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Posts posted by FeXoR

  1. "If a player leaves half way through a game":

    1.) This player should gain a "leave" (statistic for his account, or a loose independent on the games outcome).

    2.) (Since this might cause anger against the voting players - who didn't do anything wrong in the first place - it might be better to just skip this)

    A choice window could pop up asking if the game should end as a draw that only is accepted if all players of the "non-leaver-side(s)" accept it.

    For the mates of the leavers a "give up" choice could appear and, if accepted by all those players the game ends (if no draw accepted with victory for the non-leaver-side)

    3.) The AI should take control over the left players faction if no draw was excepted and the leaver side didn't give up (so the game continues).

    If a player leaves in a game that's always a hard decision what to do.

    1.) The player should be "punished" for not playing the game he "silently" accepted to play by joining it (counts for the player as leave/loose) and potentially destroying it for the remaining players.

    (An "unstable" connection sadly can't be an excuse here because that player should be considered responsible for his connection also)

    2.) The remaining players should be as less effected by this as possible (which is quite hard) without taking the win from the "non-lever-sides" (though potentially from the leavers allies - not much to do about this). So the AI should not be an "extremely hard" one for example (In fact I think it should be voted upon by the "non-leaver-side(s)" which AI is put in place).

    In short: A leave, however caused, counts as "give up" (to prevent players avoiding a loose by plugging their connection).

    I'm not that sure if a satisfying solution for the remaining players can be achieved at all.

    Some examples:

    - The game just ends as a draw: Players can avoid loosing by plugging

    - A loose for the leaver, otherwise a draw: A 3 vs. 3 game lost would only count as one loose for the 3 players (So plugging is still a "rewarding" behavior)

    - A loose for the player and continue the game without an AI/with an AI voted upon by the non-leaver-side(s) could be used by conspiring players on opposing sides

    - A loose for the leaving players, continued game with a fixed AI: The outcome of the game (if undecided before) now depends on the strength of the players (If weaker than the AI the AI grands an advantage to the leavers mates, otherwise a disadvantage)

    ...and so on.

    • Like 1
  2. Assuming mappers/modders provide a zip file containing maps/{scenarios,skirmish}/* and the ui folder with the preview image (can't remember that path), you can just drop that file into the user mod (see GameDataPaths on the wiki). (No compression or DEFLATE for the zip only.)

    That's the best way as is now, I agree. Still not very comfortable IMO.

    (E.g. the mappreview should be searched for in the path the map is in also)

  3. I think that one of the goals is to have a quite generic AI, without hard-coded expectations. This isn't 100% possible, but it's something that can be aimed for.

    I agree.

    There should be another AI for the unmoded game if that turns out not to work as well (meaning the AI isn't as strong a player as it could be... what I expect).

  4. Proposal for the randomBiome overhaul:


    @ Spahbod:

    We obviously have to find out what you though when you added e.g. '"12-13":Other miscellaneous terrain textures.' and find some more telling names.

    I'm not sure if I really whant to get involved in this but it would REALLY help if you don't ever dare to add something like this to a RMGEN lib...

    If it's not ready just keep it in your map and after it is suitable as a lib extract it to a lib... but PLZ not before!

    (Because otherwise it gets used and the change becomes a lot harder...)

    So if we find some telling names I will continue ^^.

    P.S.: IMO the tree actor should only be a temporary solution (This is cause by a bug in the unit and player AI and so it should be fixed there in the end).

    We really should stop "working around bugs" (no matter if caused in RMGen) so they are noted as those and get fixed.

    • Like 1
  5. I'm working on a new random biome system.

    (I can't advise to do such thing because it's sooo boring...)

    However, I'm OK with the alpine biome so far.

    Input about the alpine biome, the hightmap in general and the random biome systems structure (so far, heavily work in progress, not used yet) very welcome.

    Some screenshots (sadly with very poor graphics settings ATM):



    - Cliff detection comes out quite nice

    - Stones placed on rough terrain are not sunken deep enough into the ground, so somehow "flying" (PLZ fix that)

    - Reachability of all trees are not guaranteed but I never encountered unreachable trees (However, I really think the unit AI should handle this)

    • Like 1
  6. I would like to get to the program I start right away.

    No splash-screen/logo, intro, advertisement or intro video.

    This may be nice at the first start but it is annoying at the second (not to mention the 1000ths time)

    So as is is good ^^

  7. This is just barely related:




    Zooled "out": post-14196-0-69757500-1406899983_thumb.j

    Zoomed "in": post-14196-0-12310600-1406900026_thumb.j

    Best settings at revision 15473 for me:

    gentangents = "false"
    lobby.chattimestamp = "true"
    locale = "en_US"
    multiplayerserver = ""
    particles = "true"
    playername = "FeXoR"
    postproc = "false"
    preferglsl = "false"
    shadowpcf = "true"
    shadows = "true"
    showdetailedtooltips = "true"
    showsky = "true"
    silhouettes = "true"
    splashscreendisable = "true"
    splashscreenenable = "false"
    splashscreenversion = "0"
    userreport.enabledversion = "1"
    userreport.id = "7c341b4bae1f35b5"
    watercoastalwaves = "false"
    waterfancyeffects = "false"
    waterfoam = "false"
    waternormals = "true"
    waterrealdepth = "false"
    waterreflection = "false"
    waterrefraction = "false"
    watershadows = "false"
    waterugly = "false"

    However, I can't get refraction to work though I know it worked at some point. (That was sooo cool ^^):

    Some picture from those days: http://www.wildfiregames.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=17642&page=4#entry287432

    And for comparison at r15473 with the above settings:


    The next day...


