(First of all, English is not my native language, so this post might be full of mistakes. I'll do my best to remain comprehensible. :-) ) When Alpha XI came out, I've decided to try it and do my best, as a simple user, to contribute to the growth of this game. For the moment I don't know precisely how the development is planned, which feature will be added soon, which bug is planned to be resolved right now, which one is planned to be resolved later, which one is a bug, which one is a feature, etc., so I've decided to write a list of things I've noticed when playing this Alpha, good things, thing that simply look strange to me, and things that are definitely bugs. If some of the bugs I list here are confirmed, and unknown yet, then I will add them in the bugtracker, don't worry. ;-) I'm not a developer, and I've played this game only a few hours, so consider this as an attempt of a review early, review often(well, early, at least) process. The hardware : CPU : AMD Athlon II X3 445 3.1GHz ; RAM : DDR3 4GB ; GPU (IGP on the mobo) : Radeon HD 4250 aka AMD 880G aka RS880 The software : Operating System : Ubuntu GNU/Linux "Precise" 12.04.1 32bits, with the LXDE/Lubuntu Desktop Environment, Linux 3.2.0-30-generic-pae kernel and Xorg 1.11.3 0ad version : 0.0.11 from the ubuntu repos (Maybe I'll try 0AD on other distros, such as *BSD ones, in the next weeks.) I first tried to play 0AD with the free radeon driver, but after one or two minutes of game it became so slow that it was unplayable. I was starting to think it was the time to consider buying a real graphic card, but then I realised that radeon drivers do not provide hardware acceleration to RS880 yet. If the free driver for RS880 doesn't evolve in the next month, I'll probably buy a card which could provide me hardware acceleration with free software, but for now I've decided to use the catalyst non-free drivers provided by AMD (which provide harware acceleration). 0AD runs much faster with the catalyst driver : it's still a little bit slow sometimes, but it's playable. In fact, it's often fluid at the beginning of a match, and it becomes slower and slower as the number of visible units increases. It becomes really slow only at the end of the match, when I raise a big army to destroy the enemy city. I haven't taken the risk yet to try a match on an island map or with more than two players. So, performance is probably the main bug of 0AD for the moment (but maybe it's more the fault of AMD than 0AD). I've tried to play the map "Acropolis 4" with only two players (I was Player 2, Carthaginians), but it seems that when a player is set on "unassigned", it doesn't remove the player from the match, but instead leave his buildings and units on the map, passive. I don't know if it's a bug or a feature, but it's quite surprising. Some less important bugs now : There's no sound/notification when the player is attacked. Edit: Ticket already opened. See comment below. However, the player hears screams and sounds of fight even when they are off-camera, far away, and hears them as loud as if they were very close. If the sounds of off-camera events have to be heard by the player, maybe they should play with a lower volume. And there could be a fade effect when the player is moving the camera. Edit: Might be a bug in my configuration. I'll check again. The population is often limited to 300, however, the number of houses is not limited. Maybe it can be useful to build more houses than necessary (to increase the size of territory, for example), but there should be at least a warning like "this house won't give you more population" (even if all the other houses haven't been finished yet). Military units attack wild beasts by default : bug or feature ? The scared deers runs faster than the citizen which are hunting them, forcing the citizens to follow. A deer can make a group of citizen following him all around the map, and if you don't pay attention, a group of citizen can end up in the territory of the enemy. (Why don't they hunt deers with arrows ? I think it's the case in the "Age Of" series) There is no indication about the place you've clicked to move your units. It would be good to have little arrows or a flag, like in the "Age Of" series. When troops are led to a point nearby enemies, they don't attack until absolutely all units have arrived, and are in position. Which means that if you have a very big army, and if you want to move it in the middle of an enemy city, the majority of the units will remain inactive, be killed without fighting back, while they wait for the last units of the army to come and take their positions. This becomes very critical when you want to fight in a place when there are a lot of obstacles, and when your units have difficulties to place themselves in line, column or whatever position you gave them : the units keep moving, changing their positions all the time, giving more occasions to the enemy to kill them. Edit: I played again and I confirm : even enemy units fail to attack when they try to place themselves. Sometimes they even replace themselves during combat (they attack a building, replace themselves, attack again, replace...) Probably the same problem : when you have soldiers building, and you want to add other soldiers of the same type to help them, and you proceed in selecting them all then clicking on the underpinning, the units already assigned to the building regroup with the other before going back to work. Some units are trapped in angles of the walls I've built. I've also had a ballista stuck in a forest, once. When units collect ressources, it seems that they carry them to the nearest dropsite, speaking about the distance, not about the length of the path. For example, they would rather carry ressources to a dropsite which is behind a cliff, but very close in distance, rather than an other dropsite which is located a bit further, but can be reached quicker. Edit (from comment #9 below): Same kind of bug with ground vs water. I just noticed an other bug : when you ask citizens to build a port, they automatically go collect some resources, no matter where they are. And sometimes you end up with citizens stuck on a coast because they're trying to reach fishes. The same bug (or the opposite bug, if I can say) happens for fishing boats : when they collect food from fishes, they try to reach the closest dropsite, even if it's not a port. Maybe it would be good to have the ability to tranform a wall into a gate before it's built (when you place the underpinning). Please give a way to know if a wall will be long enough to be able to be transformed into a gate before it is built. Sometimes you want to build a gate beetween two cliffs, and you end up with a wall which is too short to be transformed. There's no way to know if the wall you've build is close enought to the natural obstacle you want to take advantage of. Sometimes you build a wall next to a cliff, thinking it will protect you, and enemy units go round it. Maybe you should implement the same mechanism as in AoM, where wall "stick" to the edge of the