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Everything posted by Zeeky_Bombard

  1. I'm Jewish myself, and I'm going on the day right after my last day of school. I have, however, never been there before, even though half my family is there (sad, isn't it?) I can't really help with your question, I know nothing of programming. Welcome.
  2. Post here about what you would like to see a screenshot of. Maybe the team will post it I'll add it to the list, will probably check every day. List of requested screens: Zeeky_Bombard: 1. Naval Combat (or at least units on ships) 2. Gathering Resources 3. Persian chariots riding past a Roman army while firing arrows at them TheCobra1: 1. Late Roman Roman footsoldier FirePowa8: 1. The New Spartiate 2. Presian Medes and Immortals 3. New and Awesome Water toph 1. A big battle 2. A town of a civilization besides the Celts 3. Screenshots of the map added in 4002 Belisarivs: 1. Persian Cataphract 2. Carthigian Sacred Cavalry illyrian: 1. Showcase: Greek Phalanx 2. Formations for all the civs, particularly Roman Legions and Cavalry. Swordsworn: 1. Ranged units in formation. Lord Typaer: 1. Landscape scenes, especially a new winter one Yamato Take: 1. Carthaginians fighting Romans or Iberians
  3. None (I think). I'm 5/8 Russian, 1/4 Ukranian, and 1/8 cossack.
  4. My lords, I've made a poem on the fall of Rome. I'd love it if you could squeeze it into the campaign somewhere Anyhow, here it is. They were destined to succeed, not to bow, kneel, or plead. And yet, Rome was falling, History was calling, They had a great hoard, Yet, now, Died by the sword. Rome does not stand, No cities band, No knowledge occurs, No learning stirs, For they had been rushed, And they had been crushed, By the might of the outer world.
  5. My lords, I'd like to have shallows in the game, not the AOK version but more like the rivers in RON. Just give it cool graphics in which all the units wade through with small splashes, move slower, and take 2x damage. Also, there is a chance that (15% maybe), when a shallow crosser is attacked, it takes 3x damage and is knocked down, causing it to take 3x damage, removes all attack and movement, and takes about 5 seconds to get up. This would not apply to seige and maybe heavy cavalry. Then, you can also place cointaners of buring pitch on top of walls/towers and have a chance to ignite enemy units. Attacked could climb onto the wall/tower and use the pitch to their advantage. Some seige weapons would also be able to use it (remember the awesome alchemy catapults in the AOE 1 intro)? Then, you can maybe have a blacksmith/armory upgrade building like in AOK/AOM for researching upgrades, as well as creating personalized weapons. You can bring a soldier to your blacksmith and pay a certain amount of ore (can't we call it metal ) and the smith will create a custom weapon for that specific soldier, taking, say, 45 seconds. The soldier can later pich up the weapon for x1.5 attack. If the soldier is killed before he picks up the weapon, it goes to waste. It wouldn't be too effective for citizen soldiers and the such, but great for heroes. Then, you can have a plow or something (I'm not too great with history of the time period) that you use to sow salt in fields, effectively destroying and ruining the terrain so that a new farm cannot be built on that location. And, um... Make the walls big. And cool. And have stone walls only able to be attacked by seige (like in RAF). Can't think of anything else... Oh! Make a "home guard" type of building that makes free (weak) militia when enemies go near it. Maybe make it unique to the Spartans (are they even in the game?) because the had the *insert big word I forgot here* (slaves) that fought too (I think). Um... Do you know if nvdia gforce 6800 supports the OpenGL thing, cause I never heard of it before? BTW CheeZy, your AOM stuff owns. Everyone, go buy AOM and play his stuff to pass the time
  6. Hey guys, I just found about about 0AD yesterday, and I like what I see (especially the freeware part ) That is the coolest thing ever. So, yeah.
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