To the attention of Gallaecio, and those interested. After requesting this assistance to put on my Launchpad French translations - mainly r13332 and r13828 (r13872 would be ready in less than 2 hours, even say 30 minutes), translations completed about 98% - in zip of 7MB, including more than 800 modified files ... Lion.Kanzen and fabio redirects me to https://www.transife...-ad-unofficial/. I give these few data, because I wonder what method you intend to use for internationalized 0AD, which from my point of view (with changes that include files) should be part of the alpha versions. If you could give me some information, it would be nice, because my offer translations had aimed to have a user feedback to improve it so that they are suitable when the developers will implement internationalization. I'm not against the fact that all my data back on your site, but I'd be sure not to spend hours to something as temporary thing that my zip. So I can share with you my views on what should be the 0ad internationalization, remaining humble, because I only describe the widespread application system like Joomla. To the shortest: It is necessary that anyone to translate the application (from the English), and as easily as possible, so that it will spread as quickly and in as many languages as possible. Applications with multiple versions, 0ad also evolving rapidly, these translations must be specific to each version, and should be able to update a simple "merge" (which I did with my 800 files). The easiest way in my opinion (the joomla example) and provides other advantages solution is to replace all the texts present in the xml, by "variables", and transcribe all these variables in simple ini files, which simply look like: Applications with multiple versions, 0ad also evolving rapidly, these translations must be specific to each version, and should be able to update a simple "merge" (which I did with my 800 files). The easiest way in my opinion (the joomla example) and provides other advantages solution is to replace all the texts present in the xml., By "variables", and transcribe all these variables in simple ini files whose syntax is very simple and look like: MAINMENU_SINGLEPLAYER_LABEL="Solo" MAINMENU_SINGLEPLAYER_TOOLTIP="Défiez l'ordinateur dans un match en solo." ... and consolidate all ini in a directory []/language/en-EN for example, that contains an XML description language for the setup menu of the game. In fact, I've done some tests quickly, very quickly, but the XML parser does not like me. I do not think there is easier and faster for internationalization (may be less convenient for developers by against). For the "other advantages" that I mentioned earlier, I think the most important is to prevent cheaters to go change as the cost of building, the power of this unit ... Because, in my opinion, it is not because 0ad is free (sources), than the final files do not have to be coded. The worst thing that could happen to 0ad is to become THE biggest RTS out there, but players who abandoned because they no longer bear to see a monster truck come crashing their peasants (which happened to me several both AOM). For the "other advantages" that I mentioned earlier, I think the most important is to prevent cheaters to go change as the cost of building the power of this unit ... Because, in my opinion, it is not because 0ad is free (sources), than the final files do not have to be coded. The worst thing that could happen to 0ad is to become THE biggest RTS out there, but players who abandoned because they no longer bear to see a monster truck come crashing their peasants (which happened to me several both AOM). We could imagine a checksum of "sensitive" files to launch a multi-player game ... but that's another topic. In short, for the internationalization, what do you think ? PS: sorry for my english very "rough" as google translate trying to help.