cliff when you try to place them (like currently walls "stick" to other wall edges in 0AD). If you do the same for the curtain wall, this mechanism would also be helpful to avoid a builder to be trapped between the edge of a cliff and the wall he has just builded (and as the walls will be close to the edge of the cliff, it would look better and more realistic ) The bug above applies also to coasts. BTW, it seems that walls can't be extended in shallow water. Enemy units can go round a wall by walking in water, too bad. :/ This could also apply to ports : if the ports stuck to a place they can be build when we try to place them, the player would spent less time to search for a place where he can build his port. Maybe it would be good to have a bell to ring in the city centres to put the villagers in garrison when attacked, and let them go back to their respective work when the menace is gone. Edit: Ticket already opened. See comment below. When a soldier is working on economy tasks, he abandons his work and fight only when he's attacked. I think that in AoM, when a worker was attacked (even by a beast), all workers in a certain perimeter helped him to fight back. Maybe it would be good to provide this option. It would be good to print some more information about objects or events. When you send a unit collect treasures on the map, you would like to have a notification "+100 wood collected" when the unit grabs 100 units of wood, for example. It would also be good to show to the player the number of units in garrison inside a building without clicking on it, with little marks above the health bar, for example. The behavior of the "find idle workers" button is quite disturbing. It's true that every soldier is also a potential worker, but then all the workers do not have the same abilities : citizen can't build military buildings, cavalry can't build, range units are more adapted to hunt while citizen are more adapted to other economic activities, etc. Why not a button (and/or a keyboard shortcut) that focuses only on citizen, an other on military units, an other on ships, an other on priests, etc ? As some units can level up, why not implementing a behavior "go back to the base/the next priest when severely hurt", like in Warzone 2100 ? There's a severe lack of keyboard shortcuts at the moment. The "select all military units", "select all workers", "select all units", "select all units of type X" keyboard shortcuts of Warzone 2100 would be very useful here. Some shortcuts are also not very accessible, such as "[" and "]" to change the orientation of the building to construct : a shortcut like Ctrl+Mouse Wheel would be more accessible (but I guess pressing the keys "[" and "]" are not a big challenge on a qwerty layout). Maybe give an indication about the status of a worker before he went idle. Sometimes I see idle workers waiting next to a dropsite and I don't remember what was their previous task. Sometimes units are stuck because of other units. For example, when you send a lot of units to gather some food on bushes, and some time later there's only one bush left, the units that have finish to gather and want to come back to the dropsite will be blocked by the units who come back from the dropsite and form a circle around them. It's a problem because it doesn't happen only to me, but also to the AI. I've played a single match where the AI never attacked me, and after a few minutes of game I discovered that the AI didn't develop its economy, and I think it was because most of his food-gathering citizens were stuck in a similar configuration. When a farmer is clicked, it would be good to diplay which farm he's currently working on. As farms can partly recover each other, it's often hard to know. When you send a group of units to grab a treasure, maybe you could make so that only one unit goes, the other stay in place. I propose that because it's the default behavior in Warzone, but note that in Warzone it's justified by the fact that you can send the complete group of units to grab the treasure (simply by clicking next to it). The same behavior would be interesting when you send a group to build or collect ressources : just send the units which are able to perform the work, and let the others where they are. In AoE II you can ask siege units to fire at a specific place, to deforest a region or to prepare an ambush. This feature would be useful in 0AD too. Edit: It looks like units can't carry resources of different types. If a worker carries 7 units of metal when you ask him to go mine stone, he will lose his metal when he starts to mine stone. Aesthetics : As the gates are asymetric, there is an inner side and an outer side, but the computer doesn't know how to turn the building. It causes some weird situations like doors with locks on the side of the enemy. It's not a game bug, just an aesthetics bug. And it would not make sense to add a button "change the side of the gate", as this won't change the game experience of the user, so I don't know what the solution is. Buildings' orientations are always the same. Giving a random position to buildings would make the cities look more realistic. (I think it's already like that in AoE III, not sure) Strangely, when I send units like Baguada (Skirmisher) killing an enemy unit, and that this unit is already dead, my Baguada seem to give a hit in the air. They are not actually lanching their javelins, but they begin the move and there is the sound of the javelins being launched. A lot of animations are missing. Citizen killing sheep, bears dying, trees falling, buildings being progressively damaged, wind blowing in the sails of ships when moving, etc. The siege machines should also have human operators to move them and make them fire. But I guess you already plan to correct all of these. I haven't played a lot with ships yet, but it seems that 0AD fails on the "No more tiny ships sinking other ships with arrows." statement for the moment. I don't know if you plan to give a charge ability to triremes so they can pierce the hull of enemy ships, but if you do, I can't wait to see that. Now the good points of the game : The medias. Graphics are awesome, and so is the music. The realism, the animations. I really like the fact that the cavalry generates clouds of dust when charging. The animation of the gates, the sound of the gates opening and closing are cool, too. The fact that every angle of a wall is a tower that fires arrows and allow garrisons. Makes the game realistic and awesome Historical accuracy. You guys do a very good job on that point. Congratulations. The ability for certain civilisations (such as Carthaginians) to train mercenaries from other civilisations. BTW, the Naval Shipyard looks great, too. Ships shooting arrows while they move. To sum up : My review is not as short as I expected. Sorry for that. 0AD has a huge potential, it's definitely going to be a wonderful game. The peformance issue is the n°1 bug to me. Then come the bugs of the strange behavior of the units, and then the lack of keyboard shortcuts. Keep up the great work !