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Amazing, Nice work, u'r doing great job .
http://bharatdiscove...1/15/Lothal.jpg This photo can become a good reference for ships (@Mythos _Ruler u said this line before ).That time ocean going ships existed. In literature its given one boat can accommodate 700 passengers. 30 oared, have been built in the Punjab for Alexander’s fleet. In that time quality of ships made in india is better then other countries. Unfortunately the material is meager in the description of ships in details and very rare pictures available. The interesting thing about mauryan sea trades: The early Mauryans were courageous and brave adventurers and during the reign of Eurgetes II (15BC-116BC), a Greek ruler who controlled the areas in the Arabian Gulf, a ship from India was stopped by the coast guard of that kingdom. It had a lone occupant who was half dead. He spoke a strange tongue which they could not understand. He was nursed back to health and taught Greek. He then narrated how he and a group of companions had started off from India, but had lost their course. His companions perished from hunger, and he managed to reach there (Egypt) alone. He proposed a plan by which if they agreed to let him return to his country he would show them the route they could take to reach India by sea. The Greek king sent Eudoxus of Cyzicus along with him. Eudoxus brought back with him many goods like precious stones. There is also another account of how some Indian navigators were blown by storms and eventually reached Germany. It is often said that some of the greatest inventions were accidents, similarly through a series of ventures and a few lucky accidents various sea routes were discovered and sea trade began to take place. The Mauryans soon built ships and hired them out for trade to merchants. The Mauryas had developed extensive trade relations and dealt with several countries like Syria and Egypt in addition to several others in the West. There were many foreign traders who took up residence in Mauryan cities, so much so that there was a separate committee to look after them. There were a variety of goods being exported and imported. The Mauryan kings used to import wines, figs, clothes and beautiful vessels made out of silver. The Mauryan exports were chiefly items of luxury like fine muslin cloth. The development of trade soon became profitable for the empire and eventually a separate department looked after trade and commerce and ensured that a transparent system was put in place. Standard weights and measures were used and all goods bore the official stamp. Towards the later Mauryan period sea trade began to take place, and there is an interesting story behind it.
I think mostly the things looks similar both times. In India architect of city is created according to VastuKala(Art of object: tells where structures and its followed man years before mauryan)and other things should be placed). but at that time they started using stones structure to build. As far as i know in abstract view there is not much difference. But in the End of mauryan civilization lot of new architect comes in Ashoka time. He build the budhisam temple. But there is not much difference. House architect: In india those type of house can be easily found in villages. Dressing: No difference at that time. Even sadi and langa is also in fashion this days but in modern way. yes "historical accuracy" in the game will be alright.
Yes, Mauryan Empire comes after the Alexander. When Alexander (sikandra) moves to conquer the world, he invaded the Persia. At that time Chanakya: a teacher in university (Takshila) relies that Alexandera soon will try to conquer India. He must be stop. Chanakya gone to maghad (powerful kingdom of that time) but maghad King (Dhanand) insulted him and throw him out from his palace. Chankaya take the oath, he will rid out the Dhnand and put a king who is suitable for that kingdom and can rule India. First he have to stop the Alexandera, but no king helping him. Then he found student Chandragupta, Who is not from Royal family. He trained him for years but in that time Alexandera conquer north western part of India (which is now known as Pakistan). Chankaya doesn't have any army. He knows he can't defeat Alexandera. Rather then defeating he decided tosend back the Alexandra. By chankaya strategy(niti) and Chandragupt (warrior and potential) Alexandera have to retreat back. Alexander was defeated and there is no fear to India from outside. Now Chanakya and his student Chandragupta moves toward to conquer Maghad. They defeated the Dhnand and its the end of nand empire and "starting of Mauryan empire". Mauryan name comes from Mother of Chandragupta Maurya called Mora gupta. When chanakya met with chandragupt(kid), by seeing his potential he decided he will be the one who is suitable to defeat Alexandera and can become a king of united India. Chandragupt also know as "Maurya". He got this name when he was fighting against Alexander. He use this name to hide his real identity. Chandragupt joined the Alexander military to know about them. In between he assassinate the Alexander solider. and to save himself he told Alexandera all killing are done by Maurya.
Looks Big and solid structures.
Nice video.
Indian weapons (In this some medieval weapons also showed) Costumes of mauryan period. For more reference: http://www.4to40.com...riods_321-72_BC
@listewie, Similar to this pix, you posted it before. i think it from foreign book(Russia). That time we talk about the costume(dhoti). Head cap: This type of head cap is never part Hindu culture. Especially its never wearied by Indian women. Lower body dress (Bharut), It must be folded to inner or cover it properly and it doesn't open like shown in pix. As far as i know the Sheilds used in are cricular. not flat rectangle.
Yes, don't know why they took only few false lines and start shouting. There are 1000's of evidence which shows chankya exist at Chandragupta time period. Poems of chanakya, Chankaya written books.If someone decipher completely those texts, it will show every aspects of that time. Scientist know trying to decipher them and i am amazed by the research of Space scientist Prof S.V. Bhavasar: http://news.bbc.co.u...sia/1986595.stm http://articles.time...efence-research
i haven't seen chankaya(tv series 90's) completely, but in Chandragupta maurya story is little bit different, Like meeting of chankaya with chandragupta first time, shows completely different. I don't point out thing about that show, It doesn't concern to 0ad. But i am a big fan of that Chandragupta maurya (Tv series). Other thing is what about this blog: Some researches shows Chankaya is myth: http://rupeenews.com...nt-mention-him/ http://jainismus.hubpages.com/hub/Chanakya-Was-Not-Kautilya
Lolss They shown the things in more in fantasy way. Well, I am not historical artist or game designer. My point of view: if they they made the stuff according to chankya show.. it will look some old indian village. Not the things of 0ad time period like shown in other civil more realistic. "I could be wrong in my view". ** I am so excited to play with Maurya civil** They done the great work in New civic center Mauryans. It looks magnificent.
Hm, you'r right, Well i am not concerned with all photos. **My mistake**, i haven't choose particular photos, which i want to show. *** it take time, i will do it tommorow, my internet not working this days properly *** my bad luck . Clothes: Tradition cloths are still followed dhoti and women dress (don't know exact hindi name, we call it lnga). Yes, but there are the things still followed. I see the houses in Chankay(TV shows), but i can say this type of houses are common in villages not in this days, but i seen it around 10 years ago and people live there. Even my village house is also made of mud and stones. You can found wooden or grass shelters in fields (khat). I think there is no real photo given of Maurya time Architect. There is pix's of temple made by ashoka. but that resembles more budhisum. About Gate: Here are the the gate and wall Shown in Chandragupta Mauryan "Tv series" https://dl.dropbox.com/u/95175457/Workspace%201_012.png Education Center ( popular university of that time) where education is only given to king sons. https://dl.dropbox.com/u/95175457/Workspace%201_010.png . What we can say about this, if u look at this university photo.. it doesn't look little bit similar today we see temples. But the Tv show position all the things properly as according to that patliputr education center architect. (training, conference, teacher rooms. and there is one map inside university which tells direction Where u can find particular room. Everything according to vastukala.
Yes not that useful, before posting i thought about this, then i realize it can give overview about ancient architect of India. Before ruling of British on India, India follow their traditional system. Especially pictures before 1700 BC. May be after seeing them, give little bit clarity to designer. Like boats, walls, costumes, flora and fauna.