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Posts posted by eduh

  1. After the attempting make-you-click title lets begin with this idea.

    Its just that there are like, some mods that people do (like the China one) because they don't ship well with the main idea of how the game should be.

    What if, those extra contents are released with the game, but they are not activated, and you need to go to an extras page in the options and settings (which by the way have not been implemented yet right?) that enables to activate them into the game.

    This would encourage these mod-maker people to work because they know their work will still be somehow useful and represented.

  2. I like very much the TBS Total War style campaign. But I wouldn't put provinces. Instead, the map could have some sort of layer of this type: look at the second image: http://www.tycoon-games-review.com/Railroad-tycoon-3.html

    This is from Railroad Tycoon 3

    Well, this type of layer could show the level of population, agriculture and richness in certain zones. You would want then to shape your borders (not structured provinces please) thinking on the terrain (tried to be as realistic as Google earth) and these type of graphical statistics.

  3. Well yes, we put roads only for the sake of the awesomeness. And I am so sorry Sighvatr, but I am completely oblivious to any kind of programming skills. That's why I'm making a cool scenario (the only thing I'm able to contribute) that I hope it will be put in the game. Check 'And now for something completely different' thread and scenario map making sub forum.

    But there are already many road textures, so it would be relatively easy to make that option available, am I right?

  4. Said in a different way. Today we don't have the ability to build roads. And I don't know if there is a project or even mobilization to be it so. But I'll contribute with the little computerist skills that I have: spamming. Well, sort of.

    Wht don't we make roads able to be built? It would add so much depth and creativity to the gameplay. Not everything has to stick to AoE2. Pz plz plz plz plzzz :P

    Oh! And has someone played to 'The settlers 6'? (wooonderful and underrated game) Its to make you guys a better approach of what I'm trying to say.

  5. I really think that the following should be done. (note: I won't do it because I don't have time and means sorry xD)

    Someone in the 0AD team should stop doing on what he is doing and begin to do this:

    -Contact as many video-game companies as possible to announce the game so maybe some workers there might help in their free time

    -Contact with as many university faculties of computer engineering and all this stuff to attract students to make little projects that are actually worthy. Even contact professors to spread this thing.

    All the data is on the internet out there. The only thing that must be done is search a bit.

    Thank you for considering my proposal.

  6. PEOPLE!

    If you want some video game celtic art look upon the game 'Celtic Kings'. I would post the art archives here but that game is not in my computer right now. Oh and it is not 3D it's 2D but really nice to see seriously

    Some pics:






  7. 25-7-14 EDIT: Images on last post now, by page 3.

    I may now disappoint you.

    That said…
    Reading first how do I ideally want to be 0AD in this thread…(look all the images):


    I open this thread to announce this and to force myself to complete it. Is a fictional scenario called 'The Last Stand'

    200dC. In the western coast of Ireland, the emperor of the Celts (I know) resists the assault of thousand of Roman minions in his island fortress:

    This is the image:


    Romans in the south have a massive army and a little base.
    Celtic fortifications in epic proportions are all throughout the map.

    The map is nowhere to be finished, but I want to show you what are my ideas for maps.

    (Please, add highness to the maps!)

    EDIT: .xml and .pmp are in a compression file in page 3 post 7

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