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Posts posted by raymond

  1. Just decrease the cost of the civic centre from currently 500 each resources to (maybe) 250. Also a little bit the building time.

    I do understand encourage players to expand, but this way is not the right one, I think.

    Another thing: it is also very hard to defend because of a wide area and the field hp is decreased from 120 to 100. So maybe you need to make turret cheaper or give more hp?

  2. Hello,

    the patch #13405 changes the following:

    Farm Field yield increased from 2000 food to 5000 food. Max gatherers: 5 per field (from 20).

    So players need much more space for fields to have a fast income in food. Why these changes?

    Better would be 4000 food fields and 10 gatherer per field (so double it and half it). Only 5 workers per field (on this big field) is to less.

    Some maps are to small/not ideal to create much more fields. Or you must enlarge the blue line of the civic centre.

    Building time also increased from 60 to 100 seconds?! In total: it increase massively the playing time for each game.



  3. Hello,

    suggestion: possibility to build to more house types:

    basic house only add 5 population = should be in the first phase

    town phase: new house type which add 10 population per house

    city phase: new house type which add 15 population per house

    (or maybe only two kinds of houses...bigger houses should need more space)

    Alternative: the current basic house which from beginning provide 10 population

    Or: research (in civic center or house) which make it possible to add more supply per house (available in town or city phase)

    Why: with a population cap of 300 you need 60 houses. Need also to much space, build time and wood. It isn't to much?!



  4. I think modes like

    - have 15000 food to win

    - have 15000 wood to win

    - have 15000 stone to win

    - have 15000 metal to win

    - conquer 1/2 of the map to win

    - build a wonder of the world and defend it for 15 minutes

    - have 150 army units

    would be nice.

  5. Barter is the exchange of resources in the market (the buttons on the left).

    Yes I know :)

    Trade is the generation of resources by traders when moving back and forth between two markets.

    But why is it possible to trade with itself?

    I think it is better to deactivate the possibility to trade with itself and instead enable re-growing trees.

  6. If a tree is cut down, it is possible that a new tree can grow anywhere? In some maps there are only a few trees on the map.

    Another Tread: http://www.wildfireg...showtopic=16479

    So I hope there are some people for re-growing trees, because in the late game it is the one only renewable resource. And: in the late game tradings rate is very expensive (e.g. 100 food for 10 wood) if you trade a lot.

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