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Posts posted by scythetwirler

  1. Unfortunately, the multiplayer lobby doesn't support pure LAN games. :(

    You can host LAN games by using the 0 A.D. Multiplayer host and join game dialog, with the clients entering in the internal IP of the host.

    Alternatively, you can forward the port UDP 20595 to point to the host's computer and be able to host in the multiplayer lobby.

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  2. We have implemented a 1 registration per IP allowed per hour limit to combat spam accounts. We do realize that this does make things inconvenient for some, but a very small portion of players have apparently deemed it worth their time to ruin the experience for everyone else and have made this precaution sadly, necessary (at least for now).

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  3. A foggy alpine landscape becomes a battleground as each team has an ally squashed precariously between two enemies. Two forest cliffs overlook the center lake, accessible from the sides of the map.

    A twist to the traditional allies grouped together on one side norm of 0 A.D. Multiplayer.

    Starting outputs let the isolated players' allies have a peek at his predicament. The isolated player also starts with 8 defense towers at the edge of his or her territory.

    From the gameplay perspective:

    • Greatly stresses the importance of elevation bonus. Easily defendable clifftop settlements will no doubt provide a good advantage to the settler.
    • Each sandwiched player has two outposts near their Civic Center owned by his or her allies across the lake so they can see the state of his home base before the shared vision tech is researched.









  4. Now that the game can visualize replays, how to share replays?

    I can see a sim_log directory, and there are sub-directories like these: 7483, 7483-1, 7483-2, 7483-3, 7483-4, 7483-5, and commands.txt and metadata.json files in those. I suppose I could pack some of these directories into a zip file which can be shared, but I have no idea how this is structured and which ones to completely pack up.

    These folders are created by process ID, where xxxx-1 is the first game you had that time you opened the application, xxxx-2 is the second etc. Opening a new instance will make a new process ID. Sorting the folders by date modified should make it easier for you to find the game you are looking for. The files inside each folder will also have a configuration data of the match at the beginning (like map, players etc.)

  5. Some questions that seemed to pop up over and over again in the multiplayer lobby. Hopefully this will help for the transition between alphas. :)

    I can't see my allies when starting a game.

    Shared vision is now a tech unlocked in the market. Until then, you are restricted to your own vision.

    I right click on a building to attack and all my units just stand next to it idling!

    They are not idling, but capturing. Capturing currently has no animation, so it looks like they are idling, but they are actively draining loyalty from the building.
    If you want to attack a building (or siege engine), use the Ctrl+Right click command.

    How does capturing/loyalty work?

    Each building, structure, or siege engine (with the exception of walls and gates) has a loyalty bar under the HP bar. A building not connected to an allied territory will lose loyalty over time to nearby territorial presences (including Gaia).
    Garrisoned units will replenish loyalty of a building. Capturing units drain loyalty and change an amount loyalty of loyalty to their team.

    When an building's owner has 0 loyalty of a building, ownership of the building is transferred to the player with the most loyalty points on the building, ejecting any garrisoned units of the previous owner.

    HP and Loyalty points are independent of each other.

    You can train similar units at captured enemy buildings. (e.g. Female Citizens and the corresponding classes of citizen soldiers if available and match at the Civic Center).

    Where can I watch replays?

    Replays are located on the Main Menu under Tools & Options.[line][/line]

    Other new features (post by elexis):

    * Reduced Lag
    Since a new pathfinder was implemented, the performance is now far better, allowing the game to run more smoothly and hence reduces some reasons for lagging.

    * Ceasefire
    A gamesetup option that prevents enemies from attacking each other for the first X minutes. Very useful for nomad games.

    * Observer Late Join
    A gamesetup option that allows others to join as spectators after the game started.

    * Kick / ban players
    When hosting a game, you can type /kick username or /ban username to get rid of unwanted players.

    * Maximum population tooltip
    Move the cursor over your population count to see the maximum number of units that you can produce (population limit).

    * Formations are disabled by default
    This was a decision for a19 as they are still buggy and often don't follow your orders. You can still select formations when you need them.

    * Proportional refunds
    When you delete an unfinished building, only a partial amount of those resources will be returned. This means on nomad you can't delete your CC and set it somewhere else (once you started building).

    Some problems you may experience:

    * Replay menu takes very long to load
    This is a known issue. All replay files have to be loaded. You can rename your sim_log directory (http://trac.wildfiregames.com/wiki/GameDataPaths) to create an empty list, to temporarily fix the problem.
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