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Everything posted by Leroy30

  1. I've been thinking about the mechanics of processing a large number of units on a large geographical map (as in absolutely ginormous). Would like to get some oppinions on the feasibility of my idea. The idea is that the further away you get from the camera view and the longer the particular units have not been in view or issued commands then the more their fate belongs to probability ad opposed to actual calculations. Example. We have 10 spearman walking up to close proximity of 5 enemy spearman. Unless we actually move the camera to where they are then we simply use probability, derrived from variables such as proximity, time duration, unit strength, unit speed etc, to calculate the probability of them finding and fighting each other and the outcome of the battle. This way units not being focused on could theoretically be less processor intensive because we would not need to calculate every second. Also i think units mining resources could be given a similar strategy. Anyone think im on the right track? I might have to take a look at the source later and see if i can work out how it currently works.
  2. Shame about the trees. I've done them all as entities Wonder if there's a way to have natural resources as actors and only convert them to entities once a civ starts mining them? Not that I really know what I'm talking about!
  3. I have the DOF (Depth Of Field) post-effect turned on for that map. Haven't yet made up my mind but I think I kind of like it. It gives you a more realistic line-of-sight so that enemy units whilst they may be within close proximity are not 100% noticeable unless you are right on top of them.
  4. Hope so! It does seem to be the AI rather than the rendering engine. FPS isn't going any lower than 80fps at the worst even when that unit lag starts happening.
  5. I was thinking a more advanced solution where buildings and units would be destroyed if the tide came in over them. I guess there is a few dynamics there. It would jjust be cool that's all.
  6. Completely agree! Just started with a height map so there will need to be some tweaks. For instance I think it will be a good idea to join the two oceans a bit better so ships can get through. I think we'll have to wait a few years for computers to catch up to play this though lol. It's going to have an insane number of objects on there. My computer is rendering it in game mode at around 100 to 150 fps at the moment but up at around 75 citizens it starts getting a hideous lag! Mind you it'll probably take me a couple years just to finish it, its that big!
  7. Have started making a massive map thanks to height-maps being able to create bigger-than-giant maps. EDIT: Most recent images posted @ 11:46pm 1st Feb
  8. @ Loki - Whoops. Must have had RPG on my mind as well. I did in fact mean strategy game! One thing I always loved was empire earth and how it took you through from cave man to future man. Had some epically big games back when I used to play it. Sadly I have not played games really in many years. Too busy these days!
  9. Is there any mod or would it be a 'modable' thing to be able to implement a tide system? Or would this require developing in the software. It seems like it would be very easy to do since the map has a water height value.
  10. Thanks FeXoR. I guess the height map would be a better start than completely blank! I've always 'fantasised' about a MASSIVE map RPG. One you can sit down and play for weeks on end lol.
  11. Is it possible to mod atlas to allow bigger map sizes without recompiling the whole project? I successfully used notepad to modify the size of a blank map but I would like to make a much larger version of a map from one of the random map scripts. I tried modifying the mapSize variable in the script but it throws an undetermined error in Atlas. Cheers, Le-roy
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