrsus was the King who drove Darius I of Persia out of Scythian lands using Guerilla warfare. He never really confronted him with a front on battle, but he did not retreat. He would leave nothing behind for the Persians who were constantly harassed by little skirmishers and pillage. They eventually had to move, leaving a lot of dead and wounded behind. I couldn't find any exact pictures on the king but this is how a Scythian King would look:
  18. It's a Sarmatian Cataphract, Scythians used lighter armour I'm pretty sure. I think your idea would fit the Scythians better as they were known for their Mobility and speed. So Cataphracts would be unrealistic for just Scythians
  19. I personally think the Cataphracts are better as champs for this civ, because I want to have a melee/cav champ, 2 archer champs would make everyone using because lately so many people just make ranged archers. But if you believe it's interfering with the Seleucids then sure i'll find something else.
  20. If you lowered the number of possible civic centres (apart from 1, which is dumb), then this problem wouldn't be fixed, bots like encroaching on your territory. So this is a question of changing the AI I think.
  21. I completely agree with this, and it would be really fun if we could get some Expansions/and or DLCs
  22. Scythian Neapolis/fortress (possible Wonder/fortress):
  23. I understand this and i'm fine with that, but that still doesn't discourage me to continue this thread, it's fun and interesting. Also, if your worried about the "uniqueness" of the different civs, the Scytho-Sarmatians would be easily differentiated from any other civ, seeing as they were nomads multiple different elements could be added to the game. But obviously this would be a lot of hard work for you guys and I recognize that you are already working really hard and don't have time for some other civ. Seeing as they were nomads, finding structures for the Scythians are going to be difficult, considering they're nomads and always pack/unpack. This means that it's going to be really hard for me to find a wonder, if not maybe the Scythians shouldn't have one, we could do it for balance if we have to.
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