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Posts posted by edwardlongshank

  1. hi all

    Just wondering if there are any games similar to age of mythology that i could play while waiting for o ad to be completed, i have played aom for years but there are very few players left who play it online so its not as much fun anymore. I am really after a game that focuses equally on military and economy although these days i know how rare these sort of games are. Anyways if anybody has any suggestions please let me know, i have heard about a series called Total War but even the name suggests that its not really what i am looking for, never the less if some of you think its any good then please let me know because i will consider trying it or any other suggestions that you have. Oh and the game does not have to have myth units, i am not that picky.

  2. OK i would like to start of by making the point that i am not completely familiar with every aspect of o ad so some of the ideas i suggest may already be planned or perhaps have already been suggested and decided against. I would also like to make another point that these ideas have not had any testing or a whole lot of thought put in to them in terms of how feasible they are. I would like to say that if any of my ideas contradict or in some way undermine the aim and objectives of the o ad team let it be known that it is not my intention to do so and i apologize in advance if any of my ideas do appear to be of that nature. My ideas have been based on my knowledge of rts games, my small knowledge of history and my imagination so if any of the comments/statements i have made are incorrect please let me know. Just to warn you i have not had a chance to fully edit this post yet as i ran out of time while writing it and posted it so that i did not risk loosing what i had written, i will edit it as soon as i can. If you don't want to read the reasoning behind my ideas just go to the bottom of the page and the summary will pretty much tell you most of what i am suggesting.

    Ok so my first idea is , drum role.........

    Cavalry - The first issue i have with cavalry is that they *cost* or *take* more population than non cavalry units. I assume this is because the horse also counts as being part of the *population* however from what i gather the *population* on o ad is simply any unit that requires infrastructure (housing). Housing may represent more than just a roof over peoples or *units* head although i don't think that on o ad it does. If this is the case then cavalry should not be considered to be part of the *population* as they do not require the same type of *housing* as peoples or *non cavalry units*. Correct me if i am wrong but i don't think that the majority of people slept with their livestock under the same roof until the dark/middle ages or before the period that o ad covers, well not the Romans at least. Horses also require vast amounts of land to have enough food, something that people do not, the land that horses require may already be represented by *farms* in o ad however if so i don't think that is an accurate representation of the type of land and space that horses actually require because farmland ( land that can be used to produce a significant amount of food )is nearly always fully taken advantage of to produce food for people while larger less fertile amounts of land that cant or wont be utilized to produce food for humans are used to support horses. In simple terms farms that feed humans are mostly different to farms that feed horses.

    I may be completely wrong about cavalry units *costing* extra population because of the horse its self, it may be that it takes more population because there's just a person needed other than the rider to look after the horse. In either case i think that there should be a separate population for people and horses for reasons already said above. I think that the amount of horses a player is allowed to have should be determined by the amount of territory that he controls and some territories of the same size should perhaps be able to provide a greater population than others. By that i mean maps that are located in Greece should not be able to support as many cavalry due to most of the region being mountainas, rocky and barren as maps located in more fertile regions. I think that cavalry units should still obviously require some human population cost which will likely be greater than the cost of non cavalry units. Some areas on a map should be able to support a greater horse population than others while perhaps also being less rich in resources like wood or stone. In simple terms the player can decide if he wants to expand into an area which will give him a a greater population of horses or more wood/stone/metal.

    The same type of thing could be applied to farming, some lands increase the productivity of any farms constructed in that area while other lands slow down the rate of farming. One obvious issue is how can you make it easy for players to tell which land areas are the best to farm on or expand to increase horse population. A landmark man made or natural could maybe be put in the area which you can select to show the outline of the area, similar to the territory outline, the difference being that this outline only appears when you select the landmark. The landmark could be the remains of a abandoned/destroyed town or a group of lush green vegetation, it does not really matter to much as long as it stands out. Ok that's a general outline of my cavalry population idea, i will elaborate more on it later. I am joking, i know i have probably already gone into wayyyyyy to much depth for my idea at this point in time and i apologize if i bored you to death!

    Ok so a few other ideas i have for cavalry.

    I think cavalry should have the ability to Charge and by that i mean Run at a very fast pace in a disorderly fashion for a short period of time with the intention of colliding with or dispersing the enemy and causing a great amount of damage in a very short time frame. I am not sure if this type of thing can be accomplished but i think just about everyone is in favor of it, aside from perhaps the people who would have to do actually do all the programming work to make it possible and i would not blame them for hating me for even suggesting such a gigantic task. I don't actually have any idea what sort of work would be involved in making it possible but i think it could really take the game to a whole new level.

    Ok last one of my ideas for today,

    I think cavalry should have different speeds and *energy levels*, for example if your trying to raid ( kill enemy villagers ) while avoiding/escaping the enemy's main forces then you want your cavalry to be moving at a very fast speed, on the other hand if your marching your army to the enemy then you may want your cavalry to stick by your other units and so you don't really need your cavalry to be moving very fast at all, if your being pursued by the enemy and your attempting to retreat then you really want your units to be going as fast as possible and a short burst of speed is likely all that's needed to avoid a massacre. If you are using your cavalry to scout then you don't want them moving at full speed because they wont be able to get a good look at everything and will soon run out of energy as scouting is a often a big task. Sorry let me go back a step.

    I think that that obviously there should be a direct correlation between the cavalry speed and energy levels, the faster the cavalry move - the more energy they use, the less energy they have - the slower they are able to go. The cavalry should be able to regain energy that they lose from running when they are stationary and regain energy levels even faster when they are within the players own territory. When scouting the cavalry LOS ( Line of sight ) should be relative to the speed that they are moving at - the faster they move the smaller there LOS.

    Ok for those of you who have niether the time or interest in reading the arguments behind my ideas hears a summary that will will basically just tell you what my ideas are.

    Separate population for people and horses

    Population of horses restricted by amount of territory controlled

    Some Maps have ability to support larger horse population than others

    Some areas of a map can support greater population of horses than other areas,

    These areas are marked by a landmark in combination with a temporary outline similar to that of a territory outline

    Cavalry have the ability to Charge

    Cavalry have energy levels and different speed options

    Cavalry use up more energy when going faster

    Cavalry regain energy when resting

    Cavalry have greater LOS (Line of sight) When moving slower

    Ok thanks for reading, Please tell me what you think of my ideas and be completely honest.

    Sorry for the poor spelling/grammar/punctuation, it does not come easy to me.

  3. I have two suggestions

    Dercetius is a Romano-Iberian mountain god.

    Duillae are the goddesses of fertility and vegetation which were worshiped by the iberian.

    Unfortuantly at the moment i dont have much information on either of them but ill search for some info when i get time. I did however find a perfect iberian candidate for E which is Endovelicus. Hewas associated with chthonic oracles and healing, and was probably the recipient of pig sacrifices.

    After the Roman invasion, his cult spread to most of the Roman Empire, but was always most popular in the Roman provinces of Lusitania (covering part of what is now Portugal) and Betica (located in Southern Spain). Thus he is considered part of the Roman mythology and the related Lusitanian and Gallaecian mytology.

    Rest of the info is at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Endovelicus.

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