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0 A.D. Project Leader
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Everything posted by Stan`

  1. Hey everyone, I am writing this post to let you know I will become mostly unavailable in the three coming weeks starting Tuesday. "All we have to do is decide what to do with the time that is given to us." It's an opportunity for me to regain some of the energy to keep working on this project and to rest in general. I'll be at the open source experience in November in Paris and at the CDL in Toulouse so they will be my only 0ad-related tasks Social Media might be a bit silent too for a while. If you see people having issues there, don't hesitate to help/direct them to the forums. I count on everyone of you to help make A27 a success and to be nice when I'm gone, and I hope to see you all soon. See you soon folks,
  2. Yeah you might want to check what mods are enabled. you can do 0ad -mod=mod or edit the configuration file directly.
  3. Wait why do you have an unlabeled version of Alpha 24? You need to have 0ad-26* and 0ad-data26*
  4. Can you access the options? If so you can you try -
  5. Or you could have the stats mirror the other damage stats. We could also have a gamemode (like the deathmatch mode) that resets the stats to a certain value so that it's one in SP and a various value in MP.
  6. Just put the image in google translate?
  7. Gettings mod on mod.io is the priority I'd say. IIRC there are some issues with Ponies (there is an issue open there) Aristeia needs an update, then there are all my unfinished mods.
  8. As you saw from the recent incidents, "0 A.D." is not a thing. It's a project by SPI (spi-inc.org) so we are not legally allowed to hold funds. And only SPI can decide the means through which they accept donations.
  9. No active artists in the team
  10. It's not up to us to decide what is or not accepted. It's SPI. You can contact them directly.
  11. Given your pants are black I think it might be GIMP at play. There is a weirdly undocumented feature of GIMP when exporting a PNG > Stanislas Dolcini: The background color on a png of a full alpha pixel becomes the background color of the brush when exporting [...] Try to set your background brush to white. If that still does not work, add a white layer with 1% opacity below your texture prior to exporting to png. Also note that actors do not change color, only actors with templates do. PS: Would you like to make your mod available on mod.io for all A26 users ? 0ad.mod.io This way it can be downloaded from the game. It just needs a team signature to check there are no viruses in it.
  12. They shouldn't other than when rejoining. They can lag as much as they want since A26
  13. Well you can have torches with particles already. We can also add prop points to make fire pop up when building is damaged. This is already possible just not the art. For multiple attacks switching we need bb's patch but I suppose that if one can switch to melee you can also switch to a specific attack only for buildings (I guess) IIRC there is no fire damage right now because at the time people felt it wasn't much more realistic.
  14. Clone the repository of an earlier date, and compile it.
  15. Sounds complicated and might be a resource for disaster although true coop would be nice.
  16. I believe removing multiple damage types at the same time eg having hack and pierce on the same unit might make balancing easier without the need for counters.
  17. Hey, Welcome to the forums, very pleased you like the game.
  18. Did you register first ? What is your lobby username?
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