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Everything posted by Trinketos

  1. I open the pyromod whit pyrogenesis.exe
  2. i delete all the mod i have, the same hapen
  3. is opening the main menu instead of the mods selector menu
  4. My OS is Window 8.1 I drag and drop in to pyrogenesis.exe
  5. Ya los encontre :v i can´t install the mods, i drag in pyrogenesis.exe, but the game start whit out the mods
  6. no puedo, porque el programa deja de responder despues de un tiempo ok
  7. When I try to add a texture or model or whatever the program stops responding. I think the error is because my username on my pc is in Spanish, but I do not know.
  8. I made the aztec most iconic temple.
  9. I see that the random map generation have improve
  10. OK, i understand now and now the error is fixed
  11. I don't understand, the minimap colors are hardcoded?
  12. for the resource i use the stone one but whit other name.
  13. I have this error https://imgur.com/EvPmyPW here is the xml file of the resource template <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <Entity parent="template_gaia_geo_obsidiana"> <VisualActor> <Actor>geology/obsidiana_small_a.xml</Actor> </VisualActor> </Entity> and the template file <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <Entity parent="template_gaia_geo"> <Identity> <GenericName>Volcanic Rock</GenericName> <SpecificName>Obsidiana Mine</SpecificName> <Tooltip>Mine these to provide Stone building material.</Tooltip> <Icon>gaia/geology_stone_1.png</Icon> </Identity> <Minimap> <Type>obsidiana</Type> <Color r="170" g="170" b="170"/> </Minimap> <ResourceSupply> <KillBeforeGather>false</KillBeforeGather> <Amount>1000</Amount> <Type>obsidiana.glass</Type> <MaxGatherers>12</MaxGatherers> </ResourceSupply> <Sound> <SoundGroups> <select>interface/select/resource/sel_stone.xml</select> </SoundGroups> </Sound> </Entity> and the resource json file { "code": "obsidiana", "name": "Obsidiana", "description": "Mine from volcanic stones.", "order": 5, "subtypes": { "glass":"Glass" }, "truePrice": 100, "aiAnalysisInfluenceGroup": "sparse" }
  14. Y yo que pensaba comprarlo después de ver el gameplay de mayorcete de este juego.
  15. I do not know why but the Mesoamerican and Andean civilizations have a resemblance to Asians
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