    Found another glitch:


    Actual version with settings:

    gentangents = "false"
    lobby.chattimestamp = "true"
    lobby.login = "FeXoR"
    locale = "en_US"
    multiplayerserver = ""
    particles = "true"
    playername = "FeXoR"
    postproc = "false"
    preferglsl = "false"
    shadowpcf = "true"
    shadows = "true"
    showdetailedtooltips = "true"
    showsky = "true"
    silhouettes = "true"
    splashscreendisable = "true"
    splashscreenenable = "false"
    splashscreenversion = "0"
    userreport.enabledversion = "1"
    userreport.id = "7c341b4bae1f35b5"
    vsync = "false"
    watercoastalwaves = "false"
    waterfancyeffects = "false"
    waterfoam = "false"
    waternormals = "true"
    waterrealdepth = "false"
    waterreflection = "false"
    waterrefraction = "false"
    watershadows = "false"
    waterugly = "false"

  8. wowgetoffyourcellphone:

    I'm not entirely sure but AFAIK it was only one person rude.

    In general I feel it's still a quite nice place to be.

    (And without meaning to offend anyone personally: IMO as communities grow, the mood converges towards the mood of society in general.

    So if this was a notably friendly (so above the average) community it will go towards a less friendly community (the average) just by becoming popular.)

    For me the game stutters at normal speed already so (without having tried yet) it'd likely be unplayable for me at 1.25 times the normal speed.

    (My hardware is about 10 years old though)

    I'm not really sure I get the point of this "balancing branch" at all...

    (If some PPL like it that's good, ofc.. but IMO it does not and should not dictate the way the project goes

    If we find some nice things on the path that's great ofc.

    Going toward just another fast paced/hectic RTS only won by purely/mainly offensive strategies would be a disaster though...)

  9. I tried it on my surface, and only a quarter of the screen shows! AGHAGHAGHAGHAGH

    Anyone know how to fix this?

    I don't even know what problem you are facing.

    Please describe the changes you did (if any), in which order you did things and what exactly the malfunction is.

    Only like that it's likely (or even possible) to fix your problem.

  10. > neither deep nor shallow water

    Would you set them to deep or shallow?

    Perfectly I'd look into the code or ask at http://webchat.quakenet.org/?channels=0ad-dev what's up about this (In fact it looks like a bug to me).

    If I felt to lazy for that (or as a temporary solution) I'd set it to deep water to not confuse the player that this area would be passable (If meant for the player at all though bots would likely be confused too).

  11. One reason for this might be that we use different code (for e.g. slope) in the different parts of the game (e.g. Engine, Simulations, Random maps).

    [i'd prefer one shared lib for such functions]

    In this case however it's more likely that it's simply the "Import Heightmap" functionality that cuts a part of the image (AFAIK to please the engines need for square maps with even side lengths). So the original and the resulting map do not fit.

    Also take into account that if the image is (eventually cut to) X*X in size the slope map is [X-1]*[X-1] in size because you need 2*2 heights to get a plane witch than has a slope.

    The "neither deep nor shallow water" thing is entirely unknown to me.

  12. Hi tomoco.

    Have you tied NOT to enter windowed mode?

    What happens if you start the game with your mentioned settings?

    Alt+Enter caused some problems for me too but just using fullscreen (and Alt+Tab to get to other programs temporarily if needed) works flawlessly.

  13. Towers as defensive buildings can only be build in owned territory and they can't move.

    They should be strong (have a good price/value ratio) in early game to enable defensive strategies vs rushes/offensive strategies. They loose their strength in city phase due to availability of siege engines and they should not get much stronger then (ATM there's no upgrade at all for towers in this phase though a general "tougher buildings" tech might be good - but no offensive upgrade).

    Additionally stone (and metal) as a resource is much more valuable than food (and on most maps wood as well). So the price might seam low at the beginning but not being able to pay for catapults (or in a lesser extend slingers) later on (or have to barter/trade for the needed stone) is a real drawback of excessive use of stone early in the game (and I feel slingers cost to much stone for vilage phase units - as swordsman cost to much metal IMO).

    Building a civic centre early in front of the enemy base is expensive and risky. Just a bit of scouting can counter this.

    If a player succeeds with this strategy its entirely OK IMO if he got "repaid" for taking the risk of loosing the resources when his CC is taken down.

    IMO defensive structures should be available even earlier (village phase, not necessarily defense towers but some sort of tower stronger than the outpost but only buildable in owned territory) but that would not fit the phase design well and the civic soldiers could be considered an early defense though they can be used offensively as well (which is my point).

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