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Everything posted by Lion.Kanzen

  1. sugiero buscar en el anexo: https://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anexo:Animales_emblemáticos_de_cada_país cada animal no es emblemático solo por su belleza si no por lo común que solían ser. allí esta este por ejemplo. https://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Xoloitzcuintle o el Manati https://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Trichechus el Perezoso https://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Folivora Aguila Arpia de panama https://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Harpia_harpyja
  2. Colony towers tend to be smaller and look like a small CC mix with a barrack.
  3. the topology us a good contribution.
  4. From Praetorians. At start... check those snow moving effects on screen.
  5. the maps for now it is easier to adapt subtropical biomes as we don't have everything that is needed to create maps of North China. How is North China at the biome level?
  6. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hanyusuchus https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Northern_Sumatran_rhinoceros
  7. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Palaeoloxodon_namadicus also some extinct species. some elephants are a mystery.I do not know until what period they lived or it is not completely certain. this one survived until 3000 years ago, but who knows. https://nationalzoo.si.edu/animals/asian-elephant Not all elephants develop visible tusks. In Asian elephants, only some males have large, prominent tusks. Most female and some male Asian elephants have small tusks, called tushes, which seldom protrude more than an inch or two from the lip line. Elephas maximus rubridens. The Chinese elephant, also called the pink tusked elephant (Elephas maximus rubridens), is one of the two extinct subspecies of the Asian elephant. It became extinct in the 15th century A.D. It was scientifically described in 1950 by the Sri Lankan zoologist Paules Edward Pieris Deraniyagala (1900-1976). The existence of elephants in ancient China is attested both by archaeological evidence and by depictions in Chinese artwork. Long thought to belong to an extinct subspecies of the Asian elephant named Elephas maximus rubridens, they lived in Central and Southern China before the 14th century BC. They once occurred as far north as Anyang, Henan in Northern China.[1] The elephant is mentioned in the earliest received texts, including the Shijing, Liji, and Zuozhuan.[2] The oracle bone script and bronzeware script glyphs for elephant are pictographic depictions of an animal with a long trunk. Their modern descendant is the regular script character 象 (Standard Modern Chinese, xiàng)
  8. how about the pandas? they are very famous and iconic.
  9. https://es.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vermilingua Falta el Oso Hormiguero. https://www.google.com/search?hl=es&q=Oso hormiguero
  10. Nos faltan: Tucán, no ví aún ningún Quetzal y el Flamengo.
  11. Faltaría la versión de la Panthera Onca de color negro. https://reinoanimalia.fandom.com/es/wiki/Pantera_Negra
  12. La tengo como idea para todo el juego. No solo los Mayas.
  13. Ironically, the skin tones of the westerns are the same (or relative) as those of Pompeii.
  14. la solución oficial es. deshabilita TLS, See https://videos.pair2jeux.tube/w/1XZRV3KkeekuafgUg4sif8 ticket relacionado https://trac.wildfiregames.com/ticket/4705#comment:52 topic relacionado.
  15. and a gay cowboy painting but is the most close with the style. is only the torso i need the colors and deatils. these style is fine with the archer. the problem with modern art is that it is very pretentious, it does not reach the simplicity and grace of neoclassical or baroque. all modern art is based on modern pretensions, there is no modesty or virtue in it. it's all cinematic like modern holywood, but what about the theatrical hollywood? the war between synthetic vs. natural. McDonald's or Burger King with Beyond the Meat vs. what I can prepare at home in a healthy way.
  16. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sceptre To mean dominion, and glory, and a reign. can be used for oligarchy or oligarchic democracy.
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