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  1. The way in which this game is developing is great. I personally am so tired of how the commercial game makers so focused on the over-the-top graphics and everything else just takes a "backseat". What's sad about, the buying customers insist on it being that way. It's shameful what the commercial gaming industry is releasing today and have the nerve to treat their paying customers like thieves. 0 A.D. is a modern marvel. It is a show case of excellent game play and beautiful graphics and it's still in its' Alfa stage of development. 0 A.D. is proof, that games in Linux can have beauty and without compromise.
  2. I agree with you on this. I rather it be based on the real world theories, the more resources you apply to something the faster it get produced. The feature that allow one to speed up and/or slow down the game, takes away from the real world realism.
  3. Ubuntu 10:10 32 win 7 pro 32 win xp 32 home
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