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Posts posted by Inazuma

  1. Thanks for the info guys :)

    I think the main point I was getting at about the territorial borders, is that it doesn't really add anything to the experience or enjoyment of the game. It's an artificial restricter, and players don't like that.

    Yes in SC2 buildings are usually built around the mineral line, however rush strats are possible due to Protoss' warp tech, Terran's bunkers, Zerg's speed as well as a few other ways. However considering 0AD is closer to AOE gameplay, I was more referring to it. i.e. unrestricted building placement.

    In terms of using a civic as a precursor to foward building. Well I'm not sure how useful that is, because to begin with you need at least a dozen guys to even build it within a reasonable time. All those guys take up time to build too. I don't know, maybe I'm just too used to AOE's speed; and in general it's best (due to ever decreasing attention span and spare time) to make game speed at least as fast as the predecessor's (I know AOE3 isnt really your predecessor, but you know what I mean).

    Again, really love what you all have done :drunk: These are just the issues I had which if/when fixed would increase mine and hopefully others' enjoyment of the game :)

  2. Hi everyone,

    Been following this project for many years now and am glad to see it in working condition :D

    Here's a few suggestions based on my experience with other RTS's. I know that "realism" is a big influence in your game design choices, so some suggestions you may not agree with.

    • Game speed needs to be increased dramatically. I'm not just talking about gather and train rates, but the speed that units move and, of almost equivocal important- speed of the animations. I could possibly help you on this (animation)... but not for another half a year.
    • More feedback - I need to hear when a unit's training or a construction finishes. I need to see when units die (preferably with a loud "URGH" followed by a gush of blood). I units to say "yes sir" in their language whenever I give them a command. Whenever a mine runs out or a farm has finished it's harvest, I want to hear some sort of feedback.
    • Unit pathing for a group of units is really awkward at the moment. Game breaking almost.
    • Attack-move function and Idle villager button.
    • Again to do with speed, but buildings really need to die faster.
    • Territorial borders seems like a gimmick "feature" to me I'm sorry to say. And it seriously hinders strategies involving forward building or rushing. AOE3 had a similar problem.

    Other than that, it's looking great. The art is fantastic (albeit getting dated). However I think you should divert resources to fixing gameplay rather than improving the engine and assets (most importantly, the speed, feedback and pathing).


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