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Everything posted by dvangennip

  1. For some units, yes, I can get confused. It seems higher units, like the hero Hannibal (elephant + blue housing on top), stand out from the crowd even if those are killed.
  2. There seems to be a slight problem with the Carthaginian houses. The assigned texture is that of the Iberian bull statue. So the following texture needs to be changed in the Carthaginian house actor XML file: structural/iber_bull_statue.png => structural/kart_struct.dds It seems too little a change to create a ticket in Trac for this, but hopefully someone can correct the slight problem.
  3. I think this game tries to go for historical accuracy. I am unaware of Gryphon or dragon skeletons being found, or used by the armies represented in this game I believe some birds will be added at some point in time, but those are just scenery / fauna. Healers can convert enemy units, at the least this functionality is planned. It is perhaps not as spectacular compared to mages, but more realistic.
  4. I believe all structures, or at the least the civil centre, provide healing to units. The temple structures provide much faster healing, plus those can garrison a lot of units (20).
  5. Having registered on this forum last week I was under the impression this arrow button meant 'back to top' When clicked it turns out I gave someone a very random thumbs up Perhaps the icon could be changed to a star or a plus, or an upward hand/thumbs up? That is, if you would like to keep it.
  6. I assume most of you are already aware, but when I was 'scavenging' the public mod files this weekend I stumbled upon a quite nice model for the Colosseum. It seems to lack textures though. Still, enough other civilizations to cater to
  7. I checked the Vimeo page of the video and it says it was captured at the University of Utrecht. Having used such a capturing system myself in a lab, I know this stuff is very expensive and usually not available beyond universities or bigger companies. Modern tech such as Microsoft's Kinect could make it become available to everyone at a fairly low price. The quality would be more than enough for a game like this. That would help speeding up animation work on war dogs, tigers, and such
  8. Hi all, I have made a new scenario map for the Romans Sandbox. The current one does not have all units (which the player could of course build herself) but it also features no water to try the ships, as it is based on a small Oasis map. With the new merchant ship a sandbox game to show it off could be nice My map features a large body of water, as well as the Roman temporary army camp with the turf walls to deal with a couple of Gauls nearby. In the South-west Carthaginians provide an oppurtunity to flex the Roman army's muscles Of course there is some place left to build new stuff, even though a fully equipped Roman city is available at the start. This being my first post I hope I can add a little to the game! Let me know if the map is not up to standards or unsuitable for use, I can try and improve on it. RomansSandbox2.zip
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